
1963 Words
Lamar had just gotten back from seeing his family when he met the last person he wanted to see. “Hey Lamar,” Stephany greeted, fluttering her sexy eyelashes at him. “Hi Stephany,” Lamar responded with a straight face. Stephany flinched. She was used to the flirtatious Lamar, not this one who did not even smile at her. “Don’t tell me that you are still upset about that kiss,” she said, making puppy eyes at him. The last time they spoke, he was really upset about the photo of them kissing ending up on social media and giving the wrong impression. Lamar looked at her, not impressed. That photo almost cost him Lola. “I just wanted to thank you for being a gentleman and accompanying me home that day. That’s why I kissed you. I had no idea that my immature brother would take the photo and post it on social media. I am really sorry,” Stephany explained with misty eyes but all lies. The kiss was her testing the waters and pushing her boundaries with him and the social media post did exactly what it was intended to do. She now knew just how jealous and insecure Lola was about her relationship with Lamar. A few more stunts, she was certain that Lola would walk away and she would have Lamar all to herself. Just the thought of it got her so excited. ”That’s in the past. I need to go,” Lamar said with the same tone. He enjoyed flirting and seeing women blush, but he could not risk being misunderstood by Stephany. “I heard about how upset Lola was about that photo. I swear it was not my intention to cause problems for you. Let me make it up to you,” Stephany suggested. “It’s okay, really. Let just let it go,” Lamar said dismissively. “Really? You mean it?” Stephany asked, twisting her hair lock and leaning towards him. “Yeh, we are cool,” Lamar said, slightly shifting backwards to maintain the space between them. “That’s a relief because I was wondering if you could be a model for our studio. My friends and I have opened a modelling business. We are looking for a part-time model and you fit the criteria,” Stephany said seductively, leaning forward again and not the least deterred by his obvious discomfort around her. Lamar shook his head. “I will have to pass but thanks for the offer,” he said before starting walking. At this rate someone was bound to see them and tell Lola about it. “Come on please, Lamar. The pay is really good,” Stephany pleaded, walking fast next to him. She heard rumours that he needed the money, hence her new strategy. Lamar shook his head again. “But you said we were cool and I know that you are looking for a part-time job. You hate me now, don’t you?” she asked with misty eyes, guaranteed to pull anyone’s heartstrings. Lamar sighed. “I don’t hate you, I just…,” He never completed his sentence. Stephany cut him short. “Then help us out. We are really desperate. Please, Lamar,” she pleaded. She had already spent a lot of money starting a modelling company just to lure him. “I’m sorry Steph, but I really don’t want to get involved in anything that will upset Lola,” he explained in earnest before leaving Stephany disappointed. “He called me Steph,” Stephany said with a smile. She had never given up on anything she wanted and Lamar was now at the top of her list of wants. Lola was so sad when Lamar told her about the situation at his home. She was crying by the time she heard about Jennifer offering to marry a disgusting old man. Unfortunately for Lamar, things were getting worse. He was evicted from his flat because he sent the money he earned at the coffee shop to his family and could not afford to pay his rent. He was grateful to Lola, who took him in, but he desperately needed a job because the coffee shop salary would not buy sufficient groceries to feed a family of four for the whole month and buy him toiletries and food. After two weeks not finding another job, he decided to take Stephany’s offer. The fifty dollars an hour she was offering him would definitely solve all his problems. Stephany was so excited when Lamar reconsidered her offer, she immediately put everything in place. The first week of photoshoots went very smoothly. Lamar was even impressed with the high quality professionals Stephany had on her team. He could not help noticing how the men on the team drooled over her and the remarks that followed when she walked out. Stephany was truly gorgeous and she knew it too. The clothes she wore always revealed her perfect cleavage, typical cheerleader’s tinny waist and firm thighs. Her sweet perfume scent remained in everyone’s nostrils minutes after she left the room. Lamar was relieved that she kept a distance from him during the photoshoots and always tried getting out of there as soon as he was done. The following week, Lamar’s sexy photos were everywhere because Stephany had posted them on her wall while launching her modelling company. The previous photo of her kissing Lamar and these ones lead to so many speculations about the nature of her relationship with Lamar which Stephany did not bother to address. “It’s just a job, Babe,” Lamar explained to angry Lola, who only found out that day that Stephany was his employer. He had omitted to tell her that part to avoid her imagining the worst every time he left for work. “I don’t like this, Lamar. Stephany