Chapter 16

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Leo POV “Did you hear that?” I ask looking at the other but the i***t in my grip won’t shut up, I snap his neck and he drops. Everything stills and then we hear it “That is the sound of freedom. Freedom of choice, freedom of your souls. That is the sound of unity, that is what love sounds like. So I will give you the choice, it’s yours not his!” I hear her voice and the lump in my throat almost makes me choke “It’s Fallon! She’s here!” I hear aunt Val and I nod. We move deeper and then we are met with another wave of soldiers but we all freeze at the commanding sound of her voice “Men, if you die today, you die a free man!” and we hear gunfire and fighting. The panic rises in my chest and I look at my dad. He shifts and steps forward “We are here for the princess, but we will show you the same mercy she has shown the others. Join us or die” he says and the walls tremble. One steps forward and kneels, then another and another. Before we know it they’re all kneeling in front of us, Etienne steps up removes the one guy’s mask and drops it “Show yourselves to your king” he says and they remove their masks. I glance up, the gunfire and screaming is not dying down “This way!” one yells and darts up a staircase, I glance at Etienne and he nods “Let’s go!” I yell and we all follow him up, two flights then left and the noise is getting fainter, the fighting is dying down. Hold on baby girl “In there!” Etienne points to the massive doors at the end of the corridor and we run faster, shifting halfway I burst through the doors and my world falls apart “FALLON!”   Fallon POV We’re getting the upper hand, moving closer to the drapes, I glance back, still holding up “You’re going to regret this princess” his voice rings out and I chuckle “Really? Show yourself you coward!” I yell and then the drapes fall, pooling on the ground. I slice the head off of one guard and stop gasping when his huge body drops revealing Kyle. I rush to his side and cradle his head “Kyle!” I yell and gently pick up his head, laying it in my lap “Kyle… baby wake up” I feel for a pulse. Still alive “Kyle… please” I plead blinking back tears, the fighting around us fading away as I sit there trying desperately to wake him up. He groans and then slowly opens his eyes “Oh Kyle… you’re alive. Thank you” I whisper running my hands through his hair. He blinks and smiles “Hey babe” he rasps out and I let out a happy sob “Hey” I say and he sits up, holding his head “Massive trip up” he groans and I stand, holding out my hand. He takes it and I help him to his feet. Once his standing I hug him tightly “Oh goddess Kyle, I thought I lost you” I say, tears running down my face “Oh babe, you did” he says in his sexy voice and I frown stepping back looking at him confused “What? No you’re here” I say tracing his jaw, but then his face starts to change, his hair once sun kissed dirty blonde locks become dark, his eyes turn to a dark green and then I feel it. The piercing pain shooting through me, into my heart and I grip his shirt “Goodbye princess” he hisses in his evil voice. I drop to the ground and before my vision fades I hear my dad’s voice yell out my name “FALLON!” I struggle to breathe, the pain is unbearable. I blink, and then time starts slowing down. Beat… beat… beat…  I’m weightless. Floating through the air, the room starts spinning, but his voice pulls me back “Hold on baby” he pleads and I turn my head “Daddy?” I rasp out but he shuts his eyes “Daddy’s here baby, hold on okay?” he pleads, my hand reaches for his chest, I feel his racing heartbeat under my palm “I missed you” I whisper “No, baby don’t talk okay, hold on we’re almost there” he says and I feel the hard floor beneath me. Blurry figures huddle around me and so many voices mumbling, but I manage to call out “Dad!” I call and start coughing. Why are they pouring water in my mouth? “I’m here, I’m here princess. Please hurry” he says but I keep choking. This is not water, it’s blood! I grip the hand taking mine tighter and then it all gets jumbled. Voices call my name, the room is still spinning, but one voice, that unmistakable voice breaks through “Fight you hear me? Fight!” he commands and I turn on my side choking, struggling to breathe “Fight!” I hear him again and nod, spitting out balls of blood I gasp, drawing in a breath then two. My body is vibrating, something is wrong “I…can’t” I choke out “You can, fight!” he says again and I grip the hilt