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The college came to an end. At night Nandani was sitting in her room and was studying when she got a call from an unknown number. She received the call . "Hello ", she said. No one answered. Nandani thought it was Alya irritating her. She told, "Alya I very well know it's you "  "No baby it's me YOUR Manik", replied Manik "Y--ou how did you ge--get  my num--number?', she asked stammering. "Baby I have obtained all the information about you and your family, so getting your number is not a big deal ", he said with a smirk. "Sir, why are you behind me?  I don't even know you You will find  many good looking and more beautiful girls than me. Please,  I am not interested in you ", said Nandani . "But baby I am interested in you and I love you madly.. You are just mine", he said dangerously "But--:, she tried to say something but Manik cut her in between and told, "Go to sleep I will see you tomorrow in the office" They hanged up the call. Nandani tried to close her eyes and sleep but all the past memories of herself and Harshad were flashing in front of her eyes. The screams in her head were driving her insane. The flashback of Karan's death was also flashing in front of  her eyes. She tried to cover her ears to stop the screams in her head but to no avail. She found relaxation by cutting her wrists. Tears were continuously rolling down her cheeks. "I am scared to live and have no guts to die.. I am tired god please end this pain ", she cried.  The whole night she stood awake crying and sobbing. She covered her screams with the help of pillows. .The next morning she walked out of her room as though nothing had happened, but the stars, moon, her pillow and the walls of her room had witnessed her pain. She got ready for the office and wore a black long sleeved tops. She went to the office reception and told, "Hello I am Nandani Murthy I have been appointed for the post of PA of Manik Sir" "Please wait I shall inform Manik sir ", said the receptionist with a courteous smile. The receptionist went and informed Manik. "Manik Sir, Nandani has come"  "Send her to my cabin", said Manik working on his laptop.  The receptionist informed Nandani to go inside. Nandani knocked at the door. "Come in ", said Manik  Nandani went inside. Manik saw her wearing a black long sleeved top and bags under her eyes.  Manik got up from his chair and started to walk towards Nandani. He closed the door and locked it. He told in a cold voice, "Remove your shirt" "What are you mad"?, said Nandani "I said remove your shirt. I don't like to repeat myself", he told dangerously.  Nandani told angrily, "Look enough. I am no more scared of you Just keep your b****y job with your own self.  I don't need it" She was about to leave but Manik pulled her hand and pinned her against the wall. He pressed his body against her and told dangerously, "You ain't scared of me baby? So I think I should do something with you, so that you will shiver in fear by just listening to my name", he told dangerously.  Nandani tried to push him and told angrily, "You b****y womanizer let me go" This words of her's added fuel to the fire. Manik was hell angry . He  picked Nandani in his arms and laid her down on his table. Nandani tried to get up, but Manik pushed her back. He came upon her and started kissing and biting her neck. He was about to remove her inners, when Nandani caught his hand and pleaded, "Please stop" "Why should I stop Nandani. I am a womanizer so let me treat you like a s**t", he told dangerously "I am sorry for my words.. Please fogive me", she cried badly. Manik was effected by her tears he hovered upon her and came close to her face. Nandani shut her eyes in fear. Manik kissed her cheeks and told calmly , "Open your eyes" Nandani nodded in negative.  "Fine than let me continue with what I was doing", said Manik Nandani got scared and she immediately opened her eyes, and held his hand and told , "No please". Manik looked right into her dark brown eyes. Her eyes held a lot of pain it seemed that it was screaming for help. Manik gently kissed her eyes.  He told calmy, "I don't want to ever hurt you Nandani, but you are forcing me to do that. Sometimes sharing your pain to someone makes you feel a bit better. What do you get by cutting yourself. These cuts are just leaving scars on your beautiful body."   Manik got up away from her, and picked her in his arms, and made her sit on his chair. He knelt in front of her and gently kissed her scars and cuts. He removed the first-aid box and cleaned her wounds with an antiseptic to prevent infection. Nandani closed her eyes . He tied a bandage on her hands and wrists and then washed his own hands. He made Nandai wear her dress and asked one of the employee to get breakfast in the cabin. Manik made her eat with his own hands. After breakfast he told, "Let Bygones be Bygones..Move on Darling" Manik explained to her the office work, and she started to do it . Manik kept an eye on her and took care of her.
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