The Blood moon pack: meeting the sections

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Cindy POV "What is it you think you are doing" the d**k of an Alpha asks looking at me so I bare my neck and divert my eyes to the floor. I hate acting scared and showing pieces of s**t respect, even if it's fake but I know we must do it now to help later. "I'm sorry Alpha Marcus, did I do something wrong" I ask in a small voice with my eyes still cast down "I told you when you came that you were not to interfere with any punishments" he said 'wow what a dickwad Cindy, he doesn't even realise when he sounds like a fool' Dina said and I agree. "Sorry Alpha Marcus I didn't mean any disrespect, I thought it would be ok for me to help her up as I thought the punishment was over when Beta Leon told her to leave" I said quietly so he thought I was afraid. "Well I see where you misunderstood but in future be more aware" he said before he won't back to his table with Beta Leon. We get some food and sit on a corner table, looking around I see mostly males and a handful of she-wolves but they also look neglected and unhappy, sat eating slowly but quietly. After food we make our way to the kitchen and help clean. "Heidi, when does everyone else eat" I whisper as we wash pots in the sink. "We are not aloud to eat until Alpha says plus we have to wait for the wolves in the dining room to finish eating first and then the left overs are split between our section and the warrior section" 'how can someone be that cruel, we have seen some s**t in our time since becoming a Royal Assassin, but this Alpha is one of the worst yet' Dina says to me fuming in anger. "I'm sorry Heidi, we didn't know otherwise we wouldn't have eaten" I say full of guilt."it's ok honestly you wouldn't have known as I don't think it's a normal thing in other packs" she whispers back as I wipe away a few stray tears. We wait in the kitchen for the dining room to empty then go in collecting any food left in the trays, as I look up I see a few Omegas scraping half eaten food into a tray and brought it over to us "is there a specific bin this has to be thrown in" Lucy asks confused as to why they didn't scrape it in the bin they have "no this also goes towards the food for the sections" the omega whispered glancing at the door not wanting to get into trouble. 'What the f**k is going on why do they have to eat half eaten food, we need to help soon before I loose my temper' Vicki says in our link 'yeah definitely I'm ready to teach these scumbags a very hard lesson' Lucy says. We carry the trays back to the kitchen where Beta Leon is waiting for everyone, when he spots us he gives us smiles the creep. "Right take this to the warriors whats left the omegas" he said looking at everyone but I'm not sure what he's looking for 'he's waiting for one of them to mess up so he can punish them' Dina growls 'I really hate these nob heads' I say back as we all get ready to take food. Lucy helps them take the food to the omegas while me and Vicki help take it to the warriors. There's a little more food for the warriors but not much, it only takes 4 of us to take the warriors food so there can't be that many. As we go into their section I was wrong, looking around there were loads. "how many warriors are there here" I ask an omega "there's 150 warriors and around 10 boys aged between 4 and 10" she says as we put the food down and everyone moves towards us "wait..who's in charge in handing out the food" I ask looking around when a man stepped forward "we don't, we just get food and go back to what we were doing" he said which makes me frown "I'm trey, im head trainer" he introduced himself I give out a small nod "is there any ill men or children they should eat first then healthier wolves will eat that should keep everyone healthier" I say but I can tell they are not happy. "Who are you, you are not apart of this pack" a young teenager said "I understand looking at the food you've been given that you must be hungry but you are not the only ones, the omegas are the same but please understand if there are any injured wolves they need to be strong to heal and that can't happen without some food and the young don't understand why there bellies hurt with hunger, you all need to have strength" I try to explain. Another man steps forward and asks me to step to the side so he could have a word and I do but Vicki stays put rationing each plate hoping the food stretches enough for everyone. "How can I help you" I say not giving myself away but he gives me a knowing look. "What" I ask now on edge "I know who you are" he says and I can see he's serious so I stay quiet "I was traveling one year with my Alpha to another pack to offer our help with the rogue problem, we knew that the rogues outnumbered the pack but when we arrived you and you group were already there training the warriors, you really did kick ass my Alpha was very impressed with you all 'The Royal Assassins' " he whispered but this is bad if this Alpha finds out our mission is blown, I think he could see what I was thinking as his eyes softened "don't worry about him finding out, we hate him and his men. He murdered