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The next morning, Manan woke up. They got freshened up, and had their breakfast and went back to Mumbai. Nandani's uncle and aunt also returned back from Manglore, so Manik dropped her at her residence. Nandani learnt a shocking truth that Manik paid off the money and called the best doctors for Rishab's  treatment, due to which Rishab was cured and was alive.  At night Manik called up Nandani, "Hello,  whats my baby doing", said Manik. "Manik I am not talking to you", said Nandani. "Why baby?", he asked  "Manik why did you pay for Rishab's treatment,  you didn't even tell me. ", said Nandani. " I am sorry baby,  but I did not want you to feel that I was doing a favour upon you. Nandani your problems are my problems,  your happiness is my happiness,  because you are Mine", said Manik. "I love you Manik, thank you for coming in my life ", said Nandani. "I love you even more my baby", said Manik. "Manik I am missing you", said Nandani. "So am I princess,  because I am used to your presence by now. Lets go for a date, because now officially we are a couple", said Manik. "When are we going?", asked Nandani "Tomorrow by 3 in the afternoon. I shall pick you up" said Manik. They chatted for some while and than hung up the call. Nandani went to sleep peacefully.   Manik stood awake smiling and recollecting all his memories,  he had with her. In no time he also fell asleep.  The next afternoon, Manik got ready for his date with Nandani. He wore a white shirt and black ripped jeans. He went downstairs where Mukti , Cabir and Dhruv were sitting and chit chatting.   "May the soul rest in peace", said Cabir. "Who died?", asked Manik "You will tell us that ", said Cabir. "I didn't get you Cabir", said Manik not understanding what he said. "Buddy in whose funeral are you going, wearing this white shirt", said Cabir laughing.  Mukti and Dhruv laughed out merrily. "Was that even a joke?", asked Manik angrily. "Okay, Okay!  now on a serious note,  tell me where are you going?", asked Cabir "On a date with Nandani", said Manik "In this white shirt?", asked Mukti  "Mukti let him go he will get some sympathy ", said Dhruv doing a high five with Cabir. They again started to laugh. Manik gave an angry glare to them and went to his room to change his dress. He than came downstairs wearing a cargo pant and a black shirt.  "How am I looking now?", asked Manik. "You are looking better but..", Cabir tried to say,  but Manik interrupted him in between and said, "Buddy leave it its my fault I asked you" Cabir , Dhruv and Mukti burst out laughing. "Enjoy", they said and Manik took a leave . He went to pick Nandani up . Nandani was wearing pink short dress and tied her hair in a bun. She was looking like a princess who came straight from a fairy tale. Manik told, "Baby you are looking gorgeous " "Thank you Manik you are also looking hot handsome and dashing", said Nandani blushing. Manan drove to a restaurant. Manik booked the entire restaurant for a couple of hours, there was no one except them, and a couple of waiters.  Nandani asked, "Manik there is no one here except for us " "Yes Nandani because I have booked the entire hotel so that  I can spent some time with you", said Manik.  Manik pulled a chair for her like a gentlemen and he also sat opposite to her.  He ordered food for both of them. They ate while talking and laughing. Nandani was smiling and talking and started to share everything with him.  "Isn't it beautiful when someone starts to heal you and your broken heart. When someone makes you believe in Love when you even hated the word Love. When someone loves you when you are not able to love yourself. When someone stays by your side even when you push them away and makes you love your own self" They spent some beautiful time. During evening, Manik dropped her at her residence."Bye Princess, take care" "Bye,  you too take care", said Nandani and went to her home and Manik drove back to his mansion.
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