27. Meeting

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The next day, Nadine takes us all back to her castle. Eriska and I are happy as can be. She doesn't have any marks yet. But I've never seen her this happy. I don't think it'll be long. The boys follow her around. They're happy too. We go to Dipak's office. Tim sits at the visiting end. I sit beside him. Eriska sits beside me. Her boys sit on the other side. "Thank you for staying here, Kane. Not sure what would have happened to Eriska if you hadn't." "No problem. Where are you going now?" "Resort planet." Tim shakes his head. "Don't come. She's going to be naked the entire time we're there." I shrug my shoulders. "My ass needs sun." Eriska gives me a dirty look. "My ass needs sun too." "So come. We can be naked everywhere. It's only me and my boys. They don't care." Dipak jumps up and puts his hands up. "WAIT. THINK FIRST." Tobias jumps up. "You're not going to be naked around them. I forbid it." Eriska jumps up, and her dress goes over her head. "YOU CAN'T TELL ME WHAT TO DO." I jump up to help and Tim smacks my butt. "YOU HIT ME. I'M TELLING MALAX." I connect his feather. A shoe and a chair fly to our end of the table. Tim knocks the chair away and Tobias gets hit in the head with the shoe. Nadine is standing on the table in front of Dipak. "YOU CAN'T TELL US WHAT TO WEAR." She throws her next shoe. "MALAX, HE HIT ME." "Who hit you?" I can tell he's ready to kill. "TIM" Tye grabs my arm. "Red room this, Ax." Thora tackles Tobias and tries to rip his head off. "DOES SHE ALWAYS HAVE TO GET YOUR PERMISSION FOR WHAT TO WEAR?" Nadine tries to get her dress off but can't. Dipak has hold of the bottom of it. Thora has Tobias in a headlock. Eriska is glaring at her boys with underwear on. "MALAX, HE HIT ME." "What the hell is going on? I can't figure anything out." Nadine jumps on Tim and the chair breaks. "DO NOT TOUCH MY SISTER." She tries to stab his eyes with a pen. I pull my dress off over my head. I still have underwear on. Now Eriska's not alone. "YOU CAN'T TELL ANYONE WHAT TO WEAR. WE CAN BE NAKED IF WE WANT." "WE'RE GOING TO BE NAKED TODAY." Thora stands up with underwear on. Nadine jumps up and her dress falls. "MALAX." He standing by Dipak. I run and jump for him. I didn't know he was here. I go through him and tackle Dipak. I jump up. "Sorry. Sorry Nadine, I didn't mean to tackle your mate half naked. I thought Malax would catch me." "It's ok. He'll live. The brains are transmitting Malax here." "Good to know. Sorry, Dipak." "It's alright. Go sit down." Nadine rubs her eyes. "Tobias kissed me before he knew you. That really is a lot of pressure." A chair slams into Tobias. "DID YOU f**k AROUND WITH EVERYONE?" Eriska is pissed. "NOW YOU TRY TO TELL ME WHAT TO DO? f**k YOU. YOU DON'T GET TO TELL ME SHIT." "ENOUGH." Mary stands up and crosses her arms. "Everyone find a seat." Me and Eriska sit together again. "There you go, Malax." "Thank you, Mary. Now, I don't care what you girls wear, but you need to pay attention to where you are and who is around you." "WE DO." "We know you do, but you're all young and get a little excited at times. Make sure you're paying attention." The window opens and Kehlani lands beside Alden. Thora looks at her. "We're naked today." She sniffles and hands her dress to Alden. He puts an eyebrow up and sits down. "I won't ask." Elek nods. "Tobias did it." Dipak stands up. "We found a werewolf planet. We don't know if it's Altheena's planet or not. But it's a werewolf planet." "Who is Altheena?" I glance around lost. "Your other sister." "We should go there." I look for my dress. "We can use werewolf forms so we don't stand out." "I don't have that." I shake my head. "I can give you a werewolf form as long as you have a dragon." Eriska crosses her arms. "I don't have a dragon. I want a werewolf." "You can get a dragon from one of them." Kane jumps up. "Let me check." He feels Victor and Tobias's heads. "Tobias has her dragon. Victor only carries his." Thora sits up. "How does Victor not have one for his mate?" Victor shrugs his shoulders. "Me, Tim, and Alkawn got our dragons from Kehlani." My eyes go red. "EXPLAIN NOW." I slam my hands down so hard the table cracks. "She gave them to us in a cup, babygirl." Kehlani wipes a tear away. She is barely holding it together. "Leo gave them to me after I had Urie. He was trying to get me to go back to work, I think. But I took them to the boys, like he said." She shrugs her shoulders. "I guess he made them or something." My eyes go clear. "What the hell was that?" "Your dragon took