Chapter 7: A test you can’t fail.

1366 Words
Raelynn The room we were searching for was on the top floor of a huge grey brick building. It had training rooms galore and several that had weapons I was itching to get my hands on. I was told that wouldn’t happen until my sophomore year at least. That earned Zion a shove. “Ok, this is where you go in.” Zion said me pointing to a bright red door. “Your tester is the Assistant Dean Trevor. He is a bit…different but he is a good guy. He is friends with my father and most of the council.” I put my hand on the doorknob but stopped. “Council? I thought Lucifer ruled Hell?” “You will learn about all about it in your classes. For now focus on doing your best at the test.” Zion encouraged me with a smile. “I will be waiting right here for you.” I took a breath, watched Zions shadows go through the wall, and I opened the door. I knew he was putting on a braver face then he let on. He had kept his eyes on me this whole time and now he had to let me in a room without him. Yeah, right. No one was in the room yet. Fingers crossed Zion hadn’t tricked me into the wrong room just to keep his eyes on me. I wouldn’t put it past him. Keep it together, Rae. They wanted you here and they do this testing for everyone. This will be easy and painless. Well, I hoped. I looked around the room again thinking about breaking the window with a chair and making a run for it. Maybe these guys needed to work to keep me here after the crappy introduction. “I wouldn’t do that if I was you. The windows won’t break and we are on the fifth floor.” A man’s voice croaked from behind me. Pretty sure my heart stopped beating for a second. I turned around slowly preparing myself for the worst. I was more than pleasantly surprised by a middle-aged man with a smile on his face. He seemed normal before I realized what was on his forehead. He had small curved red horns. Was I about to join the crazy train by imagining things? I giggled manically. “Well, umm… Hello there. I promise I did not sneak in here. I was brought here by Zion. So, I am supposed to be in here. Totally.” Ok, he is so totally going to think I escaped a looney bin. Good Job, Rae. “And I know it looks like I am staring at your horns but I can’t take my eyes off of them. They are freaking awesome.” I slapped my hands over my mouth hoping this guy didn’t try to take me to the looney bin. “I am going to assume you haven’t ever seen a demon without a concealing spell placed on them.” He held his hand out to me. “I am glad to be among one of the first you have seen. I am Professor Trevor, the assistant Dean and the teacher of soul bonds, mating, and more. There is a more official title for it but I think it’s a pain in the ass to say after time.” I grabbed his hand and shook it. I made sure to put my strength into it. For some reason I felt like this might be a test and I sure as heck wasn’t going to start failing those now. He took his hand back and checked me over making sure to walk all the way around me before making a sign of approval. “I bet you are wondering what the next steps are and when you will be returned to your shifter friend.” He pulled out a chair for me. “Yes, please.” I let out a long breath. I hated not knowing what was going on. I needed to feel some type of in control or my anxiety would hit the roof. “I like an eager learner so points for you, Rae.” He pulled out some paperwork and skimmed through it. “I see you were in foster care before coming to live with the Alpha King and his pack. You seemed to excel at everything they threw are you including learning to fight the wolves while they were shifted. That is pretty amazing.” “Thank you. I enjoy the fight. It brings…” I wasn’t quite sure how to word it. I always felt better after some punches were thrown. “The warrior out in me and makes me feel more in control of everything around me. It is almost like the colors are brighter and scents are stronger after I have had a good fight or two under my belt...” “That is great. So, I can take off beginner training off the list of possible classes.” He crossed a few things out and wrote in some notes. “Now they will do a fighting test to see where you level is exactly but before any of that can happen we have a few tests we need to do before you head to your dorm.” “Tests? Right let’s do this.” I was starting to get that sick feeling you get when you don’t study for a test thinking you will be fine but when the test is put on your desk you can see you screwed yourself over. “Breathe.” He put his hand on mine on the desk and smiled at me. “I will take a few samples of blood for DNA markers, essence, and power levels. After that we will put some pressure on your powers so they will show themselves and we can go from there. That will also help select your classes that will start in a few days along with everyone else’s.” He moved his attention to opening the briefcase that was on the table. “Why do we need to know my power level? Will that dictate the type of training I get?” I was looked at like a weak human before and was told I wouldn’t need to be taught to fight because I would suck at it. I showed those jerks and I won’t let that happen here. “Oh no. It shows us the rank you have and that dictates where we put class wise and rank wise. Your power level also shows who your parents could be and that is a huge deal. Some powers run in families along with physical markers such as horns and tails.” He pointed to his horns so I understood. “I got my horns from my dad and my tail from my great grandmother.” “You have a tail?” I gasped and tried to look under the table hoping to catch a glance of it. “That is amazing. You are like the coolest demon I have ever seen.” “Well, thank you,” he replied with a smile. “This is quick and easy. You will do fine.” He grabbed a few items out of the briefcase. One of them being a blood testing machine and a needle. My excitement level as at the bare minimum currently and that didn’t help. “That makes me feel better. Let’s get the needle out and stick me already.” I winked and put my arm out so he could find a good vein. He laughed as he got everything out of his bag and started taking my blood. “Fair warning you can’t be soft at this school. You have to fight tooth, nail, talons, fangs, and more to stay alive. We go above and beyond on safety measures but s**t happens.” “Good to know.” I was starting to make a list of what I needed to thank Jerrick for. “It will be ok.” He finished putting the vials of blood back into his bag and grabbed out something else I couldn’t see.
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