Gains and losses

1941 Words
Two weeks after Lamar quit the modelling job, things started getting much better. After his friend, Don, told him about a lot of money his uncle won at the local casino, he decided to try his luck and stroke it big. He could not believe his eyes when he won a jackpot twice in one week. Many called it beginner’s luck, but two weeks later, Lamar was still winning. In just one month, he had enough money in his bank account and also sent enough to feed his family for at least four months. He successfully kept his sister away from the disgusting, manipulative old man who wanted to marry her. He also shut his parents up. They could not express their dissatisfaction with his sport and education when he was providing them with everything they needed. His sisters had informed him that their parents were no longer preventing them from watching his games either. The second month, both Lamar and Lola had become regulars at the casino. They were no longer winning jackpots but still left with more money than they walked in with. With both their down-to-earth attitudes and Lamar’s charms, the two were the favourites to the casino staff. They even had their seats already reserved for them when they came. On Lola’s birthday, Lamar spared no cost when he threw her a prestigious surprise party to show her his appreciation for standing by him during hard times. Lola was so shocked and touched by his gesture, she could not hold back her tears. “Babe, I know that you could have any man in the world but you chose me and stood by me through thick and thin. I will love you always,” Lamar said lovingly, melting more than Lola’s heart at that party. Jerald and Don nodded, knowing just how much that meant to Lamar. Lola had never said anything to Lamar, but they all knew several well-known boys, the type that came to university with limited edition sports cars, who wanted Lola and offered her the world but she turned them down. “I love you too, Lamar Lorgan,” Lola said, burying her head in his chest, a touching romantic scene that trended on social media for weeks. Lamar was no longer only the sexy, charming right winger, but also the most romantic man at Leap university. Lola’s birthday party left a lot of girls green with envy. Stephany was at the top of that list. Lamar had been avoiding her like the plague since he quit working for her modelling company, but the party had unfortunately made her more determined in her pursuit. All she thought and dreamt about after that party was Lamar, a man who would be so loyal and crazy in-love with her. Having been born in a wealthy high-class family and used to having her way and everything she wanted did not help. Stephany was obsessed with the man who wanted nothing to do with her. Her social media posts were all about Lamar and her bedroom walls were completely covered with photos of Lamar. She vowed to herself that no matter how long it would take and what she would need to do, Lamar would be hers. The following month, Lamar and Lola started losing a lot of money. They returned to the casino each day hoping to return to their winning ways, but it only got worse. “We are using up all our savings now. Maybe we should stop,” Lola suggested one day when she saw her bank balance getting smaller. “I still don’t have a job to sustain my family. This is the only thing. I don’t have any other choice but to keep trying,” Lamar said, hoping that the following days would be better. Lola nodded. There were other people they saw winning in the casino. She hoped it would be them soon and continued going until their savings were depleted. Scar was not surprised to see the young couple coming to loan money from him. Banks only loaned to people with assets and the majority of university students had none, making them his regular customers. “Listen here you two, my money will be returned by the end of the month with interest. Cross me, you will pay with your life,” he warned, before giving them a bag with more money than they asked for. The two nodded and got out of there as fast as they could. Scar was the scariest man they had ever met and his threats did not sound empty. “Lamar, this is fifty thousand!” Lola exclaimed when they got to the flat and counted the money. She was really nervous about the whole loaning thing. Her parents always warned her about how dangerous loansharks were and meeting Scar sent a cold feeling down her spine. “He gave us double the amount we wanted. Now we owe him a hundred thousand if you add his ridiculous interest,” she added. “Relax, Babe. We won’t use all of it. We will return all his money once we double it,” Lamar said confidently, but surprised by their sneaky new friend’s strategy. He was also nervous about dealing with someone like Scar but did not want to alarm Lola. In a rush to get out of there, they did not count the money. Even if they returned the money now, Scar would still want his full one hundred percent interest. The following day, the two felt better because Lamar won a jackpot again, giving him more confidence and hope that they could get out of the debt they now found themselves in. The two thought they were making progress with saving for