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Hey! Don't be. It's not your fault, not then and not now. You have given your best to Jack and he will grow stronger in life. No matter what, he loves you the best. Hopefully! We both will remain the same like this forever. Smiling and thinking about our happy life, I'm being emotional and I don't want to dwell in the past or in the future that won't happen yet. Okay! Let me first unpack these things, and then we can go ahead to the lunch as you planned. Aha! No way. It is almost lunchtime, so just let's hit the road. Jack, shall we go to lunch and a movie then? Yes, that sounds good. Mom, let's go, I'm hungry. Shaking my head, and ruffling his hair, I said, ' Looks like your aunt is spoiling you very much. I should stop her meetings with you.' No, I've only one aunt Lisa and you want to take her away from me. This is not fair. Jack folded his hands and turned away from his mom. Alright, Mr. Drama Master. Now, let's go to the lunch. We went to a famous restaurant in the city, known for its special cuisine, presentation, and ambiance. As we entered the VIP room, Lisa's eyes were closed by a man. I didn't recognize him at first glance but, seeing his charming smile and mischievousness in his eyes, I realized who he was. Is it Andy? Lisa asked. I said, No! Is it Jacob? asked again. I said, no! It must be David because he would only do such things with me. Am I right, Ivy? You sly fox. How many men do you have? the man, who closed Lisa's eyes asked, before I could speak. I love how they banter and tease each other. I always wished for such an understanding and fun partner who could love me, but my love line was not good. I met a pervert instead. Darling, I know it is you, don't be angry, Lisa cooed with her husband Mattew. He is very tall, handsome, and well-maintained, but not as handsome as 'him'. I don't know why I compare everyone with him, maybe I couldn't shake off my feelings or the betrayal he did on me. Matt hugged Lisa and kissed her on the lips, engulfed in their conversation. Eww! Aunt Lisa, we are in public, please look around, Jack voiced out just what I was thinking. Oh, sorry boy! Lisa felt shy, but after composing herself a bit, she looked at me and Mattew, I could see there were unreadable lines and awkwardness between the couple, while they looked at me. I couldn't grasp it, but I could feel something was wrong. Or maybe I was overthinking, they just felt awkward about the previous moment. I took the initiative and asked how Mattew was. As friendly as he is always, side hugged me and patted my shoulder as an encouragement for the new beginning in this city. Ivy, I'm glad you have accepted the offer and joined my precious company. This is my special company and working on improving it for 7 years, that's the main reason I'm staying here, though the main branch is in another city. Thanks again! Please don't be. I'm glad to take this offer and who would oppose such a good deal which comes with all perks and a good position in such a large company? It will help me in my career growth. Hubby, enough of you chit-chat about your business. Why don't you join us, we are about to have lunch. Yes, Mr. Thomas, please join us! No guys, I have a meeting in 10 minutes. I've seen Lisa, so thought of surprising her. Hey Jack, we will meet again during our dinner tonight and have a lot of fun. Okay? Yes, uncle. Jack was beaming with happiness, as he always adored Matt for being so passionate about work, he had seen how he loved Lisa and always had fun whenever they met together. I know what he misses most in his life, a father figure, which I couldn't give him at least now. Alright, guys, I need to move to the meeting. You guys enjoy it and see you in the evening. Lisa and Matt both kissed again, and we went our different ways. Matt is going upstairs VIP private room, while ours is downstairs which has a garden view and beautiful as it seems. Lisa ordered a bunch of new varieties, which I hadn't tasted when I stayed here. Special creamy chicken soup, drumsticks, grilled prawns, oysters for starters, Ramen, chicken fried rice, special Ravioli, and Cheese blueberry cake as desserts. Aunt Lisa, if you are going to feed me lunch like this, there won't be any space for the night at your home. I want to taste your handmade noodles soup tonight, Jack is trying to coax Lisa, who is rummaging his plate with all the delicacies. Jack successfully coaxed Lisa, and she is happy looking at him. It's been 7 years since they got married, but they don't have kids yet. There are no issues in either of them, but still not successful. The only void in her life is kids. Whereas for me, I have a kid but no love. God always gives what they need the most at the same time, he delays them in reaching you. Right now, my only wish is to see my kid grow strong and successful. If one day, he wants to go with his dad and stay with him, I will accept it wholeheartedly, as I don't want him to grow in a void. But, will his father want him?
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