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The next morning , Manik woke up due to sun rays falling on his face. He saw Nandani sleeping peacefully snuggling into him. He smiled and kissed her forehead. He placed his head properly on the pillow and went to his room to freshen up.  After freshening up he went to Nandani's room and sat beside her on the bed. He pushed aside the hair which were coming on her face, and smiled looking at her innocent face. He kissed her cheeks and whispered, "Good Morning, Princess" Nandani opened her eyes and smiled at Manik. She replied cutely, "Good Morning, angel" "Wake up fast , freshen up and come downstairs for breakfast I am waiting". he told kissing her cheeks. Nandani nodded and Manik left from the room shutting the door behind him. Nandai got up to freshen herself. She wore a white crop top with black ripped jeans. She went downstairs and saw Mukti, Cabir , Dhruv were also present there. "Good Morning", said Nandani to them.  "Good Manik Nandani ", they replied with a bright smile. "Let's have breakfast", said Manik. Everyone sat on the dining table and started to have their breakfast. Nandani told , "Manik I am getting bored" "So let's go somewhere", said Manik . "What about office ?", asked Nandani. "Nandani there are a lot of employees at the office .They will handle everything", uttered Manik. "Oh! you love sick puppy, when we make plans for some outings or lunch, dinner, movie you always deny saying that you have work. Nandani you are too special for Manik because he is keeping his work aside for the first time", said Cabir dramatically. "Cabir can you stop your drama", said Manik. "Manik lets go to the mall we shall watch movies, eat something from the food court and play games in the gaming area and shall have a lot of fun", said Mukti. "Okay then, lets leave ", said Manik.  They left for the mall, Manik and Naandani in one car, Mukti, Cabir and Dhruv in the other car. They reached the mall. They got the movie tickets and Manik booked the last two rows for them so that he could spend some romantic movements with Nandani. They were about to enter the theater when Nandani bumped into someone. "Nandani you...", said the person hugging her tightly. "Aryaman you..", said Nandani hugging him back. Manik was hell angry seeing the other guy touching his girl. He was about to punch Aryaman on his face, but Cabir caught his hand and stopped him with an eye sign of no. "What are you doing over here?", asked Aryaman. "I came to watch the movie. Wait let me introduce to them, he is Manik Malhotra my boss I am working for him. Besides him is Cabir, Dhruv and Mukti, Manik sir's friends,  and guys he is Aryaman my Manglore friend", said Nandani introducing them to each other. "When did you come to Mumbai you didn't even inform, I am not talking to you", said Nandani making a cute pout. " I had no way's to contact you. ", said Aryaman  "Okay leave all that, let's go in and watch the movie", said Nandani. They went inside the theater. Nandani was gigling and laughing and Aryaman was holding her hands. Manik was fuming with anger. After the movie was over they came out of the theater and went to the food court. Aryaman made Nandani eat with his hands and Manik was fuming with anger. Aryaman asked, "Nandani where is uncle, aunt and Rishab?" "Aryaman they have gone to Delhi for Rishab's treatment", said Nandani. "So with whom are you staying now?", asked Aryaman "I am staying with Manik sir in his mansion", replied Nandani.  "Nandani why are you troubling your boss, if you want you can stay with me", said Aryaman.  "No Mr Aryaman there is no trouble caused to me", said Manik  Aryaman got a call from someone so he had to leave. He told Nandani, "Baby I will see you later I have to go home urgently there is some problem" "Okay take care, go safely", said Nandani. Aryaman pecked her cheeks which made Manik even more angry. No sooner did Aryaman leave, Manik dragged Nandani out of the mall and pushed her inside the car and drove off in full speed . Multi, Cabir and Dhruv also followed him in the other car. "Manik please slow down the speed, I am feeling scared", she said. Manik ignored all her pleads. They reached Manik's mansion. Manik pulled her out of the car roughly and dragged her inside the mansion. "Manik please leave me its hurting ", she said crying.  "I don't care Nandani", he screamed making Nandani shiver . He dragged her to her room and locked the door and threw her on the bed. He hovered upon her and asked , "Who the hell was that guy Nandani and how the hell did you allow him to touch you?" "Manik please , he is just a friend", said Nandani. Manik slammed his lips on hers and kissed her widly. Nandani tried to push him but Manik pinned her hands above her head . He bit her lips.  When Nandani was breathless, Manik attacked her neck and started to bite her over there. He removed her top and she was in her inners. Nandani pleaded, "Manik please trust me he was just a friend " "I don't care Nandani how did he touch what's mine", said Manik. He started to place a bite  on her shoulder due to which Nandani winced in pain, but it no more effected him. All he wanted to do was remove Aryaman's touch from Nandani's body. He was behaving like a mad, obsessed lover. He gave a bite on her navel and Nandani screamed in pain, "Manik please - please stop, I beg you please stop", she said joining her hands. Manik was hurt now looking at her condition, blood was oozing from her lips and neck. He got up angrily away from her and shut the door and left. Nandani was crying in pain. Cabir, Mukti and Dhruv saw Manik coming out of the room. Cabir asked, "Manik why the hell did you drag her out like that?" "Because SHE IS MINE. I will kill that person who ever tries to touch my Nandani", he told angrily. "Where is Nandani", asked Dhruv. Manik didn't replied his eyes were blood red.  Mukti went to the room and saw Nandani crying badly. She was only in her inner and blood was oozing out from her neck and lips. There were a lot of bites on her body. 
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