New Job

1034 Words
It's been just 2 years since I have seen this city. It was improved a lot with malls, skyscraper buildings, cafes, and numerous restaurant chains. I wondered and was amazed at the beauty of this city compared to 2 years back. Why are you so shocked, Ivy? You have seen it all in my messenger and social media app, pictures, isn't it? True, Lisa! But, seeing with in real makes me feel more thrilled than in those pictures. We both hang out here in the park over there which used to be so dull. Now, there is a small pond, with so many other playthings for children. This is really a great place now. No matter, how many years you are turning, there will be a kid in you, who always wants to be carefree, happy, and play. But, life is not about only happy things. Bad things happen, and I've had my fair share for so many years. Now, it is my new beginning again! Hey, Ivy! I've planned today's plans already. Once we settle in your new apartment, we will go for lunch and from there we can go and watch a movie and then have dinner at my home. How is it? Sounds good! But, I need to unpack my things as I'm going to join the company tomorrow. Or, I won't be able to finish it up till the weekend again. Don't worry, dear! I'm here for you. I'm not going to work tomorrow anyway, so I'll help you a bit. Is it? Why are you taking a break again? Because I don't want to go. Anyway, it is my husband's company, and who cares if I don't attend the office once in a while? Between, I had my assistant, who is appointed specifically to handle the situation when I'm away. So, chill babe! Shaking my head and smiled at her for being still silly like in college. Not caring for anything, and having always been happy since childhood, I used to be the same as her until that one incident that changed my entire life. Gazing at the tall buildings, moving backward, while my car was going ahead, I was engrossed in my thoughts of the past, which is blissful and disgusting, loving and hateful as well. Out of all, what I earned so far is my dear friend Lisa, a good career, and my beautiful boy ' Jake' and thinking of what I lost in this process....! The car halted in front of tall buildings, that looked like a community with 4 separate apartment buildings. As we entered the community, there was greenery everywhere with a good play area for the kids and another separate ground for adults. It is so beautiful, fresh and classy. So, do you like the environment here? Of course, I do. And I know you are the best in getting me such a place, I'm also happy that we are going to be neighbors. Ah! I was being selfish here. You are my best friend, of course, I do my best. Laughing at her words, we went to our flat, which is on the 8th floor. This is a high-end apartment, where you will have only 4 per floor and the 10th floor is the last one which is a penthouse owned by Lisa's husband, Matt. Due to their kindness, I'm here in this high-end and luxurious apartment, or with my income I don't even dare to think of it. Though I earn a good amount to make a living and send my kid to a reputed school, staying in such a flat is not on my list. As we enter, there is a walk space and when we turn around, we can see a huge living hall, partitioned by a dining area attached to a huge balcony with a city view. To the left of the dining area, there is an open kitchen and wash area. To the other end of the hall, there are 2 bedrooms, one is a master bedroom with a balcony again, a walk-in wardrobe, which is already set with my things and some new collection as well by Lisa, and opposite to my room is the kids' room, which is very large space combining both sleep area and play area. Jack, do you like this home? From the time we departed from Greenheaven, he became so silent and did not even talk with me. Jack, what happened, boy? Are you not happy to stay with your aunt, Lisa? He just stayed silent, looking at me and Lisa. Is there anything wrong? You know, you can share anything with Mom, right? Jack nodded his head. I miss my school friends in Greenheaven. And here I don't know anyone. When I see him like this, I feel so distressed and I can't control myself. He is my only child and without a father, I know how hard it is for him, but still, he is always well-behaved and never makes me sad. Jack, we can go back again, once the project here is completed. We can do face-time with your friends and you can also make new friends here. I know, my boy is so charming and no one resists him being their friend. Ah..haha.. Jack knows smiling also. That's great! Now, listen, your Lisa aunt will take you to the kids group in this community and also will join you in the skating team. Are you interested? Yes, Yes, Yes!!! Awesome! Now, go and check the house. If you don't like anything, so it to me, I'll change that. You are the best aunt I have. Thank you, Aunt Lisa. Jack was jumping around the home and settled in his play area. I really miss you, Lisa. I hope our friendship is cherished like this forever and thank you for giving me this apartment for free. I'm not giving you for free, I want you to stay near me, so I can cherish my only best friend. Thank you, and I wish I could give him a complete family. But, I couldn't give it to home, and I don't know if I can give him in this life!
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