The gold moon pack: getting answers

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Zoe POV I cried myself to sleep last night and when I got up this morning I vowed to never let that happen again, I hate that I'm so drawn to him. Constantly wanting him and want to be wanted by him but I won't let the mate bond allow me and Xena to be treated like dirt. We deserve so much more and I've begged the moon goddess to help me, to give me strength to do what I need to do and I also beg for forgiveness from her as mates are a blessing granted from our moon goddess but I will be rejecting that bond and I hope she will forgive me and grace us with another mate, a better and more worthy mate. I really hope she does... We have decide to get on with this investigation and be done by tonight so we are looking for Carly first and we find her in one of the hallways cleaning. "Hi Carly, how are you today" Grace asks startling her "hi" she says quietly "we are friends of Marie would it be ok to ask a couple of questions we are just trying to clear a few things up for Marie" Grace asked "of course" she said as she stopped her cleaning to give us her full attention "ok can I ask what you were doing the night of the deaths of the Alpha couple, we only ask so we can peice together everything from that night just to give Marie peace of mind" Grace explained but Carly didn't seemed to be fazed nodding her head yes "it's ok, if I can help I will, I loved my Alpha and Luna" wow she really does understand "well could we ask what you were doing at the time and if you had seen anything out the ordinary" Zoe asks her "I was cleaning the kitchen and dining room with Mary, penny and diana we were making sure everything was clean and ready for the morning omegas. Penny made the Luna and Marie their hot chocolate and then when Mary took it to them we were almost finished and then called it a night, the only thing I had seen was Mary talking to Kelly but she didn't seem happy about whatever they were discussing. To be honest I didn't think much of it because no one really gets on with Kelly so it wasnt unusual" she explained and that took us onto the next on the list. We thanked her and removed her name off our list. We made our way to find Jeremy as we just wanted to see if he had seen anything unusual. He was tending to the gardens with a younger wolf, both hard at work. "Hello to you both, we are here to speak to Jeremy, I'm Zoe these are my friends Claire and Grace" I introduce us all and Claire and Grace both smile and give a small wavethey both stop what they were doing smiling at us "hello I'm Jeremy, this is my son Lewis how can I help" he said still smiling "it's nice to meet you both, we are friends of Marie and we are wanting to help marie, she has asked if we could get any information for her to help her heal" I explain further and they stop smiling with sadness in their eyes "of course ask anything, if we can help we will" Jeremy said and his soon was nodding his head. "That would be great thank you so much, we was told you were both in the kitchin/dining room area, could we ask what exactly you were doing and if you had seen anything unusual" I ask but he answers straight away "of course, we were having a drink before calling it a night, we had been called out as one of the pack members houses had a serious leak and I went to fix it, my son is learning the ropes as he will also be a groundsman so that is why he was with me. I didn't see anything unusual. It was a normal night groups of teens laughing and relaxing, there was a few warriors also relaxing eating snacks, drinking and relaxing and I think there was 4 omegas or 3 working around the kitchen and dining room but that's all I can remember but I've got know the pack members here and I can say hand on heart there's no way any of them hurt our Alpha and Luna" his son also nodded at what his dad is saying "how about you Lewis" Grace asks " well I had only seen the same as dad, the only difference is when we were heading home, Alpha Darian was pulling Kelly into a spare room but I didn't see anything other than that next thing I knew was a little later when we felt the bond break with our Alpha and Luna" he explains in sadness. I can see how much this has effected the whole pack, the Alpha couple sounds like the whole pack loved them and they were both great leaders and it shows through their pack. "Ok thankyou both so much" Claire says and we say bye and move on to the next name on our list Kelly but I'm not sure I want to even talk to the b***h but I know we have to. We find her sunbathing on the garden, seriously doesn't she do anything. 