wants you and you know it,” Lola said. “I know, My Love, but I hardly deal with her, I promise you,” Lamar explained lovingly. He expected her outburst and more. “I would not be doing any of this if I did not need the money,” he added, pulling her heart strings. Lola sighed. She, out of everyone, knew just how much he and his family needed the money and Stephany was paying him very well. “I know, Love, but promise me…,” “I promise,” he interjected while looking lovingly at her. “You did not even hear what I wanted you to promise,” Lola cried, but no longer angry. Lamar, looking at her like that, dissolved her anger and insecurities. “I will be faithful to you always, My Angel” he said charmingly, wrapping his arms around her waist, ending the discussion. He chuckled when he saw her blushing. “It really was easy to keep his woman happy,” he thought to himself before dropping his head and kissing her. The following week, Lamar’s modelling job was for a swimwear advertisement. He was very comfortable in his own perfectly masculine body that he did not mind being in different speedos while the team captured his photos. Things became complicated when, instead of a female model, Stephany came out wearing the swimwear. “The stupid girl cancelled on us,” Stephany said, shrugging her shoulders. The photoshoot team exchanged knowing looks. Stephany was no doubt better than most models out there. The twopiece white swimwear, black sunglasses and a hat looked like they were specially designed for her. With all her best features exposed, making her the best swimwear model they had ever seen. The men could not help drooling and wishing that they were in Lamar’s shoes. Now that they knew a bit more about their gorgeous boss and had seen her social media posts for the past two years, it was clear that she was into Lamar. Lamar sighed, Stephany was picture perfect, but this was definitely not going to end well for him. The him before meeting Lola would have dived in and seized the moment, but not anymore. These days he found himself thinking twice about doing anything he was famous for. All he could think about now was that he had assured Lola that he had hardly dealt with Stephany only to be doing a photoshoot with her a few days later. When Stephany came so close to him and placed her arms around his neck, he flinched. “Relax, Lamar, it’s just a job,” she said while running her hand over his chest and looking seductively at him while the cameras started snapping. “No, I am sorry, but I can’t do this,” Lamar said decisively, backing away from her. “Lamar!” Stephany exclaimed in disbelief. “I quit,” Lamar shouted, taking his clothes and leaving the scene. The photos of him alone had fuelled so much speculation, these would definitely break any trust he had with Lola. That was something he was not willing to risk, no matter how much he was being paid for it and no matter how much he needed the money. Stephany was left humiliated and furious. She had started the company just for him and presented the best of herself, only for Lamar to turn her down again. “What are you looking at, get me those photos as soon as possible!” she yelled at the cameraman before storming out. Lola was surprised to see Lamar back so soon. Her heart melted when she learned that he had quit his job for her. She knew how hard that decision must have been for him. Lamar really needed the money and Stephany was really beautiful, making his decision so much more touching. “I love you too, Lamar, with all my heart,” she confessed during their usual steamy make-outs. “Oh, I know. Your body betrayed you way before those words left your lips,” he said mischievously, pulling her on his chest. “Shut up,” she said, blushing, being reminded of the time she when they first met. She had tried so hard to resist him but would end up in his bed no matter how hard she tried. There were times she would spend the whole week with him but still denied being his girlfriend and would not dare confess her feelings no matter how many times he confessed his to her. Lamar laughed before taking a selfie of them and posting it on his social media account to preemptively neutralise whatever damage the photo he knew Stephany would be posting soon. He woke up the following day to find Lola already awake. “It’s a beautiful photo,” she said, turning her phone to show him. Lamar swallowed his saliva. He knew that this would happen. The photo of him with Stephany in a swimwear taken before he quit was already trending with so many asking if the two were together. There were even speculations that he was no longer with Lola. It was only when Jerald drew the social media user’s attention to Lamar’s wall that they saw the intimate one of him and Lola he posted hours earlier that they had their answers. The caption ‘my only one’ seemed to answer the many questions people had but left Stephany more than determined to have him to herself. “Are you mad?” he asked softly. Lola shook her head. “I don’t need photos. I have the real deal right here,” she said. Lamar chuckled, relieved. “Gorgeous and secured. My Babe needs a reward and I know just the thing,” he said before pinning her under his sexy body. He knew she could not resist.
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