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After completing his office work, Manik dropped Nandani at her residence. She helped her aunt with some household work and her younger brother Rishab with his assignments. At night, while Nandani was sitting in her room, all those thoughts and screams again started. Those voices were blaming her, "You are the reason for Karthik's death" "Harshad left you" "You are worthless ", "You are trash". Those voices were continuously echoing in her ears. She covered hear ears and palmed her mouth to stop the screams and cries. Manik called her up but she didn't receive the call. He left a text, "Nandani please pick up the call baby" seeing the message Nandani recieved  the call. "Hello ", said Manik. Nandani could't utter a word . She couldn't stop her cries. Manik got worried he asked, " Baby what happend". Nandani kept on crying. Very worried Manik video called her . Nandani received the call. Manik saw her crying badly. Her hairs were all messed up. She cried, "Karthik didn't die because of me,  Please believe me"  "Of course I trust you baby, I know he didn't die because of you", said Manik  "Please ask these voices to stop. My head is paining, I will die due to this headache", she cried. "Baby you sleep for sometime you will feel better", said Manik.  "I can't sleep nightmares and these voices are not allowing me to sleep", said Nandani crying badly "Baby at least try to sleep . I am there for you . Come on just lie down ", he said  Nandani laid down on the bed and kept her phone in front of her . Manik kept on consoling her that he was there for her . In a couple of hours she went to sleep. But Manik could not sleep. He could feel Nandani's pain.  In the morning, Manik got up and after freshening himself he went downstairs in the living room. Where Mukti and Cabir hugged him tightly. "SUPRISE", they yelled  {Mukti and Cabir are twins and also childhood friends of Manik} "When did you guys arrive", asked Manik  "Just came back at night ", replied Mukti "By the way tell me who is Nandani", said Cabir pulling Manik's leg "Who told you about her", asked Manik "We got to know from Cabir. 'The Manik Malhora' who did not believe in Love, is behaving like a love sick puppy ahem ahem", said Cabir pulling his leg.  Dhruv also joined them. He hugged Cabir and Mukti and told Manik, "Congratulations, Buddy you won the elections, and also you got the contract with Mr. Kapoor which our company was struggling for" But Manik just hummed there was no happiness, no emotion on his face. Cabir asked, "Is everything alright?",  Manik narrated everything to them about Nandani's dark past and their video call of the previous night. Cabir suggested, "Manik why don't you get her counselling done?" "Yes Manik Cabir is right. I know a psychologist, she is a good friend of mine. If you want, should I discuss Nandani's case with her", asked Mukti.  "Yes Mukti please do that", said Manik. "But first I want a treat ", said Mukti like a small kid.  "Sure I will be throwing a party today. ", said Manik He asked the servants to make the arrangements for caterers and decorations. He invited his business partners and other important people . He went to the office but Nandani was nowhere to be seen . Manik asked the receptionist , "Where is Nandani?" "Sir she has not come up till now", informed the receptionist.  Manik called her up but she didn't answer the call. Manik was very worried for her. "I hope she didn't take any wrong step", he thought.  Manik was about to go to her home. He stepped out of his cabin, when he bumped into Nandani. Nandani immediately apologized , "Sorry sir " "Its Okay, Please come to my cabin", said Manik. Nandani followed him to his cabin. Manik closed the door. He asked Nandani, "Where were you I was calling you. Do you know how much worried I was for you" Nandani said , "I am sorry sir actually I woke up late. I don't know how did I sleep for so long",  Manik smiled and said , "No problem sweetie its nice to hear that you had a good sleep" "After a long time.", she said  "Show me your  hands", said Manik. Nandani rolled up her sleeves, and showed her wrists and hands. Manik was happy to see that there were no more new cuts. "Nandani I won the elections, and also our company has signed the deal, for which we were struggling for a long time", said Manik "Congratulations ", said Nandani with a genuine smile on her face. "Thanks sweetie. I am throwing a party today at my place, so you have to come", said Manik "Sir--but",  Nandani tried saying something, but Manik interrupted her in between. "No buts and ifs. If you don't come by 9, than I shall come to your home and take you forcefully", he told dangerously "You look like a mafia, more than a politician", said Nandani cutely Manik smiled, gazing at her cuteness.  "Should I go to my desk now?', asked Nandani "No ", said Manik. "Monster..", she muttered in a low voice  "I heard that ", said Manik wickedly. Nandani looked downwards and bit her lower lips. Manik couldn't control himself anymore. He pinned her against the wall, and started kissing her. Nandani tried to free herself,  but Manik caught her waist more tightly. When Nandani was breathless, Manik left her lips and gave a love bite on her neck Nandani clutched his shirt . Manik kissed her gently to soothe the pain. Nandani asked cutely, "Are you a vampire why do you always bite me?" "Its my love bite baby.. This mark proves that you are mine just mine", he said pecking her lips "Should I go now?", she asked cutely "Yes but be ready by 9 I shall be sending my driver to pick you up", said Manik "Do I have any other option?", she asked sweetly. "No ", said Manik "So I have to come?", she asked cutely "Yes princess you have to", said Manik.
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