Chapter 25: Bubbles, Bubbles, Bubbles.

398 Words

Chapter 25: Bubbles, Bubbles, Bubbles.A blimp-sized and robust Mrs. Yori welcomes the almost-newlyweds inside her Cape Cod. “Come in, you young studs. I just love to see you. Come in. Come in. Come in.” To Jonah, the place looks under-decorated for the holidays. Two red-and-green knit stockings and a ceramic manager scene sit on a narrow mantle above a churning fireplace filled with what smells like cherry wood. The stockings have Mrs. Yori’s twins’ names printed on them in gold glitter: Yedda and Ynez. Although a millionaire, Jonah sees that the woman lives rather modestly. The furniture is old English modern, the Berber is bare in places, and the walnut end tables and coffee table are scratched, looking secondhand. Cinnamon-scented candles are lit around the living room, offering a tas

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