of the sword “No Fallon don’t!” I hear a woman’s voice but I ignore them and start pulling “Aaaarrrggghhh!” I cry out as I struggle to get this thing out of my chest “Air!” I yell out and then I feel it give way. A warm feeling covers me but I manage to gulp in air, taking deep breaths. Then I hear his voice “Stay still sweetheart” he says and I feel the warm water covering me, but still I fight, he told me to “What’s happening?!” I hear my dad and my hand reaches out to him “Daddy!” I yell and his hand grips mine, but then we all roar in pain. The warm water turns boiling hot, flowing through us all, but I can’t let go. I just cry and writhe in pain; my body feels like it’s on fire. I hear them groan and growl in pain before it starts to fade. Soon my body goes numb and I hear two thumps before I am taken by darkness.   Feared one POV I came in just as he drove the sword into her chest and the pain shot through me, I lost my grip and fell. Leo screamed her name and rushed toward her, but Stefan had already shifted. I dove between them, shielding him from the spikes and he glanced up falling to his knees “Take her!” I command and he seems conflicted “Save her please” I plead, the poison spreading through me rapidly “Thank you” he says and picks her up running out the door. I turn to him hissing in anger and pain “So it was you” he says shifting back smirking “Kill him” he says but the guards don’t move, then Etienne steps out from between them “No” he says stepping in next to me “Go back boy, he’ll kill you” I hiss but he stands firm “It’ll be an honorable death” he says and the rest step up. My breathing is becoming shallow, my heart beating a mile a minute so I use him for support “You choose him over me, your master?!” he bellows and Etienne nods “We do, they gave us a choice, all of us” he says and the others ready their weapons. Good just a little more time “You chose death” he hisses and they step forward “We chose freedom” Etienne says and I take a deep breath. The beast healed me quickly this time, I won’t be so lucky again “You’re all fools” he says and shifts, but I do too. They open fire at him, hitting him a few times as he retreats up the wall; I dodge bullets while following him “Stops shooting!” the beast hisses and they stop immediately. Catching up to him the beast snaps his powerful jaws around his tail and yanks him backward forcefully. He roars and turns but the beast flings him across the room his body slamming into the opposite wall with a loud THUD. Before he hits the ground the beast is there “You punished her” he hisses tearing off his one leg “You wanted to overthrow the crown” he rips off another leg, the monster bites down tearing at his chest, trying to reach his heart, the beast roars in pain but he doesn’t stop “You hurt them both, you hurt her, my betrothed. You will suffer” he hisses and clamps down on his exposed throat. His monster writhes and fights for air but the beast just clamps down harder, his jaw locking in place. His tail comes up, smashing into our side but he doesn’t let go. The tail whips again but then he roars in pain and I see his tail wiggle lying next to him and a very angry Etienne standing with a sword in his hands, a spike protruding from his chest. The monster stills and the beast release him stepping back. I shift and grab his throat, ripping his head off screaming in anger “Get him to the king” I say pointing to Etienne and they pick him up and run. I look at his head in the one hand and his lifeless body in the other “It’s done” I say and drop it, SPLAT “You are free” I say and they all bow “Don’t thank me, thank her” I say and they nod. I walk to the door before my steps falter and I drop down on one knee gripping my chest “Sir” they say lifting me up “She’s… dying” I gasp and then somehow they pick me up and run toward the front door. I’m struggling to breathe, my chest is burning and my heart is aching with every beat “Stop” I gasp and they let me down. I take a few deep breaths and shift, crawling up the wall to the ceiling I look at her face contorted in pain “Fight, you hear me? Fight!” I command, she turns on her side, blood gushing from her mouth and I shut my eyes tightly, listening to her struggling to breathe “Fight!” I urge her again and I hear her as she spits out blood still struggling, her father is trying to get her to keep still but she wants to live, I need her to live “I… can’t” she gasps and I open my eyes growling “Yes, you can. Fight!” I command and her hand slowly moves to the hilt of the sword, Isa darts toward her screaming “No Fallon don’t!” she yells but my little fighter is determined. She starts pulling on the sword and my grip loosens, I quickly move to the far end of the room hiding in the shadows and grip my chest as the sword is removed. She gasps for air and I fall back against the wall. The last thing I feel is a warm sensation, they place Etienne next to her and then my world goes dark and very silent.   