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By the time Ivy reached home, it was already 8 PM. Ivy was contemplating whether she should meet Matt at this hour or not. Coincidentally, Lisa messaged to meet at her home. Seizing this opportunity, Ivy directly went to the penthouse with Jack. After ringing the bell twice, Lisa opened the door and welcomed both Ivy and Jack. Lisa hugged Jack immediately and kissed him on his cheek. Lisa, could see Jack was very tired but still joyful and asked him 'Where were you the entire day? I came for you so we could play on the ground, but you both were nowhere and I couldn't even reach you by phone.' Before Ivy could reply, Jack immediately said 'We went out to play in the Kid's Park with Uncle Robin.' Both Lisa and Matt got puzzled and looked at Ivy. Ivy felt awkward, by their stares. So, she explained, Robin offered he would take Jack to Kid's Park and I agreed as Jack is quite stressed since he has come to this new place. That's a good thing. Kids forget easily about the sad incidents soon rather than we 'adults', said Matt. Ivy couldn't decipher the meaning behind Matt's words, but she could feel, that he was talking about her. Lisa asked 'How was your day, Jack?' Soon, Jack starts his version of today's events, what he did at the Kid's Park, and how his final words shocked everyone, especially Ivy, as she had already warned him not to think like that. 'I liked Uncle Robin. I always used to listen to my friends saying how their dad would spend holidays with them. Now, I can feel how it is. I wish Uncle Robin to stay with us. What do you think Aunt Lisa?' Lisa knows Robin loves Ivy very much. She too once wished both of them together, but God has other plans and Ivy married that bastard. After their divorce, Lisa always thought to persuade Ivy about Robin, but at that time Ivy was completely in denial about any relationship and sometimes, she even didn't like to talk with her. At that time, Lisa, couldn't able to disrupt Ivy's mental condition more horrible. Now is the chance, at least Robin is a reliable guy. So Lisa said, ' Why not? But, your Mom has to agree to it. After all, she has given divorce to your Dad first to marry Uncle Robin.' Lisa felt proud of herself, as one shot three birds. Ivy could openly confess that she divorced Jack's dad, and can marry Robin. As for Jack, he wouldn't insist on his Dad and can happily live with Robin as his new Dad. Even Robin would be happy with Ivy. No one said a word to what Lisa said. Ivy was shocked, Matt was angry, and Jack was figuring out what divorce was. Aunt Lisa, divorce means I could never meet my dad anymore? Jack asked. Specifically not, just your father and mother would live separately, and your mother could marry Uncle Robin and he would stay forever with you. That's what you want right? And your Dad has never been with you anyway. That's right! Jack said playfully... Enough! What are you trying to imply in the kid's brain? Please take him from here, I need to speak with Matt for five minutes, please. Ivy requested Lisa, seeing her proactiveness in pairing up her and Robin, which she felt was inappropriate. After Lisa took Jack from there, Ivy looked into Matt's eyes who was confused and tensed to speak with her. One thing he is scared about Ivy is, she never forgives the people who cheated on her. Only Jack's Dad is given the slightest exemption because Jack is persistent or she would never forgive him even to meet him in this life. Do you want to speak with me about anything? Matt asked slowly. No. I want to ask you something. Is the Mr. President J is him? Ivy asked on point. Who? Matt played dumb. Are you kidding me or just playing dumb? Ivy retorted. Look, Matt, I have always respected you and Lisa from the bottom of my life and am willing to do anything I can. That's the main reason I've shifted to this city even though I dislike being here. You know very well, why I left this place 2 years ago. I never want to see him. I agree that I was willing to oblige Jack and ready to make him meet his father. That doesn't mean I'm okay with co-parenting. He is the cause of my parent's death and I will never forgive him ever, even for Jack. Look, if you are doubting me, I couldn't argue about it. All I can say is that Lisa has never revealed your whereabouts to anyone. Lisa even hid it from Robin as well, even though he asked about you numerous times. If you still don't want to trust us, that's okay. I'm sure Mr. J is someone I know. If it is not him, then who is he? Are you saying that I don't know this Mr. J? I don't know whether you know him or not, but all I can say is, he is not the one you are looking for. Though Ivy was doubtful, she could feel Matt was telling the truth and she didn't want to dwell on this too much. Relieved that it is not him at least. So, whoever it is, none of her concern, and all she needs is to go at a slower pace. I don't know what's happened recently. Jack was never this stubborn regarding his dad, but from the day she came here, he has been very persistent. He might be missing his dad dearly, and seeing all his friend's parents, he will feel sad. That's why I always try my best to spend time with Jack whenever I can. Ivy felt a little guilty hearing his thoughts, and she was doubtful of him earlier regarding his ex-husband. I'm sorry, Matt. I'm not doubtful of you but, I'm scared to meet him. I'm afraid, he would snatch my son away from me. I know, I can understand. But, you have me and Lisa and we never let that happen, Matt said what he felt truly. Ivy felt grateful towards them and was about to leave from there, but Lisa informed Jack has already slept in the guest room. Don't want to disturb him, Ivy left alone to her apartment saying she would come early in the morning. Why didn't you tell her about Julian? He is a very good guy and willing to help Ivy and Jack. I would be a fool to trust that guy once, but trusting him a second time would make me a baffoon. Why are saying that? Lisa asked. Because it is what I should do from the start but since Julian's brother is a genuine guy, I believe his brother is also the same. But, he is not and I warn you Lisa, never trust him or prolong a conversation with him when you meet him tomorrow. You are scarring me, Matt!
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