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At night, Manik was sitting in his study room,  and was trying to obtain information about Harshad and his g**g, who were the true culprits behind Karthik's suicide. He kept a check on  Nandani in between,  whether she was sleeping peacefully. The next morning, Nandani woke up with a heavy head. She was having a severe headache. She tried to get up from the bed,  but she felt giddy, so she sat down again . She took her face in her palms, and was crying due to pain. Manik came to the room to check on her. He saw Nandani crying badly, so he sat beside her, and asked worriedly , "Baby what happened, why are you crying?" "My head ... its paining a lot", she cried. "Baby if you keep on crying, it will pain even  more", said Manik  "I want to go home", she cried. "First have breakfast, than I will drop you home", said Manik "I want to go right now", said Nandani crying "Nandani baby why are you so stubborn?", asked Manik "Please..", she cried "Okay you first stop crying", said Manik. Nandani wiped off her tears. Manik droped her back  to her residence. Nandani was about to get out of the car, but due to giddiness she sat back on the seat again. "Careful Princess ", said Manik. He himself got out of the car,  and held Nandani's hand, and safely dropped her at her house. He knocked at the door. Nandani's aunt opened the door. She saw Manik and Nandani. "Nandani, where were you the whole night? I tried calling you,  but your phone was switched off", said Nandani's aunt worriedly Nandani didn't reply and ran off  to her room . She dig her face in her pillow, and cried. Nandani's uncle,  Mr. Murthy came downstairs and saw Manik. "Mr. Malhotra you ? Please come in", said Mr. Murthy.  "Thank you", replied Manik and entered  inside.  "Please sit ! What will you like to have, tea or coffee?", asked Mr. Murthy. "Nothing,  Thank you. Actually I came to drop Nandani,  and also I wanted  to talk to you", said Manik "Please say ",  said Mr. Murthy. Manik narrated what happened yesterday,  and also confessed his feelings for Nandani. Mr. and Mrs. Murthy were shocked to hear Manik's confession.  Rishab,  Nandani's younger brother came and told, "Uncle, Aunt , I have booked the cab. It will come in no time" "You guys were going somewhere?", enquired Manik. "Yes, Mr Malhotra, we were going to Delhi,  for Rishab's treatment. He is a cancer patient", replied Mr. Murthy. "Oh!  I am sorry to hear that", said Manik "Rishab dear,  cancel the cab,  we are not going today. I will cancel the doctor's appointment too", said Mr. Murthy  "Why?", asked Manik "Mr. Malhotra, how can we leave Nandani alone after whatever happened yesterday. She might take some wrong step", said Mr. Murthy "First of all please call me Manik, and secondly don't worry about Nandani . I assure you she will be safe with  me". said Manik "Are you sure Manik?", asked Mr. Murthy "100 % Sure . You need not worry about her ", said Manik assuring them. "Thank you so much Manik,  Nandani is lucky, to have you in her life", said Ms. Murthy "No Aunty, its me who is lucky, to have a girl like Nandani in my life", said Manik proudly . He than told Rishab, "Cancel the cab Rishab,  my driver shall drop you" Than Manik called up his driver. Rishab , Mr and Mrs Murthy bid farewell and left. Manik went to Nandani's room. What he saw next was enough to boil his blood and make him angry. Nandani was about to cut her wrist with a knife. Manik ran and snatched the knife from  her hand and scolded her, "What the hell were you doing". Nandani didn't reply,  which made him even more angry. "Answer me god damn it", he shouted and pushed her on the bed. "None of your business,  just go away from here ", she cried Manik slammed his lips on hers, and kissed her gently. When Nandani was breathless, he left her and got up. He ordered, "Pack your bag, You are staying with me until your uncle and aunt come back." "No I won't come, you are very bad,  I hate you", she said  "Nandani why are you so stubborn?  Last time I am telling you or else..", he warned her "Or else what will you do.. You will force me again. I know you just want my body, just like other boys . You all are the same", said Nandani angrily Manik was fuming in anger,  listening to her words. He picked Nandani in his arms and took her to his car. Nandani tried to run away,  but Manik pushed her in the car carefully and told dangerously, "Dont,  I swear the consequences won't be good for you." He drove to his mansion. He pulled Nandani out of the car, and took her inside the mansion. "Leave my hand ", she cried but Manik ignored all her pleads and cries. Mukti , Dhruv and Cabir followed Manik. Manik pulled Nandani to the guest room and told angrily, "You are staying here for a month. Dare you run away Nandani, I will find you anyway,  and trust me I willl show the true monstrous side of mine" He than left from the room angrily. Cabir and Dhruv followed him. Nandani was crying badly . Mukti sat beside her and tried to calm her down. "Nandani don't cry", said Mukti. "Manik sir will hurt me ", she cried. "No Nandani Manik won't hurt you", said Mukti *SCENE CHANGE*  "Manik why are you behaving so harshly with Nandani?", asked  Cabir.  "Why can't she see my Love Cabir? She think's that I am a monster, I am forcing her,  I just want her body. So let me be a monster in the true sense", said Manik angrily. "Manik, you know about Nandani's past, she will take time to trust you", said Dhruv "You need to treat her with love and care. Mukti's friend would be here in no time. Make Nandani eat her breakfast ", said Cabir "And control your anger too", said Dhruv. Manik nodded and went to the guest room where Nandani was. He saw Nandani crying badly, sitting on the floor and Mukti was trying to console her.  He told, "Mukti please go out, I want to talk to Nandani alone" "Manik please have a control on your anger", said Mukti and went out of the room cloosing the door behind her.  Nandani got scared when Manik started walking towards her. "Please..sir", she cried. "How many times I have told you to call me Manik, but you never understand", he told  "I am sorry..", she cried. "Did I ask you to apologize ?", he told caressing her cheeks. "Please let me go home", she pleaded "Stop crying baby, you are just wasting your tears. You are staying here until your uncle and aunt comes and that is final. It would be good if you agree by your own, or I have my own ways", he told smirking Manik wiped off her tears and pecked her lips. He put her hair strands behind her ears and told, "Freshen up and come downstairs for breakfast. I have made arrangements for your dresses they are in the wardrobe" Nandani nodded . Manik kissed her forehead, and left shutting the door. Nandani immediately freshened up, and wore a simple yellow crop top with jeans. She went downstairs to the dinning room. Manik pulled a chair beside him,  for her. She sat. The servants served the breakfast to all four {Mukti, Cabir , Dhruv , Manik and Nandani} They started to eat,  but Nandani was just rolling the spoon in the plate. Manik told sternly, "Are you eating or should I make you eat" "I am eating", she told making a cute pout.  They completed their breakfast, when Mukti's friend came. Mukti went and hugged her. Mukti also introduced her to everyone, "Guys she is Zoya my good friend" "And Zoya he is Manik. to the left is Dhruv and to the right is Cabir", said Mukti introducing Zoya to them "Hi Ms. Zoya ", said Cabir forwarding his hand for a handshake  "Mrs. Zoya Hooda, Cabir", said Mukti laughing. Everyone burst out laughing.. Than Mukti introduced her to Nandani, "Zoya she is Nandani" "Hi Nandani. ", said Zoya Hi", said Nandani "Nandani she is your Councillor", said Manik, "I don't need any Councillor ", she told angrily and went to her room. "Don't worry guys let me handle her", said  Zoya and she went behind Nandani. "I told you, I don't need any councilor", said Nandani to Zoya "Okay but can we be friends?", asked Zoya. After thinking for a while,  Nandai told yes. "Okay Nandani, since we are friends now tell me something about yourself. Were you born and brought in Mumbai itself?", asked Zoya. "Nope I lived in Manglore with my grand mom, and brother Rishab after our parents death", said Nandani. "So why did you come to Mumbai? Manglore is a beautiful city", said Zoya. All the past memories flashed in front of her eyes. Tears started to roll down her cheeks. Zoya asked, "Did something happen?" Nandani narrated everything to her and cried, " I am very bad. I don't deserve to live" "You are not bad darling,  it was not because of you. Whatever happened was written in destiny. Stop blaming yourself for everything", said Zoya "But Karthik's parents thinks everything happened because of me", said Nandani. "Look Darling,  people shall  criticize no matter what you do. Hypocrisy is in our blood. People talk sweetly on our face,  and talk s**t about us, behind our back. Be a strong woman, and ignore people's criticism. Move on Darling and forget the past . " advised Zoya. Nandani nodded in affirmative. "For a wound to heal you need to stop touching it,  Nandani . Forget the past and move on", said Zoya and took her leave. 
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