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"Lets go ", said Manik. "Where?", asked Nandani raising her brows. "To the bungalow. You are tired isn't it?", said Manik. "Yes Manik I am too tired", said Nandani.  They sat in the car and drove off to Manik's bungalow. Nandani was continuously looking at Manik and smiling. She thought, "God he is so handsome, his dark brown eyes, his smile, his sharp jawline. His well built abs and body. Damn Nandani stop thinking about him". Nandani uttered to herself. "Princess done checking at me?", asked Manik with a smile. "No, No I wasn't checking on you", said Nandani going red with embarrassment . She looked outside the car and Manik smiled looking at her cuteness. "I know Nandani you also somewhere do like me, and I am going to make you confess it from your mouth. These 3 days are enough for me", thought Manik. They reached the bungalow in a couple of hours. It was a beautiful bungalow with a huge garden. Nandani was simply mesmerized looking at the bungalow. "Wow, Manik it's so beautiful", said Nandani admiring it. Manik and Nandani than went inside the bungalow. Nandani was admiring the interiors of the bungalow. The living room was quite huge. There were big chandeliers on the ceiling and beautiful sofas. Than Manik took her upstairs, to one of the room and whispered into her ears, "We both will be staying here for 3 days just you and me" Nandani shivered due to the proximity, while Manik placed a soft kiss on her neck. Nandani took a step backwards and Manik took a step forward till Nandani's back hit the wall, and Manik caged her in between both his hands. He kissed her forehead, her eyes, the tip of her nose, her cheeks and when he was about to capture her lips, Nandani stopped him. She told, "Manik , look behind what is it?" Manik turned back and Nandani ran away laughing. "Nandani, I am not going to leave you", said Manik. "Catch hold of me first", said Nandani giggling like a small kid. Manik and Nandani started to run around in the whole room. Manik finally caught her and they both fell on the bed. Manik immediately changed his position and hovered upon Nandani. He told kissing her cheeks, "Now where will you run Princess" "I am sorry ", she said giggling cutely. Manik was mesmerized with her beautiful smile. He told "You really look beautiful and cute while smiling angel. Keep smiling always." He than captured her lips into a deep passionate kiss and Nandani responded back equally. Manik smiled in between the kiss. When Nandani was breathless, he left her. Nandani closed her eyes and was breathing heavily. He kissed her forehead and whispered, "I love you baby" Nandani smiled . They watched some movie on the laptop and chatted for some while.  At night , they had their dinner. Manik fed Nandani lovingly and so did Nandani.
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