Chapter 6: New Roomies and Returning Stalker

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Raelynn I woke up in a bed I hadn’t seen before, in a room that wasn’t mine, with clothes on that I wasn’t in before blacking out. I kept my body still but took a quick peek around the best I could before landing on a snoring shape beside me. I let out a yell and rolled over onto the intruder. “What the hell, Rae?” Sasha grunted shoving me off her. “It’s me, dork face.” I rolled off the bed and stared at her. “Are you ok? I wanted to kill that guy for head butting you.” Her face sobered up and nodded. “Yea, I came around once we made it back here. He dropped me off here telling me it was my dorm room and to stay inside until someone came to get us in the morning for testing and freshman orientation.” She looked away from me which meant she wasn’t telling me everything. “Then I blacked out again from the pain.” “Sasha, spill,” I said and waited. “Ugh, you are so demanding,” she said as she sat up and finally looked at me. “He…He…He is going to reject me. I felt it in my chest. That is what caused the pain.” I let out a scream and punched the wall. “Are you kidding me? I am going to kill him slowly and with so much pleasure.” Before she could respond a knock came from somewhere in the dorm. I looked at her and she pointed out the door. She got up to answer it and I followed taking in the big dorm from the hallway. It seemed to have three bedrooms, one bathroom, a small kitchen, and a decent sized living room with all the furniture including a huge tv screen. I was ready for some movie nights. I had been snooping around longer than I thought. Sasha poked my shoulder making me jump and spin around ready to take her out. She giggled and pointed to the two new people in the living room. It was Zion and a beautiful black girl who had the biggest smile on her face. “Whoops.” Embarrassment took hold and I felt my cheeks get hot. “Being at a new school and waking up in a bed I haven’t seen before I might be a bit jumpy. “I understand,” the new girl said with a small giggle. “My name is Mia and I am your third roommate. And you know this scary guy here, Zion.” “Nice to meet you, Mia. I am Sasha and this is my sister, Raelynn.” Sasha shook her hand and seemed more comfortable after meeting her. “Sister?” Mia asked with her eyebrows furrowed. I got her confusion. “Yea, she was adopted but we met before that on the playground. We became best friends over the slide and scaring away mean boys. I told my dad she had to go home with us or I would cry for the rest of my life,” Sasha replied proudly. “Yea, she is still just as dramatic so buckle up and get ready.” I teased earning a scowl from her and a laugh from the rest of the room. “Hello, Little Flower,” Zion said, walking up to me and holding out a coffee. “I didn’t know what you liked so I told the barista to pick whatever would sound good to a girl who recently found out she was a demon and was raised on the human plain.” I saw Mia’s shocked face and realized this wasn’t a normal thing for him. That made me feel special. I smiled at him, accepted the drink, and took a sip. “Yummy, Vanilla and cinnamon.” I took another drink and smiled at him. “Thank you.” “Ok well I will have to think on that craziness later. For now we are here to take you to get tested.” Mia said to us still staring at Zion. “Your clothes are in your rooms so get changed and I will grab you both a snack bar.” We walked back out to find Zion holding my coffee and a snack bar by the door. Mia was standing beside him with Sasha’s snack bar and a drink. I was glad she wasn’t getting left behind in the special treatment. “Sasha is going with me to the shifter testing room.” Mia handed off the items to her. “I am a tiger shifter so I will be there to help you where you need it. The testing can be hard but I know you go this.” Sasha nodded and smiled. “After do will Rae be with me for the Freshman orientation and tour?” “She will be.” Zion answered her. “I will be taking her to get her testing done. I can’t go in the room with you but I will wait in the hallway. My shadows will keep an eye on you for me.” “Shadows?” I asked. Mia pushed us out the door and told me he could explain it for me on the way. We were running late as it was. Sasha gave me a wave and went off with our new roommate. She seemed trustworthy and Rae’s wolf didn’t react badly so I let my worries about her go and focus on acing this testing. The walk didn’t take long with me asking all sorts of questions and Zion doing his best to answer them. He controls actual shadows and could use them for just about anything including blacking out rooms, grabbing stuff from other people, listening in on other people’s conversations, and so much more. He was a sophomore and his dorm room was two floors up from mine. He roomed with two of his best friends and he seemed excited for me to meet them.
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