Going Back

2561 Words
(Elena) I woke up to my dogs whimpering softly. I knew they had to go outside. I quickly went to the bathroom and brushed my teeth. I grabbed a silk robe and put on my flip flops before going out the door with my dogs. I walked down the stairs and I saw Lisa and Bonnie making breakfast. “Good morning Miss Elena”, they both smiled. “Good morning. How did you two sleep?” I asked, opening the door for the dogs so they could go out. . “I slept well, thank you” Bonnie smiled. I closed the door, smiling at her. "I slept good as well", Lisa smiled. "That's good" I said. I grabbed Lobo and Rain’s food from the fridge and placed it on the ground in the room next to the kitchen. When Lobo and Rain finished, they came back in and went straight to their bowls. I sat down on the island and Lisa placed a plate in front of me of eggs, bacon, and toast. She then handed me a cup of coffee. "Make sure you all eat breakfast as well" I said. My grandparents always treated them like family and I wanted that to continue. "Just because I live here now and you work for me does't mean things will change. You are all still family", I reminded them. "Thank you Miss Elena", Lisa and Bonnie said in Unison. I finished my breakfast and washed my dishes. “Lisa, could you let them out when they finish?” I asked, gesturing to my dogs. “Yes, Miss Elena” Lisa said. I went up to my room and got a duffle bag ready. I was leaving to go see my best friend Ruben and give him something my grandparents left for him. This meant I had to show up at my old pack and I didn’t know how it would go. My grandparents told me a long time ago that dad was looking for me, but I asked him not to tell them anything. My grandparents knew what had happened to me. They were furious but agreed to keep everything a secret. The day my grandma passed away, grandpa was heartbroken, but because they were werewolf mates, grandpa followed not long after. They were destined mates. I sighed again, looking at the time. I packed up everything I needed and looked around, making sure I didn’t leave anything I would be needing. Once I had finished packing, I changed clothes to black skinny jeans, a purple spaghetti strap shirt, and black combat boots. I then grabbed my duffle bag and went downstairs. “Rain, Lobo, let’s go”, I called out to my dogs. I walked down the stairs where Dalton was waiting for me. He grabbed my suitcase and put it in the car. “Miss. Elena, we will arrive at the airport soon. The jet is ready to go”, Dalton, my driver, informed me. Dalton, along with everyone working at the house, are human but knew about my secret. They have been working here since before I was even born. My grandparents always treated them like family and now, so did I. Grandpa bought a jet because he didn’t like waiting much for other people. When my grandparents had meetings out of the state or wanted to travel somewhere else, they made sure to leave whenever they wanted to and it was good for me as well, since I didn’t want to put my dogs in a cage under the plane. “Thank you, Dalton”, I smiled and looked at the other workers. “I will see you all soon and remember, you guys are in charge of the house while I’m gone. If you need anything don’t hesitate to call me and let me know”, I told them. “Yes, Miss. Elena. Thank you”, Lisa smiled at me. Dalton opened the car door for me and my dogs got in and so did I. I leaned back and closed my eyes for a little bit. I felt someone lick my face. “Alright, alright, I’m up” I said, making Dalton chuckle. I looked around realizing we were at the airport. Dalton opened the door for me and the dogs got out and waited beside Dalton. “Go on and do your business” I said to the dogs. They took off and I got out of the car. Dalton got my suitcase and I took it from him. “Your Jeep will be at the airport. Your hotel room is also ready”, Dalton informed me. I rented a Jeep because no one knew in the pack, not even my parents or Ruben, that I had taken over my grandparents' company. Hell, they probably thought I was dead. I have managed to keep my face and name out of the tabloids. All I wanted was to do my job and make my grandparents proud. I was only going to be at the pack for a couple of days before going to the hotel. I didn’t want to be there, but it was my grandparents’ wish for me to give an envelope to Ruben personally. Plus, I wanted to see my friend. Ruben was a good friend of mine when I was at the pack. He was really nice to me while my mother and sister beat me. Hell he helped me escape the pack after my mate beat me, sexually abused me, and rejected me before taking my sister as his mate. I'm not the same girl i used to be back then. If my ex mate tries anything again... I will castrate him. “Thank you, Dalton. I’ll see you soon”, I hugged him then walked to the jet. I whistled and in no time my babies were next to me. “In” I said. Rain went in first, then sat by the stairs waiting for me. I knew Lobo was not going to go in until I was inside. I went in, followed by Lobo. “Hello Miss Santos. Everything is on time. We will be arriving at our destination in two hours and twenty minutes”, the Captain said. “Thank you, Captain” I said, and took my seat. Rain and Lobo took the two seats in front of me and got comfortable. “Miss Santos, would you like anything to drink or eat?” the flight attendant asked. “I’ll have a Sprite and a cup with ice. Do you have any type of meat?” I asked. “Yes, ma’am. We have chicken and steaks” she replied. Both Rain and Lobo’s heads shot up at the mention of steaks, making the flight attendant look at them and I chuckled. “Let me have two steaks on separate plates please” I said. “Of course” she smiled. Once up in the air, the flight attendant came with my sprite, a cup of ice, and the two steaks. She also brought them a bowl of water for when they finished. Once I finished my Sprite, I relaxed and took a nap. I was shaken awake slightly. I could also hear my dogs growling. I opened my eyes to see the flight attendant looking at the dogs. “It’s okay” I told my babies. “We’re