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*~Flashback~* (Elena) “Let me take you to the hospital, grandpa” I pleaded. Drago had called me in from my assignment and said that I needed to go to my grandpa's, that he needed me. I didn't think about it twice and headed back. I love my job and what I do, but my family is first. “No need my beautiful flower. I miss your nana and I want to be with her. Just know that I love you and I know your nana does too”, grandpa said weakly. He always called me his little flower because, to him, I had blossomed from something small and delicate to something beautiful, breathtaking, and strong. I knew he missed her, but there was still so much here that needed to be done. “What about the business? The house-” “Everything is in good hands my little flower” he said as he tried to take a deep breath but couldn’t. I knew this was it. Tears streamed down my eyes. I knew this was going to be hard because I was already broken, but i needed to be strong. “I love you grandpa. Go meet up with Nana and tell her I love her”. I kissed his forehead and he closed his eyes, letting go of his last breath. I sobbed, letting out a loud scream. Dalton walked in with tears streaming down his eyes. I know that he loved dad like a brother. “Miss Santos. Come, we’ll take care of everything” he said, placing his hand on my shoulder, and I turned to him and he hugged me. He helped me up to my room and cried myself to sleep. ~Three days later~ After the funeral, a lawyer came to see me. I wasn’t in the mood for anything. I just wanted to be alone and mourn, but I knew this was my grandfather’s last wish. I was now sitting in my grandpa’s office. Being here brought back so many memories. The lawyer cleared his throat and I turned to look at him. “Miss Santos, I’m really sorry for your loss. I know you just want to spend some time alone, so I’m going to make this as fast as possible” he said, taking out some papers. “Your grandparents left you Santos Industries. The house also belongs to you”, he then flipped the page, adjusting his glasses. “They also left you the following: Eighty seven billion dollars”. My eyes widened and my breath hitched. “They also left you other assets as well” he said, as he continued to look at the paper and nodded to himself. “Okay, they have left two Ferrari Pagani Huayra. A Dominica blue pearl bracelet, three original Picasso paintings, two Radin statues, twenty ten carat diamonds, ten pieces of Ivory, and ten stacks of gold bars” by the time he was done, I felt like my jaw had hit the floor. I knew my grandparents were rich, but I didn’t know how rich they were. Then it hit me I was the new owner of Santos Industries. Can I even come close to what my grandparents have accomplished? “All this is yours, but the only thing that your grandparents asked is that your mother or sister don’t get any of this money, not even a cent. You are welcome to help your father if you wish, but not a cent to your mother or sister”, the lawyers said. “Also, this is for your friend Ruben. It is important that you give it to him as soon as you can and without anyone else knowing”, he said. “I understand” I said. “Good, please sign here” he said, showing me where to sign. “Here is everything that you need and again I’m sorry for your loss” he said, handing me a folder. Inside the folder was my new bank card and the information about everything I owned. *~End of Flashback~* *** (Elena) “It’s a lot of money” Ruben said, snapping me out of my memory, and I couldn’t help but chuckle. I knew it was a lot of money. “I know, but nana and pops wanted you to have it. You can start your own business if you like. Buy a house for you and your mate and even put money aside for your pups”, I said. “But I haven’t met my mate yet” he said, and I giggled. “Everything happens for a reason, Ruben, and even if nana and pops wouldn’t have left you anything I would have given you the money. You are the only person who helped me after what happened. Not even my own mother helped me” I said. “You didn’t deserve what happened to you. Hell, no one deserves what happened to you” Ruben said. “To me, you were never weak. Yes, we couldn’t smell your wolf, but your father knew you had a wolf. He could feel it. You worked hard at school and I know nana and pops are proud of you and so am I. Now as for this money… I know they wanted me to have it and I’m thankful for it, but I would also have been thankful if they just let me work in the company, even as a janitor” he said. I thought about it. He did graduated last week with the same bachelor’s degree as me and I could use the help, especially if I have to travel for work. “Did you graduate from school?” I asked, even though I knew the answer. “Yup. I did” he said proudly. “I don’t know what you really want to do, but I need someone who can help me with my work. You have been to the office and know the work I do. I have a secretary, but I need a right hand man that I can trust to help me with my work. You will work right under me” I said, then looked at my friend. “I know you have a lot on your mind and I’m not going-” “I’ll do it” Ruben said before I could finish what I was saying. “So, will you take the position and be my right hand man?” I asked. Ruben looked at me with a blank face, then pulled me in for a hug. “I would love to work with you, sis. I’ll start looking for a place this week” he said. He had always called me his sister. He had always treated me like a sister. “Take your time. You can stay at the house until you find a place you want”, I smiled. He grabbed our food while I paid and was about to leave, but stopped and looked at the waitress who was looking at me with disgust. “What?” she asked. “You said dogs can’t be in here, yet you’re serving here” I said. Ruben burst out laughing. She let out a growl and went to lunge at me but was grabbed by another worker. I just smirked at her, turned around and walked out. I drove around until I got to a park. We got out and the four of us had dinner. When the dogs were done, they ran for a while and did their business. I couldn’t help but think of everything that had happened to me. “What’s wrong Elena. You know you can tell me anything” Ruben said. I knew I could and I needed to tell my friend if he was going to. “Whatever I tell you stays between you and me” I said. “I swear to the moon goddess” he said. I took a deep breath and told him everything that happened after I asked him to leave before he got in trouble for helping me leave the pack. I didn’t tell him how many people I had killed, but he knew I was an Elite Warrior. “It’s okay kiddo. I will never judge you, but at least I know now you are a badass assassin” he said with a grin. “Thank you”, I smiled and hugged him before letting out a yawn, making Ruben chuckle. “Come on, let’s head back. You look exhausted” he said. He had no idea. He took the keys and drove back to the pack. When we arrived, the house was dark. I wasn’t surprised, since it was nothing new. After the dogs did their thing, I went up to my room and closed the door. I changed my clothes into my pajamas. I grabbed my gun, which has silver bullets, and placed it under my pillow before lying down and falling asleep. ***
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