
2687 Words
***Trigger Warning! If you don't want to read what happened in her past with her ex mate, I suggest you skip the flashback part*** (Elena) Back in my room, I look at my dogs who are sleeping. I then look at the time. It’s ten thirty at night and I’m not tired. Deciding on going out, I go to my closet and grab a black sleeveless cut out bodycon dress that comes mid thigh and black thigh high four inch high heel boots. Once dressed, I let my hair loose and shake it out. I put on some black eyeliner, mascara, and lip gloss. I look at myself in the mirror. The dress clings to my body like a second skin. I look good. I grab my phone with my ID and credit card. I walked out of my room and headed down the stairs where I saw Dalton. “Miss Elena, I’ve already changed the code as you asked and I have the tablet here” he said, gesturing to the table in his hand. “Put it in my room please. I’m going out, so don’t wait up” I said. “Would you like me to drive you?” he asked. I have a couple of cars, but since I’m going to the club I won’t drive. “No, it’s okay. I’ll get an Uber. You rest” I said and walked out the door. After getting an Uber and telling the driver where I wanted to go, he drove me to a high end club. I thanked him and paid. I got out and made my way to the bouncer. He looked at me up and down, then looked behind me and frowned when he saw I was alone. “A woman as beautiful as you shouldn’t be alone, but I hope you have some fun” he says, and opens the door for me. I could hear a few people protesting but I ignored them. The place smelled like sweat, perfume, s*x, and alcohol. I walked to the bar and ordered a drink and a few shots. The shots burned as it went down and even though the drink is sweet it was also strong. I really wanted to dance. Three floors worth of balconies lined the sides but kept close to the edge like a poker player’s prized hand, leaving the majority of the space filled with lights, fog, and the vibration of its own heartbeat. Despite my apprehensions, the dance floor was relatively clear, though it could have just been the sheer size. The tube like dance stages to either side of the DJ were empty at the moment. After I had another drink, I managed to sort of start moving. The weight of their eyes lightened and my imagination happily lifted me off from the clouds and into the light, where I flew, twisted, and fell in love with the curves of my body all over again. I could feel the urge to let go to truly lift off and dance, but just as I started to spin into a pirouette, I remembered where I was and how stupid it would look to do a classical dance in the club. I could smell my own shampoo and whatever chemical they used in the fog machine. I could even smell the cologne of the DJ, who was bobbing his head to his own world. The pounding of the bass seemed to punch through my ears. After dancing for what seemed like hours, I made my way back to the bar. I didn’t think it would be any quieter at the bar. Yet, somehow, through some strange trickery of modern architecture, it was. After a moment’s hesitation, I ordered something sweet but lighter than what I had before. I didn’t want to be sick in the morning and set to sipping away the disappointment I didn’t know I had. A few things about being an unshifted wolf is that I heal faster than a human, but slower than a werewolf. Oh, and alcohol affects me the way it does humans, which is why I don’t drink. I found myself ordering another drink after I’d finished the second one. I was starting to finally get why people drink. My blood seemed to hum pleasantly, and I felt oddly warm and distant from the ache in my chest that made it hard to breathe. Just as the third martini appeared in front of me, a man slid onto the stool next to me. I opted to focus on the drink rather than look. “I’ll have what she’s having” the smooth baritone threw me off for a moment, enough to make me wonder if I was more drunk than I thought to be affected by someone’s voice. Not to mention that the amazing scent wafting over to me from him couldn’t be nailed down to mere cologne, or at least any that I knew. For a quiet moment, I just sat there and tried to focus on that scent. He smelled like smoke and way too much cologne. “Is this your birthday party?” he asked. Where in the world does he see a birthday party here? I shook my head at his stupidity. “No, it’s my pity party”. I lied and raised my hand to get the bartender’s attention. “Oh, that suck” he said. He had no idea. “It sucks balls. And right after deciding that, I actually wanted to get drunk. Seriously, these guys…” the bartender scuttled over with that second pink lady drink which he handed to the tall figure beside me. Then my eyes landed on a tall muscular man with a black t shirt that said bouncer. His eyes were on me and he eyed me like I was a piece of meat. He walked past me and I took this chance to sneak my first full glance at the man beside me and found myself stunned, truly stunned, as one would be facing a celebrity. He must be a werewolf or a supernatural creature. The buzzing in my blood probably didn’t help dull the impact. If there was the perfect ideal for a perfect man, this could be it. I gulped. I readied my traitorous brain was imagining how much of my skin those hands could cover. I shook myself. Hard. Just then a woman came to the bar all sweaty, her makeup runny. “Ain’t that a piece of man meat! Did you seriously reel that in?” she asked me loudly. I almost smashed my face into the bar. I slowly downed the last of my drink and sat the glass on the bar. “Oh! Did I say that out loud?” she giggled, then turned to me. Before I could grab her by the front of that atrocious glittering nightmare she called a dress, she had already ambled off, tipping her head to the beat. I had half a mind to chase after her, but I couldn’t find the strength to break through my embarrassment enough to peel my face off the bar. The man beside me chuckled, making every hair on my body stand up and not in a good way. “I wouldn’t worry. I get that a lot,” the guy sitting next to me said. “Good for you” screw this. I need something stronger. “Get me something stronger”. I could see the bartender frown in his hesitation, but then I heard the rustling of his clothes as he walked away. When I found my face cool enough. “I liked how you danced on the dance floor. Are you a professional dancer?” he asks. “Is this a pick up line?” alcohol had emboldened me. On any other occasion I would have struggled to even say ‘hi’. “Never