chapter 2

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snake. being back riding with the guys felt good, felt like I was finally home. I was a tad worried it'd be weird and everyone would have alot of questions but no we just road, we found some open road and just enjoyed the wind and sun on our faces as we did. this is something's ok gonna have to do more of because by the time we got back I felt lighter. now the BBQ is in full swing, gunner and Piper snuck off to do I'm sure nasty things before they go get the kids and bring them here. and everyone else is just around hanging out, some cooking, some chatting and some having drinks. I've just been sitting on the swing they have set up out here trying not to watch Addie and the boyfriend. he has his arm around her waist as they talk with Maddy, I'm sure he isn't a bad guy. but part of me just wants to hate him. I finally get up and help blade with the grill, I can't keep sitting here torturing myself. ... a bit later after the kids have ran around the little park area they have and the food was cooked we all headed inside to eat. gunner came towards me holdings his little boy with a big smile on his face, I put my hands up and started backing away I knew what he was wanting. on the process I bumped into another person and turned to say sorry, I was meet with her beautiful smile. " I'm so sorry" once she noticed it was me her face instantly fell to a hard line and she just nodded as she pulled her boyfriend the other direction. " come on snake he doesn't bite I promise" gunner was now in front of me with this cute little boy. I've never held a baby, I definitely don't want to hurt the little guy. I shook my head " no man not happening" he rolled his eyes holding the baby out to me my arms instantly going up to support the little guy, I guess it was just a reaction I have no idea. next thing I know I'm holding baby J and he's just looking up at me. I breath out and gunner laughs " told ya ain't bad is it?" I shake my head " I guess not, but he's so small I don't want to hurt him" he chuckles " trust me he's pretty tough" I nod rocking my hips a bit so he doesn't get fussy and he just chills I'm my arms. " aw! look at you uncle snake" I roll my eyes at Piper playfully. " you know buddy if you aren't careful your parents will have another soon" piper scoffs and gunner laughs as he pulls her into his side. " actually we took care of that." he says and I let out a laugh then realize I'm still holding J and hope I haven't bothered him but he still hasn't made a peep. " he's the calm one trust me not much bothers him snake" I just nod " alright guys I think we will be okay you can go eat" pipers eyes go wide and gunner just pats my shoulder pulling her towards the food. " alright bud just me and you for a minute so don't flip a switch " the little guy of course doesn't respond. I hang out with him a bit longer before gunner comes back to take him and I find myself something to eat. it's getting dark now, some people have gone outside and others are dancing or chatting away. I make my way outside to have a smoke and breath for a moment. it's been a good day, well beside the fact of seeing Addie. I lean against railing and just take in the little area. they've added the playground and but in a few BBQ pits along with hing some lights up, it's always nice out in the evening. " oh my God are you just every where?!" I hear her voice from behind me and I turn taking her in. " I'm sorry just having a smoke" she rolls her eyes and goes to leave. " Addie wait?" I basically beg and she turns back to me her eyes glaring me tells everything I need to know. she doesn't want to talk to me and I've hurt her way more than I ever should have. " what snake? wanna give me some stupid excuse? wanna flirt with me and then leave again? you upset Because Neal got rid of your bunnies while you were done?!" I step closer and she backs away. I hang my head shaking it. if she only knew how happy I was from him to be able to clean this place up the way he and blade have been able to " I didn't mean for things to be like that Addie and you know it. and honestly no I'm happy he and blade have been able to clean this place up and make it family friendly. and I know you have every single right to be pissed at me" she scoffs " well at least we agree on one thing" I take her hand and she doesn't pull away so I squeeze it softly. " trust me baby girl I did what was best for you" she pulls her hand from mine. " I don't care anymore snake. I'll play nice when the kids are around but other than that you are nothing to me. so stay away" with that she turns and stomps back inside. I want to hit something, or more like someone so I head into the gym. I have to clear my head before I do something stupid. I still believe I did what was best for her but it doesn't make it any easier with her being so angry at me. I throw my shirt off and start hitting the bag. Addie. I thought tonight would be easier but it isn't. I've