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Ivy thought to ask Matt about the mystery President, but before she could reach him, he got a phone and went out while talking over it. Ivy thought to follow him, but Robin interrupted, 'So, shall we go ahead for the Cafe?' Unable to delay the coffee meeting and pick up Jack, as she intended to give a surprise, Ivy went with Robin, deciding she would speak with Matt after going home. As they reached the parking lot, Robin got a call, he went to the office again asking her to wait. Ivy thought to pick Jack first and head to the cafe. So, she left a message to Robin and went to the school. When Jack saw Ivy at the school earlier than said he was beyond happy. They both were in the car and their way to the cafe. Jack, are you happy to see me early today? Yes, Mom! I am so happy today. Ivy also felt happy seeing Jack and she guessed right. Jack is missing her presence and spending time with her. That's why he was thinking of his dad. If I had given him more time, he would have gradually felt less sad about his dad. For now, this is the best solution. As they reach the cafe mentioned by Robin, he is also just entering the cafe. Ivy was in her usual composed demeanor but Robin and Jack, one was happy and surprised and the other was shocked and a little heart-broken. Ivy was about to introduce Jack, but Jack beat her and asked, 'Mom, is he my Dad?' Ivy felt very awkward at this moment, and Robin understood that Ivy already had a kid. Ivy was about to clarify things, but a waiter came to them and requested to be seated at the table. As they were standing on the way, all 3 went to a table at the corner. Ivy, Jack, and Robin were completely silent, which was completely awkward. Ivy, has never expected Jack would spell such words and what would Robin think about her? Will he think that I don't even know my child's father or will he think Jack is a result of a one-night stand and bad about me? Meanwhile, Jack thinks that his mother has kept her promise and made him meet with his father. After several minutes passer, no one spoke anything and unable to resist himself, Jack asked again, 'Mom, you didn't answer my question?' Before Ivy could respond, Robin asked, 'Is he, your son?' Ivy said, 'Yes, he is. And Jack, he is my friend Robin and not your dad.' Jack was very much disappointed and he was controlling himself to not shed tears in front of a stranger pitifully. Robin already guessed that the boy was Ivy's son. They both look similar in terms, of calm demeanor, excitement look, and amusement and they both have the same expressions when they are sad. Ivy used to be like this only during her childhood.  Looks like he is around 4 years old, right? Robin asked again. Ivy nodded her head, keeping her full attention on her son and pacifying him by rubbing his back. She could feel his distress and was very disappointed. She is feeling guilty that she didn't give any heads up to Jack about meeting with Robin, which caused such a situation. Robin didn't know what to do, so to have a conversation, he asked Jack, 'Hi, buddy! Nice to meet you.' Jack was engrossed in his world, he was quite disappointed that this looking man was not his father. Is my father handsome like this guy or he is ugly? No matter what he is my father I am ready to accept him but he is not here. Mom is saying she will make me meet him one day but when will the day come? Ivy nudged Jack from his daydreaming. Jack said, 'Hello, nice to meet you too.' Again, there was a silence and Ivy thought to order. A waiter came and took orders for two cups of coffee and doughnuts for Jack. So, which school are you studying now? Robin asked. For some reason, Jack liked Robin's friendly nature, which is always a plus for Robin. Jack answered his questions and slowly opened up about him. Out of a sudden, Jack asked, 'Robin, would you like to come to our home tomorrow? As it is the weekend I would like to play with you?' That question is a surprise and awkward for both Robin and Ivy. Ivy doesn't know how to respond and meanwhile, Robin cannot agree to Jack's request without Ivy's permission Ivy can't say no to Jack and also can't allow Robin into her home as she is still adjusting to this new community. Before Ivy, could respond Robin understood her hesitation and suggested how about we go to a Kid's Park here. I know about a place which is a wonderful one in the city and you would love it. Relieving about Robbin's idea, Ivy thanked him in her heart. Jack, was very much liked the idea and he was impressed by Robin. -- Robin and Ivy next day at 9 a.m. at the same Cafe, so they could go to the Kid's Park after having breakfast in the same cafe as yesterday. The day was very well spent by all three. Robin has arranged everything from tickets to the entire itinerary and rides for the day. Jack enjoyed being with Robin, and he could also see his mom very happy. He felt both Robin and Ivy were just like Aunt Lisa and Uncle Matt. After lunch, they went for the water rides, for which Ivy wore a bikini of blueish green color, which complimented her skin. Robin couldn't take his eyes off her. Jack nudged him and asked, 'Do you like my Mom?' No, why would you ask me that? I can feel it, you look the same as Uncle Matt whenever he sees Aunt Lisa. Robin grinned at the scene, as he always witnessed how much Matt adores Lisa and loves her. But, Robin couldn't agree with Jack's question, so he said, ' We are just friends.' 'Alright, if you say so. But, don't regret if it's too late.' Jack said these words and left from there to enjoy the water ride in kids' swimming pool, nearby. Jack's words remind Robin of his past which was 6 years ago, when he lost the chance of marrying Ivy. Will the fate play again in the same way? No, I don't want that to happen again. I have to soon take a chance and tell my feelings to Ivy. Even if she accepts or not, at least I don't have to live with guilt of not able to express myself. But, will I able to handle the rejection?
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