over briefly." Mary gets fabric out of her drawer. "Leo gave Tim, Victor, and Alkawn their dragons. Kehlani delivered them. Your dragon was confused because dragons are transferred during s*x. Victor did not think before he spoke. But all is well now." "Wonderful." Eriska nods. "But why can't I get a werewolf?" Dipak stands up. "Wolves come with a soul. Just like dragons do. It would be someone else in your head. Someone else that can take over your body." We all nod. "However, it would be too much. The Gods decided we can only get 1 extra soul. It is whatever soul you get first. So, if you get a wolf form before you get a dragon form, you will get the wolf soul. All of us, except Mason, have dragons in us. We all had the dragons first." "What's the difference?" "Both are strong and smart. Dragons can step in and control our bodies without issue. Wolves need to get used to it. Also, Wolves need a lot of time in control. Amalok is Mason's wolf. He takes control of Mason daily for runs or just to play. The dragons won't do that." "Well, I want a wolf. I'm never sleeping with that idiot." I try not to laugh as Tobias runs over and drops to his knees. "I'm sorry, baby. You can wear whatever you want. It was stupid of me to say that. It's your body, you wear what you want." "And I will. Go sit over there." She points to his chair. I stand up. "I'm glad that's sorted, but he hit me." Malax smirks. "He smacked your ass. We do that. None of us are going to stop doing that." The boys chuckle and nod. I shake my head. "FINE. So, if I get the wolf, it's only the form? I do not get the actual wolf in my head? Am I understanding that correctly?" Dipak nods. "Yes, that's correct." "How do I get it?" "Nadine has to break your skin with her wolf teeth." I smirk at Nadine. "Tim needs a wolf form too." She dives on him as a wolf and his new chair breaks. I hear bones crack as she bites his arm. A couple of her boys jump up. Tye gets Tim up and heals the bones. Then she pounces to me and bites my arm lightly. Then she gets Victor too before Tre carries her out. Johen gives Tim another chair as Nadine comes back. She still only has underwear on. Tre is shaking his head. I move over and sit on Tim's lap. "Ok. I want to check that werewolf planet for my missing sister, but what is wrong with Kehlani?" She starts sobbing. "Uhmok planned it all." Alden catches her from falling over. "Baby, you don't know that. We don't know what happened." Tim kisses the back of my shoulder and whispers, "Uhmok is Urie's biological dad. He died." I scratch my head. "Planned what?" "I DON'T KNOW." Malax nods. "Alden, you try, please." "Kehlani found papers in Uhmok's desk. They looked like police files. I guess he had a history of being a criminal. From what I could find, he was given a deal. Seduce the Queen and his criminal record goes away." "Why?" "We think they were trying to kill her by snapping their bond when he died. But that's not written in any of his files. His files read like he would replace me with being king." "Uhmok probably wasn't given the whole truth either. Their old leader was a mind fuck." Victor rubs his eyes. "Everyone was being manipulated." Kehlani is crying so hard. Nadine smiles. "Kehlani, nobody can fake the bond. He was in love with you. Maybe it started out as him trying to get his bad past erased, but then he fell in love. That was real." She rubs her face. "He said all the perfect things." "Do we have that planet?" Dipak nods. "We took it by force." I stand up and go for the elevator. "Ok. Let's swing by the werewolf planet. Check that, then go to Uhmok's planet. We'll see what we can find." "CLOTHES FIRST." Mary is staring at me over whatever she's sewing. I about jump out of my skin. "Sorry, Mary. Doing that now." I grab a box and start flipping through it. The girls come over and look at clothes. Malax winks. "Do you want blue stripes or yellow strips for the resort beach towels?" "Blue." "Good. And we're not taking 12 ships to the werewolf planet. Some of you can ride together." Thora jumps. "GIRLS SHIP." "I'm not leaving Urie. I need to hold him." Kehlani wipes her face off. "We'll ride on your ship. It's ok." Alden rubs his face. "Great. I request assistance." Dipak shakes his head. "Pass." The boys lose it. "I'll come with you." Tye smiles at Alden. "We'll take Tye, Johen, and Elek. They're fun." Nadine points at them. "And Tre. He's fun." I point at Tre. Eriska looks at her boys. "You can come if you aren't stupid." Alden puts his head on the table and bounces it.
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