The Blood moon pack: helping Charlotte

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Cindy POV We are trying to find the person that gives out the orders on the night shifts we are currently on our way to find an omega named Margaret, she is the oldest omega in this pack so the Alpha has gave her the job of keeping all other omegas in line and also gives the other omegas there jobs of the day and night. We get pointed in her direction as we walk and there she is a grey haired plump woman with her arms around a young girl who's in tears. She looks maybe 12years old with brown hair but she is so thin, too thin. "Hi is everything ok" I ask but nothing prepares me for her answer, why is this Alpha so cruel "not really but we have no choice, I wish I did" she whispers out full of desperation and sadness while still trying to console the girl "maybe we can help" Lucy says hoping there is "the thing is that the Alpha has requested Charlotte here, to work the night shift but she hasn't ever worked through the night before" she explains but we can hear in her voice that there's more to it. "Hi charlotte would it be ok if you come talk to me for a while" Vicki asks but she's scared looking upto Margaret and agrees when she nods her head yes. As Vicki and Charlotte walk off we talk to Margaret "can I ask you a few things maybe we can help" I ask, when she nods yes I carry on "can I ask why the Alpha gave this job to you" she looks at me a moment "my wolf June says we can trust you but I want it known that if what I say gets back to the Alpha or you use my words against the omegas I will hunt you down to the ends of the earth and you will pay" she says looking straight into my eyes taking us by surprise by her words 'ooh I like her' Kim says as I agree "I like how you think but I also want the same thing for this pack, so the promise you have given us is returned to you" I say just as serious "ok now we have that out the way, HE gave me this job as I was close to everyone as I was the pack Dr, I didn't know at first why he selected a certain omega to work nights, I was nieve in thinking it was so they got to know the night duties, most omegas who work the night shift are older and mated only a few are not but they never had any problems but 5 months ago he selected an omega and since then he's selected 4 in total but a month ago I found Emma in a bad way, it was the day after her first night shift and she had been beaten severely, a broken arm, bruises littering her skin and the list goes on but it was finding her like this I realise I had sent them to be abused and I swore I never would again" she says with tears streaming down her face, we give her time to get her thoughts in order "it's not your fault, you didn't know" Lucy says but I can tell she isn't going to stop blaming herself. "But it is these women and girls trust me and I let them down, he hadn't requested anyone for the last month but today he requested Charlotte but I told him I wouldn't do that, I'd rather die than send any girl to be their prey but he said he couldn't kill me as there would be outrage with the pack so instead if I don't send her he would slaughter all the pups in our section.... I f*****g hate him" she says so mad that her wolf is on the surface "you will send Charlotte tonight and we will be with her, we won't let anyone hurt her" Lucy says and I growl, not at Lucy but at the thought of another innocent life being destroyed "we need to send her to save the pups but believe me when I say we will kill anyone that goes near her" I growl out, "what have you told Charlotte" Lucy asks "I have just had a meeting with the omegas and explained our predicament and Charlotte has agreed to go as she has no family but her little sister, the omegas know what had happened before as I had told them when I found Emma" she explains further "we will meet Charlotte in the kitchen at 8pm when night shift starts" we all agree "ok now we have made plans can I ask 1 more thing Margaret" Lucy asks "sure what is it" "well do you know how many men the Alpha brought with him" "well I know that he has 18 men with him and they are all bastards" she said now we know what we are up against "also have you seen the Alphas son since the challenge" I ask hoping she knows more info as non of the others knew anything "not since that day but I've heard those bastards laughing that they have the Alphas son and the Betas son locked up somewhere but all I know is that it's hidden in the woods" we thank her and make our way inside but we can't see Vicki anywhere. 'Vicki where are you' I ask in our link after a minute or so she answers that she is in our room but the door is locked, when the door opens bI can see Charlotte stood in a defensive stance but is very nervous "what are you 2 upto"Lucy asks smiling while I re locked the door but Charlotte doesn't take her eyes off Vicki "Charlotte you can trust my girls we are going to help you and everyone" Vicki says smiling "Charlotte here is going to learn a few defensive moves incase she ever needs them" Vicki explains, ok that actually sounds like a great idea "ok what have you told or shown her so far" I ask looking at charlotte "well we have only been here about 5 minutes, Ive just explained that it would do her good to learn some self defense just incase and then you came in" Vicki explains smiling. "ok first bit of advice for you is.... 1= if ever you can escape do that before anyone can lay a hand on you 2= use anything that is close to you, lamp, vase literally anything that you can pick up, throw and hit them with anything, it will give you a little time to escape 3= if they grab you, you Strike preferring testicles, kick knees, punch throat, gouge eyes. Use legs, arms, elbows, shoulders, head to strike. Bite hard on everything that comes your way. 4= If you can take them to the ground, then immediately move back and escape, don't freeze, move, they may be down but that might only be for a few moments but it's enough to escape" Lucy explains "Remember the goal is to always escape" I say as Charlotte nods in understanding. "Vicki and Cindy can you come and show Charlotte some examples" Lucy asks us and we go stand and Lucy sits Charlotte on the bed to watch "ok start" Lucy says I put my back to Vicki and she grabs me from behind so I slam my head back to hurt her where I can, without actually hitting her of course after all this is just a demonstration "now if the head slamming back doesn't work then..." Lucy explains to Charlotte and because I have my arms by my side I ball my fist and him inbetween her legs and then as she loosens her arms I release all my weight dropping to floor, getting back up and running. "Great did you see how Cindy punched back where she can, if you have to do this then hit with all your strength, then drop your full weight, who ever has a hold on you will loosen with the hit but only for a few seconds, you need to escape and thats what you need to do every second counts" Lucy keeps explaining as we are showing. Vicki then grabs me from the front and I slam my head again and as she loosens her grip I bring my arms up bracing against her chest as I bring my knee upto her groin, then run. We show her another few moves while explaining showing a few more various scenarios as not to confuse her. "Remember use anything you can to escape, that could be objects around you or your body but the things I want you to remember most of all stay calm, don't panic, don't freeze and escape" Lucy explains after we had gone through everything a few times we walked her back to the omegas section. How can anyone be so cruel and twisted to think abuse is acceptable, I can't wait to bring down these twisted pieces of s**t and grind them into the ground. I hope one of them tries something tonight because we won't be holding back anymore, we feel so guilty for not stopping that beast get his hands on Emma, I wish we had known earlier what had been happening because we are gutted we were too late but we won't be again...
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