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The next afternoon  Manik woke up before Nandani. He saw her sleeping peacefully. He started to place soft kisses on her cheeks and neck. Nandani's sleep got disturbed. She uttered with a cute pout, "Manik, please let me sleep I am tired" "Wake up Princess, its 2 pm we slept for too long", said Manik hugging her. "I want to sleep more", said Nandani and covered her face with a blanket. "You are not going to wake up", he asked her for the last time, pulling the blanket away from her face. "No ", said Nandani again covering her face in the blanket. Manik started tickling her and Nandani woke up giggling. "Manik you are very bad", she told. "I know that baby, now go and freshen up we are going to the restaurant for lunch" "Okay", said Nandani and went to freshen up. Manik also went to the other room and got freshened up. They went to the restaurant. Manik pulled a chair for her like a gentlemen. Nandani sat and Manik also sat on the other chair. The waiter came with a menu card and asked, "What would you like to have sir, Maam"  Manik got an urgent call so he said to Nandani, "Baby you order something I will just attend a call and will be right back" "Okay come soon", said Nandani and Manik smiled and left to attend the call. Nandani read the menu list and told the waiter, "Get 2 plate of noodles and a plate of fried rice " "Okay Ma'am Thank you for the order. Please wait for sometime till your order arrives", said the waiter and took a leave.  Nandani was reading a magazine, when suddenly someone tapped her shoulder from behind. Nandani turned back and was shocked to see Harshad and a girl  "Nandani what are you doing over here? By the way meet my girlfriend Soha", said Harshad holding Soha's waist tightly  Tears brimmed in Nandani's eyes recollecting all the memories of past. Harshad noticed that. "You didn't move on, was I that special for you. Oh my god please don't tell me that you still love me", he said laughing. Manik came and saw Harshad talking to Nandani and  tears welling up in Nandani's eyes. He immediately inquired , "Baby what happened, who is he?" "Oh!  Nandani Murthy moved on, not bad! By the way Mr. I am Harshad,  Nandani's ex boyfriend. Nandani you didn't tell your boyfriend about me and our first night", he told Nandani. Tears were continuously rolling down her cheeks. "What did you see in this girl ? I mean just look at you, any girl will throw herself to be with you!", said Soha to Manik. "By the way Mr., I must say your girlfriend is very good on bed. I actually can't forget our first night", said Harshad to Manik, lustily. Harshad received a tight punch on his face.  "Shut up, just shut up you bastard. I will dig your grave right here understood? Enough of all the games that you played, now its my turn. Just wait and watch what Manik Malhotra is going to do with you. I will make your life hell", said Manik angrily holding Harshad's collar. Manik held Nandani's hand and left from there. He made Nandani sit in the car. Nandani kept on crying and sobbing badly.  He drove back to his bungalow. Nandani was still crying bitterly. Manik told, "Baby don't tell me you are crying for that jerk. He doesn't deserve your tears princess" Nandani didn't reply anything and ran up to her room. She dug her face in the pillow and cried badly. Manik was feeling restless seeing her in pain. He called up Cabir. "Oh!  Manik Malhotra, how did you get time to call me in between your romance", said Cabir pulling his leg, "What romance Cabir, Nandani is crying ", he told sadly. "What? Why? " What did you do now Manik?", asked Cabir. "Bro I didn't do anything", said Manik. "So why is she crying?", asked Cabir.  Manik narrated everything to him.  "I am going to kill that Harshad, Cabir. I will take revenge from him, of every single tear and pain that he has given to Nandani ", said Manik angrily. "Buddy you can plan for your revenge later, now just think of some way to cheer up Nandani", said Cabir. "Bro my mind is not working ! Please suggest some idea", pleaded Manik. Cabir gave him an idea. "Will it work? I hope Nandani doesn't gets more upset ", said Manik. "No Manik she wont ", said Cabir assuring. "Alright, Thanks Cabir", said Manik and hung up the call.  Manik went to the terrace and started to work on Cabir's plan. After few hours Nandani woke up. She saw the clock it was 9 pm.  "Oh God!  I slept for so long!", muttered Nandani. She saw a parcel on the bed with a sticky note. She opened the parcel. There was a black short net dress that was thigh length. She read the sticky note that accompanied the dress.  It read: "Princess, when you wake up please wear this dress and come on the terrace,  I shall be waiting for you.  Yours, Manik" Nandani freshened herself up,  and wore that dress. She combed her hair in a bun and went to the terrace. She saw the whole terrace was decorated with petals, candles, fairy lights and fireflies. Tears brimmed in her eyes remembering the past. FLASHBACKS "Harshad where are you taking me ?", asked Nandani "Nandani come with me, you ask a lot of questions", said Harshad and pulled her into the garden.  He gave her a jar which contained fireflies and told, "This fireflies are a mark of our love . It will always make you remember me and the moments we spent together. " FLASHBACK ENDS "Manik fireflies, love its all a lie. Its a myth Manik..", she told crying. When she was about to leave , Manik caught her hands and pulled her towards him. "No princess, Love is true its not a myth . Yes I agree sometimes love tears our heart apart, breaks us into pieces, but sometimes it also makes our life complete, and beautiful. All you need is a true person who loves you ", said Manik gazing deep down into her eyes. Nandani hugged Manik tightly, and Manik also hugged her back.  After breaking free from the hug,  Manik wiped off her tears and said, "Crying for a boy ? Pick up your head princess your crown is falling." Nandani smiled and Manik pecked her lips. "Lets have dinner", said Manik. They had a candle light dinner. After completing the dinner,  Manik and Nandani laid down on the couch at the terrace and were gazing at the stars.  "You know Manik,  Grandma used to always tell me,  those who die turn into stars and always twinkle in the sky. At night, I used to always talk to mom dad and Karthik", said Nandani with tears in her eyes. To cheer up Nandani's gloomy mood, Manik tried to change the topic. "Nandani you know,  I love stars because they shine", said Manik.  "  You always stay with me and I will always shine for you", said Nandani lying on his chest.  " I love you Nandani ", said Manik "I love you too", said Nandani spontaneously. Manik smiled and took her in a tight embrace. He kissed her forehead. He took Nandani in his arms and headed towards his room. He put her on the bed and captured her lips. They slept cuddling next to each other. 
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