'I have a bad feeling about her, so lets not give away we are questioning her and have a 'conversation' as not to give too much away' I say through our link 'maybe it would be best if me and Claire went and you go have a drink and chill' Grace says back but there is no way 'not because you can't, it's because she might not talk to us with the situation between you and her' Claire explains before I can say anything but I suppose they are right, I'm not sure I'd be able to keep Xena at bay around her so I nod yes and head for the kitchen while they went to question the laziest dog I've ever met. As I walk into the kitchen it's just my luck that HE would be in here so I head for the connecting door to go to our room I'm not in the mood for this piece of s**t today. "Can we talk for a few minutes" he asks and Xena is yipping and jumping around happily in my mind. "Fine what do you want" I say wanting to get this over with " take a seat, do you want a drink" he asks but I want nothing from him "no, what do you want" I say again and he releases a breath sitting back down annoyed. "I was thinking about what you said last night an-" I cut him off I don't want to listen to this s**t "what I said stands, when we are done here hopefully tomorrow the latest, I will be breaking this bond and leaving" I say but he stiffens at that but I've past caring "please.. I realise we didn't get off on the right foot, I realise that maybe we can work on it and sort this mess out" he asks but no not listening and I roll my eye's at him "I told you after how you have treated me since my arrival at your pack there is nothing to work on and if I didn't have to be my best for this mission you would have already been rejected but I know it's painful so when we wrap it up here I will go home in pain" I say but Xena is now begging me to listen to him "my wolf is mad how I've treated you maybe we can compromise" he says "compromise" I say quietly as I'm not sure what he is talking about "yes I said I didn't want a Luna but my wolf and pack does so we can make you my Luna, that will make my wolf and pack happy but I'm still too young to settle down so if a she-wolf catches my eye then that will also be ok, that way you become Luna and have whatever you want, my wolf and yours will be happy and so will my pack so it's a win win situation" I didn't say anything I'm too shocked after hearing that s**t but Xena growls and comes forward as I go to the back of my mind and she slaps him hard "YOU ARE THE BIGGEST MORON WE HAVE EVER ENCOUNTERED, YOU HAVE THE CHEEK TO SAY THIS TO ZOE, TO ME, HOW DARE YOU. FIRST OF ALL ZOE ISN'T INTERESTED IN JUST BEING A LUNA FOR NAME AND MONEY, SHE IS ALPHA BORN, SHE IS BEAUTIFUL INSIDE AND OUT, SHE IS MORE POWERFUL ON HER OWN THAN WITH YOU OR ANYONE BUT LETS GET ONE THING STRAIGHT SHE IS NO SECOND CHOICE SHE IS NO SECOND BEST AND TO THINK I WAS BEGGING HER TO GIVE YOU A CHANCE, I'VE WAITED FOR MY MATE AND EVEN THOUGH I'D BE HAPPY ZOE WOULDN'T BE SO FROM NOW ON THERE WILL BE NO BEGGING FROM ME AND I'LL GIVE HER THE STRENGTH WHEN THE TIME COMES TO GET RID OF YOUR IMMATURE WHORING FACE AND MOVE ON TO BETTER" Xena is fuming as she goes back and I come forward and I slap him again as a few tears slip from my eyes "how could me, my wolf and your wolf end up with someone like you I ZOE BLACK OF THE ROYAL HOWLING MOON PACK REJECT YOU ALPHA DARIAN -" but his hand stops me from finishing my rejection but I know it's his wolf who's come forward with pleading and sad eyes "I'm sorry for my pathetic human and I understand that you must do what you are doing and I hate that it has come to this but I understand... you are right you deserve so much more than him but please know I've always wanted and loved you both and I need you to know that I understand why you have to do it but please wait until you are ready to leave, this will leave you vulnerable and there is a danger here and I need to both to be safe" he kisses my forehead "please be safe and happy my love" he says before releasing my mouth " I'm sorry that you are also suffering, we love you too and I'm sorry that you have been paired with a self centered ass and when I reject him it is purely because of him and never you, please be safe and happy too" I say as I stroke his face and then walk off to my room, I just need a few minutes before we get back to this mission. Ive cried for the last 15 minutes when my phone rings and as I see its Adira I try to pull myself together to answer "hello" I say "what has happened why are you crying" she asks but I just start crying again and close my eyes but when I open them again there she is stood in front of me.
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