Scar's interest, but got another setback. Lamar’s father got very sick and required him to be taken to hospital. That required money and Lamar had to take some of the money they were saving to send his family. To make matters worse, they were losing at the casino again. “Lamar, I think we are drowning,” Lola said two weeks later when she noticed that they had lost most of Scar’s money at the casino. The more they played, the more they lost. Lamar sighed. “Yes, we are,” he admitted. He did not want to show Lola, but he was really worried. They now had two weeks left to get all Scar’s money and he had no idea how to. “What are we going do?” Lola asked, panicking. “No more gambling. We will sell off our possessions and see how much we get,” Lamar suggested. He was now beating himself up because he realised the gambling trap after they lost so much money. Lola nodded. They had bought expensive clothes, jewellery and devices when they were winning a lot initially and she had some valuable family jewellery she was certain would make a lot of money. Lamar was really sad about selling off Lola’s family jewellery, especially her favourite one given to her by her late grandmother, but they really needed the money. A week later, after selling everything they could sell, the two still did not have Scar’s interest. “Maybe he will give us an extension if we give him what we have so far,” Lola suggested. “I will go and talk to him,” Lamar said, hoping that the scary man would understand. Walking into the corner house downtown, he found Scar in a bad mood and his clothes covered with blood. “Do you have all my money?” Scar asked without greeting him, already knowing the answer. He had been in this business long enough to know people’s expressions when they did not have his money. “I have what you loaned us. We are still working on the interest and hoping that you…,” Lamar explained, but did not complete his sentence. “No!” Scar roared, cutting him off. “All my money and interest, that is the deal,” he shouted, clenching his fists. “Please man, we will pay you back,” Lamar pleaded at the same time a police siren was heard a few blocks away. Scar cursed under his breath. The police were most likely coming for him. He would not want to be caught with a dead body he had not yet disposed of in his backyard. “Fine, you have two more weeks. Now get out of here,” he said, pushing him out. Lamar nodded and ran out of there as fast as he could. Scar was definitely acting very suspicious while covered in blood. He did not want to get involved in whatever he did. Lola was terrified when Lamar told him what had happened. She had also heard horror stories of how Scar dealt with people who did not pay him back. Two weeks later, they still did not have Scar’s money. Even when Lamar finally decided to look for a full-time job, there was nothing and Scar kept calling, demanding his money. They eventually decided to stop taking Scar’s calls and stayed within the university, hoping that the security would keep Scar away. Two weeks later, the two were getting ready for bed when their phones kept ringing, one after the other. Lamar and Lola exchanged nervous looks. They had already passed a third deadline for paying Scar back and ran out of excuses. That’s why they were not taking his calls. An hour later, their door was kicked open by a tremendous force, startling both of them. Their bodies shook as they came face to face with the man they owed close to fifty thousand of interest. A tall, hefty man, completely covered with tattoos with an ugly scar across his right eye, shot his bloodshot eyes at them. According to Scar, the two had played him for a fool and he hated that. “Mr Scar,” Lamar said calmly, trying to hide his nervousness. Scar really looked angry and ready to kill. He needed to reason with him. “Don’t, Mr Scar, me,” Scar shouted, pulling out his gun and pointing it at them. He spent hours trying to find them because they were avoiding his calls, making him angrier. He had to bribe the university security guards with a lot of money for them to allow him inside. He was now determined to teach them a lesson for crossing him because if he let them get away, all the students would hear about it and do the same. “Mr Scar, please, let’s talk about this,” Lamar pleaded while Lola started shaking uncontrollable. She heard of students who owed Scar who were found dead in their rooms and everyone suspected him, but no witnesses ever came upfront because they were all terrified. “Do you have my money?” Scar roared, making Lola jump. He was no longer interested in talking and just wanted his money back. Lamar shook his head. Technically speaking, they had returned all his money but owed him the interest, which would not have been so much had he not tricked them by giving them too much money, but he could not say that to the fuming man nor could he tell him that there was just no way they could get his interest. “And you?” Scar asked, looking at Lola. Lola also shook her head. “No more talking, on the floor, both of you,” Scar commanded. Both Lamar and Lola did as instructed, ready to take their last breaths.
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