been one for pick up lines. Usually they come to me” he said. “Good for you” I said again. I’d call him out as being arrogant if I couldn’t see it was true. “No need to sound bitter. It isn’t as great as it sounds” he says, taking a sip of his drink. I looked over to see he had a glass of what looked to be Scotch. His earlier glass empty. “Not bitter, just don’t care” I said as the bartender returned with my new drink, this one still sweet, but it stung on the way down. Only after the burn had disappeared from my throat, and my blood was all but singing, I turned to the man beside me. I decided to see where this conversation was going, but something in the back of my mind flashed warning signs. “I’m a dancer” I lied, taking a sip from my drink. “Are you going to the Oasis Dance Company? Or planning to join” he asks. “Nope” I said, making sure to pop my ‘P’. “Why not?” he asked before adding, “you are really good.” “Because I don’t like performing” I admitted. “You’re a dancer… who doesn’t like performing? Why?” he asked, his full attention on me. “Because I don’t like the idea of convincing people I’m good enough to be given money. If they like watching, good for them. I don’t need it”. I twisted the narrowed neck of my glass between my fingers. I see the sexy bouncer walking towards where I am. “I just… I just want to dance because I like it. Not because I’m good at it.” I took another sip of my poison of choice. For a minute, only the sound of the dance floor could be heard. “You could have made thousands, maybe even millions,” he said. “So?” “So?” he said, his voice pitching a bit higher in disbelief. “Yeah. So,” I shrugged, “I have everything I want. What else can I ask for?” the alcohol seemed to loosen my tongue, and I found the screen between my brain and my mouth somewhere else. It’s true, I have everything I want except for one thing. Someone to love me for me. “Nah, I want a little cottage far away from people with a nice big plot of land for me to dance on under the sun, not that fake light crap. I want that hot, burn your eyes out, sun and grass”. This drink tasted really good. “No cars, no lights. Why’d they even pay the money to make the ceiling glass if you can’t even see the stars? Freaking city lights. I want butt naked sky. Ugh, this music stinks” why I ever thought it was good now escaped me. I was only half aware of his gaze on me now. I’d drifted somewhere full of sunshine and the rattle of tree leaves. But I somehow noticed the weird look he wore. “That sounds… perfect” he said, but for some reason, I didn’t believe him. “Yeah, it does. Ugh, what am I even doing here? I hate places like this. Stupid people. Stupid noise, I can’t even hear myself think” I said. “What kind of music do you like?’ he asked. “All types, but more Vivaldi. Bach” I said with a shrug. “Yeah, well” he said, slowly, “there are private dance rooms on the second floor. We can play whatever music you like there.” The man grabbed me by my arm and began to drag me to some stairs. “Stop! Let me go”, I said, and tried to pull my arm away from him, but he just held on tighter, making me whimper. I knew that was going to leave a bruise tomorrow. Flashbacks began to play in my head. *Flashback* (Elena) "STOP!" I screamed as I tried to push my mate off of me. I just found out Alpha Anthony is my mate, and he has insulted me in front of my mother, sister, and pack. He thinks I have no wolf and that I'm weak. Of course, I don't have my wolf yet. I haven't shifted, but I have always been able to speak with her. I shift tonight. "Please... stop" I said. I hear my wolf whimper in my head. 'Don't do this mate', Brie pleads, but he can't hear her. I look at my mother and sister for help but they just stare at me like this is some movie. I feel his hands under my dress, so I scratched his face. "You b***h!" he growls and punches me again. I hear the tear of my underwear. "ELENA!!!" I hear Ruben scream. I looked towards Ruben who is being held by my supposed pack members. He won't be able to help me and I can't fight an Alpha without a wolf. The pain I feel in my lower half in like anything I ever thought it would be. I used to hear people say that making love was the most beautiful thing when both mates want it. I didn;t want it though. I wasn't ready. I hear my wolf howl and with every howl I hear her even further until I don't hear her no more. I just look at Ruben and I can see how hurt he is still trying to reach for me. It felt like hours before the pig of my mate got off of me and came on the floor. I was in so much pain, but most of all I felt dirty. One thing I knew for sure and that is that I couldn't stay here with this pack. I know my dad will hurt but if I don't get out of here, Goddess knows what will happen next. The pack members let go of Ruben and he rushes towards me. "Oh honey, I'm so sorry" Ruben's voice broke at the end. "I, Anthony Williams, Alpha of the Grimm Pack, reject you, Elena Russi Santos, as my mate and Luna of my pack" my mate said with disgust. I turned my face towards him. "I, Elena Russi Santos... accept your rejection" I said. The way he looked at me was one with surprise. I guess he thought I was going to beg for him not to reject me. He was wrong. He walked towards my sister and kissed her. "Stephanie, will you be my mate?" my ex mate asked my sister. "Yes" my sister squealed. He picked her up bridal style and took her inside the pack house. I turned to Ruben weakly and i could see the disgust towards my sister and ex mate. "Get me... out of here. No more pack for me" I said. "But Elena, you are weak" Ruben said. "If I stay it could happen again. Please Ruben", I said, tears streaming down my eyes. He nodded and picked me up bridal style. I screamed in pain but he apologised. "Okay, I will get you out of here" Ruben said. *Flashback over* *** (Elena) “Come on. I’m going to show you some fun”, the man from the bar growled. I had no idea what he had in mind, but I knew it wasn't anything good. I brought my hand back and punched the guy in the throat, making him let go of me. “When someone says no, it means no, asshole” I spat and went to the bar. If I once thought he could be the perfect man, then I was totally wrong. I settled my bill and took a cab back to the house. Once inside my house, I took a deep breath and went to my room to take a quick shower and changed into my pajamas. I lay on my bed and I sighed in content and closed my eyes, falling into a peaceful sleep. ***
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