tried my hardest to just focus on Scott and I know it isn't fair to him that my attention seems to just not be here. when I saw him holding J I couldn't help but smile, of course Scott notcied and thought it was for whatever he has said, and we'll I just went along with it. but then running into him outside I couldn't keep my cool any longer. I let him know his lines wouldn't work on me this time. but the feeling of his rough hand on mine, I wanted to melf I wanted to scream, I wanted to understand why he was the way he was. was I seriously just another fling to him? could he really not feel what I felt. but thankfully I was able to take my hand from his and go back inside. I couldn't take being around him any longer. finding Scott with Neal and Piper I put a smile on my face as he brought me under his arm wrapping me up. they were talking all the progress that has been made on the clubhouse in the past year, and you could tell by Neal and pipers faces they were both so proud. and I was proud for them, and happy we all had a place to hang out safely together. " want another drink?" Scott ask in my ear and I give him a smile and a nod. he kisses my lips softly before heading to grab me one. " so he seems to be okay with everything?" piper asks and I shrugged " well be hasn't exactly met crazy Addie yet" she bumps my shoulder " we both know you are always crazy" we share a laugh before Maddy comes over and takes our hands " we need a dance ladies" she says pulling us to the open spot on the makeshift dance floor. we all start dancing together to the fast music playing, laughing and just enjoying ourselves. these are my girls no matter what and for that I'm thankful. after a few dances I make my way back to Scott who is sitting watching me with a smile. " hey you" I say walking up to him sitting on his lap and he kisses my cheek " you are a site of there" I giggle. this was honestly very pg for us girls but there are kids around. " trust me he haven't seen it all yet" his eyes get bigger as he smiles " well I can't wait to see it all" I kiss his lips and take my drink from the table sipping it as we watch everyone around us. " I'm gonna run to the ladies room" he nods as I hop up and I hand him my glass. walking through the hallways I hear a thud, thud, thud. I am in front of the bathroom but the noise seems to be coming from further down so I walk to see what it is. I come to the gym door and peak in. reheating it immediately. Cody is in there, shirtless hitting the punching bag over and over. his back to me, as I watch his muscles flex. I bit my lip watching him from the small window. I watched a moment longer until I felt guilty, Scott was out there with my friends and I was hiding away watching some asshole. I shook my head and headed for the bathroom, doing my business then I went out to find Piper. hugging the little one goodbye then her she held me a moment longer. " everything okay?" she whispered in my ear and I nodded giving her a small smile. " just not feeling it tonight" she nodded but I knew she didn't fully believe me. " okay well don't forget mama and daddy's Anni lunch is tomorrow" I hit my hand on my forehead giving her a guilty smile. " okay I may have forgotten but I'll be there" she giggled shaking her head. Scott didn't ask any questions as we drove back to my small apartment, he held my hand and chatted about the people he'd met and I tried to respond the best I could. " so tomorrow everyone will be at pipers for her parents anniversary lunch if you wanna join me" I offered as he parked and be turned to me smiling big. " that sounds great. what time should I pick you up?" I thought it over for a minute trying to remember what time she said lunch was. " maybe 11?" he nodded and leaned in, I knew he was gonna kiss me and I'd kissed him lots of times. as his lips meet mine I sighed out. it was a sweet kiss, and it wasn't like he was a bad kisser. I just don't know my head was all confused but I tried my hardest not to show it as he tried to deepen the kiss, he tongue sliding with mine. then he pulled away smiling at me. " I will see you tomorrow" " tomorrow" I said as I nodded and made my way out of the car. I hated that I was so in my head, he's a great guy. so far he's been nothing but understanding and he hasn't complained about my personality being to much or even about my friends. getting into my apartment I threw on some pj's and threw myself in the bed screaming into the pillow. this is all his damn fault! he made me feel like I was always so hot, like my body was flying with just small touches. I screamed again before I sat up shaking my head Talkin aloud to myself. " nope not going there. not even going to think about that. he made me feel that way yes but he also broke my heart. I may not have that passion with Scott yet but that doesn't mean I can't get there!" my phone chimed and I picked it up seeing was Piper. Piper- did something happen with snake? me- no I'm fine promise. piper - I don't believe you. I