Callan POV Just as I land the plane I feel a piercing pain shoot through my chest and I gasp, but I keep running toward the castle, my breathing is heavy, sweat covering my whole body. My body is on fire, my skin feels like it’s going to peel off. Falling I get back up, pushing through the pain, I need them. The next moment I’m lifted off my feet and is met with the smiling face of Hades “Allow me” he says and snaps his fingers. Suddenly I’m in the hospital, and he slowly places me down, my head spinning and I feel sick “Deep breaths dear sister” he says softly and I gulp in air, clutching his arm “Thanks” I say holding my head “This feels like the first time I went to MACH 2” I joke and he chuckles “Wouldn’t know, come” he says leading me to the room. I step inside and the beeping noises from the different machines fills the room. Isa is moving between the two beds, checking them and glances up when she sees us smiling through tears “Baby, you’re safe” she says hugging me tightly “I’m glad to see you’re safe too mama” I say and look up. The tears fall freely when my eyes land on her sleeping figure “Oh god” I whisper slowly stepping toward her “She fought fiercely darling” she says, my eyes locked on my daughter but I nod, my hand clasped over my mouth as I move to her side “Baby… look at you my love” I whisper taking her frail, limp hand in mine. Do you know what helplessness feels like? Do you know what it’s like to see your child like this, skin and bone, pale white with the most horrendous scars on her lying there? “Mama” I say falling to my knees crying still holding her hand. A pair of arms wrap around my shoulders but I don’t look up, my body jolts with every sob, my chest feels heavy, like my rib cage might give out “Okay honey, breathe Cal” I hear a voice but it’s not my mother’s voice. I glance to the side and come face to face with a smiling Abby “Oh Abby… Abby they… are…” my words get swallowed by my sobbing and she pulls me to her, holding me close to her stroking my hair “They’re here, they’re alive Cal, breathe baby” she soothes and I close my eyes. Breathe Callan, you need to be strong now. He did this for you, come on. I take a deep breath, then two. My legs supporting my weight and she slowly releases me “That’s it” she says and I step back, then I see the various pipes and wires on and in him “What happened?” I say, but my voice comes out a raspy whisper “We don’t know, Cayden was busy healing Fallon, then they placed Etienne down and she called for Leo. He was so fast, he took her hand and then we heard them screaming in pain. The light was blinding, and so hot. We couldn’t get near them, when it dissipated they were like this” Isa says and I walk around the bed, brushing hair off his forehead. I stand there looking between the two of them, and you know what, I’m angry. “You two better listen up. You fight, you hear me? We need you, this is not how our story ends. Like hell am I going to let this happen, so fight. You come back to us, to me” I say my voice angry but the tears are still running “Cayden?” I ask Isa and she wipes her tears “Etienne and Cayden are next door” she says and I nod walking out, I swing the door open and find my dad and Ares sitting there, they look like hell but I stop looking at them, they look as bad as Leo “You better not make me go back to the afterlife to get you, because I will. Cayden you fight, hard. Amala and the kids need you, we all do. Etienne, if you even think of leaving think again cousin, this family doesn’t give up. We’ve lost enough because of that family. Fight damn you!” I command and glare at the two unconscious men “You two, go and rest. I got this” I state, my dad opens his mouth and I square my shoulders “You’ve done enough dad, you look like hell. Go and rest, I’ll keep you updated” I say and he nods, silently walking up to me, looking me dead in the eye and wraps me up in a hug “She fought hard Cal, and you were amazing honey. Thank you” he says and I hug him back. He’s much bigger than my dad