my best friend because if he didn't drug my Alpha there is no way he would have won that challenge" he whispered in anger. "What do you need us to do, all of us in here you can trust your life with, we will never be loyal to a dog like him that's why keeps us in this state" he says making me nod at him "hi my name is Cindy" I introduce myself shaking his large hand "hi I'm Beta no.. was Beta Dan, we are here for anything you might need, we are weak but ready to fight for our pack" he says making me smile. One of the other men came in "what is going on in here, what is taking so long" he asked looking around, "we were just plating the food for the warriors" Vicki explained but we were made to leave walking back to the pack house I explained everything to Vicki in our link. As we walked into Vicki and Lucy room, Lucy was sat on the bed crying we rush to her. "Are you ok Lucy" Vicki asked as we wrap her in a hug holding her until she calms down "we need to help them soon aww it was awful" Lucy says sniffling "what happened sweet" I ask holding her hand "we walked into the omegas section and as soon as the children could smell the food they came running at us with hungry cries, how can he do that to them" she asks with tears streaming down her face " there wasn't even enough they had a mouthful at max each and when it was gone they cried themselves to sleep even some of the older omegas gave their food up for the children" she was back to crying again. "It's time to call in" I said hunting for my phone in my bag but it seems to be missing I dump everything out but it's definitely not here "my phones gone" I say but I know who ever has taken it can't get access into it as its magic coded plus if Zanda rings for check-ins she always says 'darling are you ok' but if we don't answer with 'seriouly mum' she knows we have been compromised or someone else has our phones. Lucy checks for hers too but it's also missing only Vicki has hers on her because she likes to carry it so she can speak to Ben when she wants, it seems to being her comfort just being there. I dial and Zanda answers "darling are you ok" "seriously mum" I answer "how's everything" she asks I explain about the 2 phones going missing and everything we have found so far she said she will ring the other phone to see if someone asnwers but to lay low for now and she will ring back soon and for us to be careful we hang up and we 3 chat about the day. In mind link we make plans for tomorrow. Plan is 1- speak to more omegas 2- speak to the Alpha about meeting all the male wolves to see if 1 is our mate( so we can get numbers and to see how many men he brought with him) 3- ask if there is any jobs that we can help out with. We say our goodnights and I head for the door as my room is seperate. "Please be careful and shout us if you need us at all, I hate that you are in a different room to us" Vicki says with sad eyes but I give her a smile "don't worry babes I'll be fine" hoping to put her at ease walking out to the room next door. Entering the room someone is sat on the chair in there, I must have the wrong room. "I apologise I must have the wrong room" I back out the door "Wait this is your room" He says and stands so I can see who it is, holy s**t balls it's the Alpha. "Is everything ok" I ask not sure why he is here "yes I just wanted to make sure your settled in ok" he said moving a little closer to me making my stomach turn "yes we are thankyou, the pack members are lovely, we were going to ask to speak to you tomorrow though as me and Lucy can't find our phones, I thought we may have dropped them in the pack, has anyone handed any in" I ask looking at him "if not we can have a look tomorrow, it's just that my mum is due to ring soon to check in with us" I carry on, he's stood there thinking but shakes his head no "no no-one has given any phones in to me" but I can tell he is lying "it's ok not to worry I'm sure it will turn up" I say with a smile. "Tomorrow I will ask my men to keep a look out for them" he says smirking, 'CREEP. He tries anything I'll rip his head off' Dina said making me feel better "I'm on the next floor room at the end of the hallway if you need anything or get lonely" he said walking to me and running his fingertip from my shoulder to my wrist before walking out. I lock the door and rub my arm, not that that's going to get his germs off me. 'Girls...' I say quietly in our link, they maybe a sleep 'what is it are you ok' Lucy asks and I nod then realise they can't see me 'yes when I got to my room the Alpha was here waiting for m-' 'I'll f*****g kill him' Vicki said seething in anger, 'it's ok he has left he didn't really do anything but I will fill you in, in the morning' I say but there's no answer but a knock on the door, I hope it's not him I think to myself opening the door to see Vicki and Lucy stood there with there quilts and pillows, as I open the door more they walk in and pull me into a hug and I appreciate them so much it's just what I needed. "SLEEPOVER" Vicki shouts jumping on the massive bed, we all climb into the bed chatting before darkness takes me.
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