rolled my eyes even tho she couldn't see me. the girl knew me way to well. me - he just pisses me off. he doesn't have to do anything. & I shouldn't let him get to me the way he does so I guess I'm mad at myself. piper - maybe try talking to him. clear the air? me- yeah doubt that will help but I may give it a try. piper - love you girl. please call me if you need. me-love you too. I set my phone to the side and rolled over in my bed. maybe I should try Letting him actually talk. or maybe I should just continue to avoid him. I don't see how talking with him will change anything. ..... the next day when it was time I got ready I did my dark hair in some soft waves, letting the blonde that was underbelly peak out. I did my make up soft but I had to add my dark lips. putting on a black maxi dress I looked myself over in the mirror, I'd much rather be in my shorts and tee with my sneakers but I knew her parents wanted us to dress a bit more tasteful for this lunch. and for them I'd do it. I loved them both like they were my parents. and at least the dress wasn't pink. I can do clubs and parties in my tight dresses or tight jeans with heels. but for some reason having to wear something that made me look so sweet I've always hated it, Piper can pull it off no problem. me well my shoulder tattoo of a lion just doesn't exactly make me look very elegant. mama sherry would probably whoop my ass if she found out about the latest piercing I got. piper is the only person in the world that knows besides the woman who did it for me. it was a crazy last minute I only live once sorta thing. so now both my n*****s are pierced. my newest tattoo can be seen poking out a bit but I'll try my best to keep it pulled up. it's a lace design running down my sternum under my breast. I got it when Piper decided right after baby girl was born she wants to get the kids names. so we went together. as I spray on my perfume the knock on my door lets me know that Scott is right on time like he always is. I answer it to find him standings there in slacks and a white button down. he looks handsome, not a hair out of place on him as he smiles at me. " you look beautiful" he says and I smile " you don't look bad yourself" I let him inside as I let him know I just need to grab my shoes. slipping on some wedges we head out. when we get to pipers and Neal's, she decorated it so beautiful and everyone is already there chatting about. I of course being Scott to everyone and hug the guest of honor before I duck off to find the kiddos. " auntie!" the girls squeal and come to me as I bend down hogging them, I may have just seen them last night but a sleep over is definitely over due. after I promise to talk to their mama about me staying soon they run off to play and I head over to find myself a drink, but my eyes fall on Cody across the room as I make my way in. he's dress in a black button down and a pair of jeans, his sleeves rolled up. I don't think I've ever actually seen him dressed up before. he must feel my eyes on him because he looks over in the middle of whatever conversations he's having with Scott and Neal. f**k! I'm eyeing him while he's literally talking to the guy I'm seeing, I'm such a b***h! he gives me a small smile, but I just try to keep my face straight as I nod and head towards the drink section, lots of wine to choose from, Mrs Sherry has always preferred it. " I've got the good stuff in the kitchen" papa James voices whispers behind me and I smile over my shoulder at his smiling face. he offers me his arm and I take it as he leads me in there. he starts pouring me a shot and I take it greatful. then he starts mixing me a drink. " so care to share why you look like you want to kill someone?" he asks leaning against the counter and I sigh setting my s**t glass down and I reach for my drink he made me but he pulls it back smirking " not till you spill the beans young lady" I stomp my foot like a child and he chuckles I cross my arms over my chest. " fine. it's snake. I hate seeing his stupid face" he smirks at me and I roll my eyes " so you like him?" I roll my eyes again. " absolutely not. maybe I did at one time but not anymore he's just an asshole" he chuckles as he slide my drink towards me. " well considering the man hasn't stopped watching you since you walked in I'd say he definitely likes you" my brows scrunch and he only nods his head in the direction behind me, so I turn to find Cody looking but as soon as he catches me looking he looks away. I sigh shaking my head. " it's complicated papa and honestly I have Scott and he's a nice guy." he nods " doesn't mean you have to force yourself to like him when. your heart obviously belongs to someone else." with that he kisses my forehead and walks away leaves me with my mouth hanging open. my heart doesn't belong to snake! he isn't even cable of having feeling back for me! I huff to myself grabbing my drink and going outside, I need to be alone.
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