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At night, Manik sent his driver to pick Nandani up. Nandani wore a red off shoulder sweat shirt with black ripped jeans. She wore black boots,  and kept her her hair open. No sooner did she enter the mansion, all the boys were starring at her. Manik was talking to Cabir, when he saw Nandani, and he was simply mesmerized by her beauty. She looked simple yet very elegant. Manik felt jealous and angry, when he observed that the boys were drooling over her. He went towards her, and caught her by her waist possessively . Nandani was trying to loosen out of his grip. She told in a low voice, "Manik Sir, what are you doing. Everybody is looking at us please leave me" "Let them watch Nandani, they should also come to know that you are just MINE ", said Manik. Maniki than introduced her to his friends. "Nandani, meet him he is Cabir, and she is Mukti, and you know Dhruv right?, and guys she is Nadani Murthy. my girl ", he told, introducing her to Cabir and Mukti. "Hi , Nandani ", said Cabir with a smile "Hello", said Nadani smiling back. "Manik you have a very nice choice", uttered Mukti. "My choice is always the best ",  he replied boastfully,  while holding Nandani's waist  Suddenly someone patted Manik's shoulder from behind, and Nandani and he both turned back. Nandani was shocked to see Ram and Priya Kapoor owner of Kapoor Industries with whom Manik had signed the deal with. {Ram and Priya Kapoor are Karthik's parents.} Ram and Priya were also shocked to see her."You ", said Priya angrily. "Mrs. Kapoor do you know her"?,  asked Manik. "Yes Manik. This girl is b****y unlucky,  she has snatched away my son. She ruined our happy family", said Priya angrily. "Manik because of this characterless girl,  my son committed suicide", said Ram in disgust. "Aunty, Uncle please trust me,  Karthik didn't die because of me", said Nandani. Priya was about to raise her hand on Nandani, but Manik caught Priya's hand. "Mrs. Kapoor,  Nandani is my PA,  and also my girlfriend. I love her madly, so don't ever try to raise your hand on her", he told angrily. "Manik this girl is characterless. She will just sleep with you for the sake of money. She just make's rich people fall in her trap.  I am warning you, stay away from this w***e, or she will also ruin you ", said Priya. Nandani started to cry . Manik was hell lot angry now. "Enough is enough Mr and Mrs. Kapoor. Dare if you utter a single word against her . I know your son is dead,  but that doesn't means you will blame Nandani for  his death.", said Manik angrily "She is the reason behind Karthik's death", said Priya "Fine, I shall prove that she is not guilty for Karthik's death. Till then I am warning you, if you say anything about her or her character I will make your life hell. ", told Manik angrily. "Party is over guys ", he than announced. The guests went away bad mouthing about Nandani's character. Nandani fell on her knees, crying badly. She screamed in pain. Manik knelt down and told, "Nandani please stop crying angel".  But Nandani kept on crying bitterly. She was feeling breathless, due to continuous crying. Manik picked her up in his arms, and went towards his room. He put Nandani on the bed and removed her boots.  "Nandani please don't cry baby. ", said Manik. He was feeling restless seeing her tears.  "You go away from me, they were right, I am unlucky.", said Nandani crying. "No baby you are not unlucky,  you are my lucky charm ", said Manik wiping off her tears. Manik made her lie on the bed, and hugged her. Nandani snuggled deep into his chest, and kept crying. Manik kept patting her head, and rubbing her back. When Nandani slept, he went downstairs where his friends were seated . "Manik is she fine?", asked Mukti concernedly. "No Mukti , she is too depressed. Please talk to your councilor, I want to start with her counseling at the earliest ", said Manik "Yes Manik, I have spoken to her,  about Nandani's case. She will be back in Mumbai tomorrow,  and will start Nandani's counseling from tomorrow itself", said Mukti.
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