landing”, the flight attendant said. “Thank you” I said and got ready. After we landed, I spotted my car. I rented a 2019 Jeep Wrangler. I didn’t want to get anything new, since my parents have no idea my grandparents left me everything they had and when I say everything I mean everything. I got my suitcase and put it in my Jeep, then let my babies do their business before getting in the car and driving to the pack. *** ~One Hour Later~ (Elena) I pulled up to the pack house. It hadn’t changed a bit. Last time I was here I was fifteen. I got out of the Jeep and grabbed my suitcase. I could feel pack dogs getting closer to me. Suddenly, I was grabbed by my arms. My dogs growled and I took this chance to grab the person’s hand, twisting the person’s arm behind his back and slamming his head to the ground. “Elena” my mother growled. I could tell she was not happy at all to know that I was alive and well. “Hello to you too, mother” I said, letting go of the man. My mother looked at me, then at the man. “Leave” mom snarled at the man. He quickly took off, leaving me there with her. Mom snarled at my dogs. “Don’t snarl at my dogs. They have done nothing to you” I said to her, making sure she knew I was not afraid of her. “This is my house. I do what I want” she snarled at me. “Then I can just leave. Good luck telling dad the truth why I left”, I said, walking down the stairs to get back in my Jeep. “Stop! Just come in. I won’t snarl at them again” she grits out. I chuckled to myself. “Elena”, I heard a familiar voice. I looked behind my mother to see my best friend Ruben looking at me with wide eyes and a huge smile. “Ruben” I smiled widely, running past my mother, and hugging him. He hugged me tight then patted Lobo and Rain on the head before grabbing my duffle bag. "It's so good to see you. It's been so long" he said. "It's good to see you too. I'm sorry I didn't reach out sooner", I told him. “Don't worry about it. What matters is that you are good and alive. What are you doing here?” he asked lowly. “I came to see you and dad” I said, knowing my mother was still watching. “Are you staying here?” he asked. “I don’t want to, but I’m exhausted” I admitted. “Come on, I’ll show you to your room” he said. He grabbed my bag and began to walk up the stairs. “How are you doing?” Ruben asked. I couldn’t lie to my friend. “Taking it day by day. Work is good, but I needed to come and see you. I have something I need to give you and I missed you”, I admitted. “I missed you too. I always prayed to the moon goddess that you were safe out there”, Ruben said. “I was more than safe”, I assured him. We stopped in the room next to his. “You can stay here” he said. I noticed his body go stiff. I walked around him and saw his eyes glazed over. When his eyes turned back to normal, he smiled at me. “Your father knows you’re here. He’s on his way”, Ruben said. “Great” I murmured, not in a bad way. I just didn't know what I was going to say to my dad. I was never good at lying to him. I grabbed my duffle bag and opened it, taking out the envelope given to me by the lawyer. I turned towards Ruben and handed it to him. “It was my grandparents' wish for you to have this” I said. He took the envelope and looked at me. “No one can know you have this” I said lowly. He nodded, putting the envelope in his pocket. When he opened the door, I noticed dad standing there. “Elena” dad said lowly before rushing inside the room and pulling me into a hug. My body stiffens at first and my wolf whimpers before I hug my father. Dad has always been a great father and Alpha. I saw Ruben give me a small smile before slipping out. “Daddy” I whimpered, tightening my hold on dad. I had no idea exactly how much I missed him until now. “Where have you been, honey? I have been looking all over for you” dad said. “Oh daddy. You have no idea what happened, but I’m very tired. Can we talk tomorrow?” I asked him. “Okay, but please don’t leave again. I need to know what happened. Why did you leave?” dad said. “I didn’t come back to dad, but you’ll know the truth about why I left” I said. Dad sighed but nodded his head. He kissed the top of my head before leaving. I sighed, closing the door. I laid on the bed and closed my eyes for a while. I was startled awake when there was a knock on my door making Lobo and Rain growl. “Easy” I said and got up. I opened the door to see Ruben with a smile on his face. “Hey, do you want to go have dinner?” he asked. “I’m not going down to have dinner with them” I said. “We’re not. We’re going out”, Ruben grinned. I put on my boots and walked out with Ruben and my dogs. I opened the door for my babies and I got in. “There’s a diner not far from here that has really good meat loaf”, Ruben said. I nodded and handed him the keys to the Jeep. “Sounds good. I haven’t had meat loaf in a while”, I smiled. Ruben drove to town and went to a diner Ruben was talking about. As soon as we entered, the waitress looked at me. “I’m sorry but the dogs can’t be in here” she said. I arched an eyebrow at her but still turned and opened the door for the dogs. “Stay” I said, and they both sat down. “What no, we can go somewhere else” Ruben said. “No, it’s okay. We can order and go eat somewhere else”, I said to my friend. I looked through the menu, but the meat loaf sounded really good. “What can I get for you?” the waitress from earlier asked. “I’m going to have three orders of meat loaf, mashed potatoes with gravy, and green beans. To drink, I will have a coke, and a bottle of water-” “Make that four orders of meat loaf, two cokes and a bottle of water”, Ruben said, and I smiled at him. “That will be to go” I said, handing her the menu. I noticed Ruben was in deep thought. “Is everything okay?” I asked him. “Yeah, I was just thinking of the letter you handed me” he said, pulling it out. He then showed me a check for two billion dollars. A letter which I knew was for his eyes only and a picture of my grandparents, Ruben, and me when I was twelve years old. Just then a memory came back. ***
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