Chapter 3 Parties and sour responses.

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Raelynn “Do you feel like someone is watching you?” I asked Sasha as we found our way off of the dance floor. “I swear it felt like I had eyes glued to me but when I glanced around no one was paying me any attention.” Sasha looked around and shrugged. I rolled my eyes at her. Of course, she didn’t feel any set of eyes on her because tons of them were always on her as the King Alpha’s daughter and one of the prettiest girls in school. Ugh. She was lucky she was my sister or I’d smack some sense into her pretty little head. The music cut out as we made it to the bar to get a drink. Thank the goddess they treated me like a wolf and got alcohol at 18. We turned to find Dad standing at the microphone at the front of the pack. I could already feel my cheeks getting warm from the embarrassing stories he whipped out for these types of things. “My fellow pack mates tonight has been a celebration to remember.” Jerrick smiled at everyone. “I am glad that we have these types of happy moments shared between so many generations.” Jerrick took a deep breath and locked eyes with me. I saw the sadness in his eyes, and I knew he was having a hard time with everything, maybe even worse than us. It was even harder on him since he had to tell the pack everything and deal with the backlash. They had known Sasha was going for over a year and they were excited for her. But me, a human in their pack who they saw as a stain on their pack’s standing, they would be enraged. I was just thankful Jerrick never thought that way. “Tonight, after midnight your Princess Sasha and my adoptive daughter Raelynn will be leaving us to go to the supernatural school.” The pack started groaning and yelling questions at the Alpha without giving him a chance to speak. Sasha pulled me closer and handed me my drink. Tears started to fall barely reaching my cheeks before I was wiping them away angrily. I chugged my soda, slammed it down on the counter, and focused on the positive things about this situation. It wasn’t like we were going away to war or to be executed. We were going to school for a few years at most with chances to visit the pack and we might even come back better than when we left. “Why the human going to a school for the supernatural?” one of the wolves yelled in disgust. “They will send her back after they find out she is a just a lowlife human,” another pitched in. “Everything will be ok,” Sasha whispered pulling me through the crowd toward her father. The pack only moved out of the way because of her. I got hit with a few rib shots but the pain wasn’t anything compared to some of the hits from past foster families. We finally made it to the front and were pulled to stand behind Jerrick and his Betas. It wasn’t the right time to be calling him dad when his power had started pushing out making the pack whimper and kneel. He was the Alpha King for a reason and that was how strong his power was. “Stop… Talking... Now...” He roared stepping in front of us. There was immediate silence. “The date was moved up. Both girls are going for reasons that are none of your business.” “But..” Someone tried to rebuttal but couldn’t fight the power hitting him. He huffed in annoyance. “The party is over. Head home and pack life goes back to normal in the morning.” He used his alpha command, so everyone grabbed their items and left without any more arguing. We watched them all leave. I got several growls and glares, but I ignored them. I wouldn’t have to see them for at least a semester and after that maybe I will have learned enough to make them fear me. I’d rather that than them have five of the biggest guys jump me, beat me, and dump me in the dumpster like they did a couple weeks ago. I looked at Dad and did my best to hold back my tears. “I am sorry that I caused this.” I hugged him and hid my face in his shirt. “I am sorry I am a damaged human, but I promise to come back a strong ass half whatever I am.” “None of this is your fault.” He gave me one last squeeze. “Wolves are so focused on tradition and doing things exactly like their ancestors did. But that is what is killing us the most and I won’t ever run my pack like that. This is the last time they disrespect you. I am so glad they didn’t hurt you when I wasn’t around.” I looked at Sasha and shook my head. I knew she wanted to correct him but we never told him of the fights and the beatings. We didn’t want him to feel bad like he wasn’t doing enough and we didn’t want any more issues with the pack. Sasha did what she could but until she got alpha position she couldn’t order them against their will. He pulled Sasha into his other side and kissed the top of her head. “It is time to head out. I had a few of the women pack some of your favorite things. They put them by the gate so we will grab them on our way down to the meeting spot.” Sasha stopped and looked at the gate. “Do you think the other shifters will have a problem with me being the princess of werewolves and try to cause me more problems?” The sounds of twigs breaking stopped him from replying. My head whipped to face the direction the noise came from. I had a gut feeling it was whoever had been watching but wondered why I had that feeling. We didn’t see anything and I was about to second guess myself when Sasha and Dad sent out a warning growl. Intruders. Danger. I stayed still waiting for Alpha to give his command.
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