was, but I love him all the same “You and Duke were epic” I say and he chuckles stepping away “Don’t burn yourself out” he says and I nod “Ares, do I need to tell you twice?” I ask and he stands laughing “No my dear, but I will stay, I don’t need sleep” he says “Well, in that case we need to rotate” I say and he nods “Good, call me if you need anything” I say and walk back. I enter and look at my mother “Mama, go and rest, I got this. Ares is with them, we’ll be here” I say and she stands “I’ll be by later” she says and I grab her arm when she passes, looking into her blood stained face “Outstanding mama” I say and her smile lights up the whole room “You were amazing my lovely Callan” she says cupping my face and kissing my cheek before walking out. She has a slight limp, I look at Abby and she smiles “Don’t worry, she’ll be fine. She always is” she says and wipes Fallon’s face “Abby, you can go too” I say and she clicks her tongue “And leave you here, alone with my two bonehead brothers? Are you insane?” she says and I smile “I’m married to the one bonehead” I joke and she laughs “Yeah, I hope he thanks the goddess every second of every day for that” she says and I blush “I do” I say. She rounds the bed taking my hand “Callan, we are blessed beyond belief. My brothers need woman like and Amala to keep them in check, but also to love them far beyond their faults” she says and I look at Leo “We do. Sometimes I wonder why, but we do” I say and she laughs “You’re telling me! You know the day he was born I was so happy, I remember holding his squirming little body and just being in awe of him. He was a strong child, unruly but strong. He remained that way, he still is. We were close growing up, Cayden was so much older than the rest of us so Leo and I we were like this” she holds up her crossed fingers “He would crawl in next to me when he had a bad dream, I would help him with homework, impossible task, but the man he became was because of you” she says and I smile sadly “I wish I could take the credit for that” I say and she frowns “Violet and the Marines did the heavy lifting, I got him like this. When we met he was the man you all know now. I just gave him love” I say and she nods “That’s what he needed most. Just keep on doing what you’re doing honey” she says and moves to Fallon. We stay there for the rest of the night. As the sun rises in the morning I can barely keep my eyes open but I keep moving, if you don’t sit down you’ll stay awake “Morning” I hear the nurse and turn around “Morning” I say in a weak voice “Majesty, please go and rest” she says but I shake my head “No, I’m fine. How are they?” I ask as she checks their vitals “Still the same, but that’s good news” she says smiling “Thank you” I say and she nods heading out the door. Then I hear a faint knock and open the door, Gunther and Katya standing there, her smile fades when she looks at me “Oh no, princess you’re tired” she says her little face concerned, but I smile “Morning honey, my that’s a pretty dress” I say and she glows “Thank you. How are they?” she asks and I step aside “Still the same” I say and Gunther nods stepping inside “Majesty, they told us what she did, the men are waiting outside. May I give them an update?” he asks and I smile “Sure, how is he doing?” I ask and his face turns grim “He’s the same as them. I’ve never seen him like this” he says with pain in his voice “I’m sorry” I say and he takes my hand “You have enough to be concerned about princess” he says and walks toward Katya. She’s hovering over Fallon “I did what you asked princess, we got them to help you. They said mommy is safe too, we’re waiting for her. Thank you for being our savior princess” she says and kisses Fallon’s head, jumping down and walking up to me “You should be proud, she’s a hero” she says and I nod smiling “Thank you honey, I am very proud” I say kissing her head “We’re going to see Etienne and the king. Get some rest please” Gunther says and I nod “I will” I say and they leave closing the door behind them. I sigh and lean against the wall closing my eyes “Please wake up. Don’t leave me” I whisper sliding down the wall. Sitting on the cold floor I rest my head on my arms. Just ten minutes. I think and fall asleep   Isa POV “Oh they’re strong don’t worry” I say to Katya and she nods “I know the princess is strong. She survived the viper room, the boiling water and the water room” she says and my heart clenches “Katya, honey let’s leave the queen be” Gunther says, his eyes