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Nandani was sitting in her room silently. At night, Manik came to her room and told, "Come downstairs for dinner". Nandani nodded and went downstairs with him. She silently had her dinner and went back to her room. She went to the balcony, and was gazing at the stars. "Mom, Dad, I miss you", she cried. Manik came to her room. He saw the door of her room open, so he went inside. He saw Nandani standing in the balcony, so he joined her there, and coughed to gain her attention. Nandani immedietly wiped off her tears and turned behind. Manik asked, "You have not slept yet?". "I am not feeling sleepy", she replied looking down at the floor. "Why?", he asked but Nandani didn't reply, and started to fidget with her fingers. Manik was constantly noticing her actions. He held her hands lovingly, and raised her chin. He looked right into her eyes and asked, "What's wrong?" "Missing Mom and Dad", she replied with tears in her eyes. "Your Mom and Dad are watching you from the heaven, if you keep crying like this, they won't be happy", said Manik wiping her tears. "Why do people always leave me?  First mom and dad left me, than Karthik died, and Harshad too left me. My friend Navya and I got separated, and now my friend c*m my brother Abhimanyu has been expelled from the college", she replied sadly. "Baby I am there for you", said Manik kissing her knuckles. "You will also leave me, one day, I know that ", she said  "I promise sweetie I won't leave you, and will always stick by your sides,  during happy times as well as dark times", said Manik hugging her tightly. "Promise?", asked Nandani cutely. "I promise baby", said Manik kissing her forehead gently. "Also promise me,  you won't hurt me or scold me, I feel scared", said Nandani cutely "My baby feels scared?", asked Manik Nandani nodded in affirmative. She told, "I will call you my angel from today" "Angel ? Why?", asked Manik. "When I was small, Mom used to always tell me that those who would be there during your dark times, and care for you, without expecting anything in return, are angels sent to us by God. That's why you are my angel", said Nandani Manik smiled and kissed her forehead. He asked, "Baby why can't you give me a chance, to prove my love. At least we can begin with  a friendship?",  Nandani thought for some while and than replied, "Okay ". Manik smiled and told, "I promise baby I will make you fall in love with me". Nandani cutely requested, "Manik I want an ice-cream please" "Okay baby you sit over here, I will get it for you", said Manik and went to the kitchen to get an ice-cream for her. He took a chocolate ice-cream from the refrigerator and headed back towards the room. "Princess here comes your ice -cream ", said Manik giving an ice-cream to her. She thanked him and started to eat the ice-cream. She licked the ice cream from her lips cutely and Manik was just left staring at her.  "Damn, she looks so cute and adorable. She is Mine, just mine I won't let her go away from me ", he thought. Nandani noticed that Manik was gazing at her continuously. She asked cutely, "Manik do you want a bite" "No ", he said. "So why are you than looking at me like that?", she asked cutely. "Because you are too adorable, just like a small baby", said Manik pulling her cheeks. "I an not small. I am a big, 18 year old girl ", she told making a cute pout. Manik smiled at her, and pulled her on his lap and nuzzled into her neck . But Nandani's whole concentration was on her ice-cream. After she had her ice-cream, Manik took her in his arms, and laid her on the bed and told, "Now sleep" He started to place soft wet kisses on her neck, due to which she shivered. She clutched Manik's shirt tightly.  "You need not to feel scared sweetie, I won't hurt you ". he whispered placing a soft kiss on her fore head. He pecked at her lips and wished her, "Good Night".  He than hugged her tightly. Nandani snuggled more into his chest and within no time she went to sleep.
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