giving away the pain he feels “Okay, maybe mommy is back” she says smiling and he nods “Let’s go see” he says and she hugs me darting out the door “I apologize your majesty” he says but I look back at Cayden “I saw what he looked like after Adrik was done with him. I know this pain” I say and he nods “Call if you need anything” he says and I smile “Thank you Gunther, let me know when he wakes up” I say and he bows leaving “You boys better wake up, Callan is not happy about this. Amala is worried sick, and frankly so am I” I say giving each of them a kiss before heading to the next room when I open the door, they look the same but Callan is sleeping on the floor “Oh honey” I say and shake her lightly “Callan” I say softly but she doesn’t respond “Callan honey, wake up” I say again but she’s out. I sigh and walk back into the hall “Kit darling” I call and he walks over “Yes Nana?” he says and I motion for him to follow me, pointing at Callan “Would you be a dear and get her to bed please?” I ask and he smiles, picking her up but when he turns I hear a groaning noise and look at Leo “Mamnasdhfi jerkejsd” he says, my eyes go wide and I rush to the hall “Doctor please!” I call and he comes rushing “My son, he’s awake” I say and he together with two nurses move inside. They pull the pipe from his throat and sits him up, as he gags, gasping for air at the same time. He looks up at Kit, frowns and swallows “Put my wife down if you value your arms” he rasps out and Kit laughs “Calm down old man, she needs sleep, she’s been up for two days” he says and Leo shakes his head “Get this stuff off me” he says in a groggy voice “But your highness-“the doctor protests “Now please” he growls and I step up “Leo, stop it. Lie down. Kit honey, call your granddad would you, oh and my mom” he nods strolling out with Callan tucked snugly in his arms “Mother” Leo says angrily and I scowl at him “Boy don’t make me hurt you” I warn him. He starts to say something but his mouth shuts and her voice speaks up behind me “Behave monster, you’re never too old for a spanking” she instructs and he slumps back, groaning “What was that?” she asks stepping closer “Nothing” he says and I have to bite back a laugh. I move to Fallon and his eyes follow me and he shoots up when he sees her lying there “Oh goddess Fallon” he gasps but I hold up my hand “She’s okay honey, calm down” the beeping of his heart monitor running up like a rev counter “Steady son” my mom says placing her hand on his shoulder, he looks at her with fear on his face “Is she hurt? Did he heal her?” he asks, his chest rising rapidly “Leo honey, calm down okay. She’s fine, she’s just weak” I say brushing the hair off her shoulder “She’s burning up” I frown placing my hand against her head, I glance at the doctor and he walks over “Help her” Leo pleads as the doctor checks her, he looks at me and turns to the nurse “Get me her antibiotics and something for the pain” he says and she scurries out, returning moments later with more IV’s in hand. They connect the IV bags and he looks at me “She has some infections, her system can’t fight it. We will move her to intensive care” he says and Leo groans, his head in his hands whispering to himself. My mother wraps her arms around him and he leans his head on her shoulders “Thank you doctor” I say and step away as they wheel her out “Fallon, daddy’s here baby girl!” he says as they move out the door “Not again, please not again” he says over and over and I sit down taking his hand “I can’t lose her mom, not her” he says and I nod “We’re not losing anyone. Leo honey, she’s strong” I soothe, the old familiar feelings rising up. I know this feeling, all too well. A bed with a sleeping Callan is wheeled in and they stop where Fallon was moments ago. “Just sleeping, she’s been here, looking after all of you for more than two days” I say and he smiles “Cayden?” he asks “He’s still out. What happened? Why did you take her hand?” I ask and he sighs “I don’t know. When she called for me I acted on instinct. I’m sorry mom, it was stupid” he says “Don’t worry, I understand” I say smiling. We sit there for a long time, I go to their room and collect some clean clothes for them, later that night Etienne wakes but Cayden is still out. We take turns watching over them. Fallon is getting a little worse, but the doctor assured us it’s normal. When they admitted the Feared one to ICU we were all perplexed, now we have a problem.
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