Chapter 17

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Leo POV “He needs to wake up Cal, Amala is going crazy” I say looking at my brother “I don’t understand what went wrong, do you think he still has his ability?” she asks and I shrug “I don’t know. s**t I feel like this is my fault” I say running my hand through my hair “No, you did exactly what I would’ve done” she says and I nod leaning against the wall “You wanna go first?” I ask and she nods “Sure, see you in a bit” she says kissing my cheek and heading to ICU. This is so not what I thought would happen. Dammit! I hate this feeling, this useless feeling “Cayden, you ass wake up” I growl but he doesn’t respond “You need to get up” I say and nudge his arm “Cayden if you don’t wake up I’m taking all your comics and giving them to Lennox” I joke but still he doesn’t move “Dammit brother, you know this is so like you, always taking everything to the extreme. You’re just never satisfied with good enough; you always have to make sure to go overboard. You’ve always done this, you asshole. You screw up and run away, for a goddamn century. You become king and banish me to that hell, well it wasn’t that bad but still. You can’t have two kids; no you had to have twins. Always making it about you, s**t I hate that about you, the damn golden boy. Now look at this, we’re stuck here. I hate this, you hear me? I f*****g hate this. This is about Fallon, not you. Are you listening to me?” I growl but he doesn’t even flinch “I am so angry at you, I have been for years. You know what the best part of losing my memory was, forgetting you” I growl in his ear, gripping his arm “Don’t you dare do this again, don’t make this about you. I’m sick of you. I hate… I hate… I hate this” I say falling to my knees still gripping his arm “Just look at me” I plead but still nothing happens “I missed you, so much but I couldn’t say it. I would’ve defended you, you were my big brother. I hated what you did to mom and dad, to our sisters. But I was so angry at you, when you came back I thought you’d see me. But like them you didn’t, no one saw me” I say and swallow the lump in my throat “Leo” I hear my mother’s voice behind me and I get up “Sorry, I am going” I say but she grips my hand tightly, and I look at her tear streaked face “I’ve always seen you” she says and I chuckle “Okay mom” I say but her grip tightens “You thought that? What you said just now?” she asks and I nod, her face softening “No, baby that’s not true” she says softly “It’s okay mom, I get it” I say and then my dad speaks up “No you don’t” he says walking in and stopping in front of me “They all show their emotions, you never did. This is not okay son” he says his eyes sad “I didn’t mean to upset you” I say and my mother hugs me “No, you didn’t. We failed you Leo, not the other way around. We’re proud of you, not because of the man you became, but of the man we raised. I understand why Violet is so dear to you now. She saw you, all of you. I am sorry son, I am so very sorry” she says griping me tightly and I kiss her head “Mom, I owe everything I am to you” I say but my dad shakes his head “You were never less important. You are my only biological child, you have my father’s name. There has never been a day I loved you less” he says “But you were disappointed in me” I say and he nods “I was disappointed in him too. Very much actually, I was disappointed in Clarise when she dated that string of idiots in college and I was disappointed in Abby when she blamed us for Alex’s death” he says and I look at him “You were?” I ask and they both nod “Of course, kids are bound to make mistakes. We made plenty, especially with you” my mom says “No you-“ “We did. You were always such a happy child. Unruly at times yes, but we tended to the kids that needed us, you never let us know that you did” she says and I look away “You were busy” I say “We were too busy, we can’t make up for lost time, but we can make sure that you know this in future. That we are here for you as much as we are for the others” he says and I glance up “I don’t hate him, not anymore” I say and my dad nods “Sibling rivalry, comes with the territory I’m afraid” he says and I nod “Sorry for upsetting you, I’ll go see Fallon now” I say but my mom holds me in place “We’re moving back home” she says and I look between them “What?” I ask and they nod “Everything is settled there now, we can travel there and stay with you. We need to be with our family” my dad says “You’re serious?” I ask and they nod smiling “We lost enough time, I know we have eternity but we need to be with you, Val and Mihai are also unhappy, they miss the kids just as much” mom says and I smile “Thank you, Lennox will love that” I say and she steps away “We won’t interfere if we aren’t asked, we just need you all” she says and I hug her, picking her up “Thank you” I whisper and she nods “I’m definitely going to have Callan take me up so that I can jump out of that plane again” she says and we laugh “Adrenaline junkie, good luck old man” I say placing her down “Goddess help us” he says and we laugh “Hey keep it down” Cayden groans and we spin around “My boy!” my mom squeals and we move to him “I hate that you had to make a scene just to get attention monster” he says sitting up “You heard that?” I ask and he nods “I got the jest of it. And I did see you brother. You know why I was so protective of Amala?” he asks and I shake my head “I knew, was it not for the bond you would’ve had her. You were always the charming one” he says and I laugh “Yeah, you know it” I say making him chuckle “He’s back ladies and gentlemen” he says and we all laugh “Glad you’re up, at least” I say when the laughter dies down and he looks at me “What do you mean?” he asks and I tell him about Fallon and the Feared one “I could try and-“I stop him “No, it’s okay. She’ll be fine. Rest now, your wife will probably want to talk to you. Good luck” I say and leave them. Walking to my own family, I stop at his door and look at him “Nurse, what’s wrong with him?” I ask and she stops “He has the same symptoms as the princess your highness, it’s not good” she says and I nod “I see, keep me updated please” I say and she nods. I walk over to the window and look at my wife and daughter. She’s just sitting there, speaking to Fallon. Goddess she looks terrible. Callan glances up and kisses Fallon before she gets up walking out “Still the same” she says and I go inside sitting down next to Fallon “Hey princess. You look better today” I say taking her hand “Your uncle woke up just now, he wanted to help you but I told him to rest, you’ll be fine. I hope I was right, you are okay aren’t you?” I ask looking at her pale face “You know, when I saw him driving that sword into you my world stopped. I’ve been scared before we went in, but at that moment a fear I’ve never felt overcame me. Seeing you fight like you did gave me hope, it gave me strength. I need you to do that again okay baby, for me okay?” I plead kissing her hand “I need you to smile for me, to tell me you love me. I’m sorry we left you there, we didn’t know. When you are well enough we’ll tell you everything. I promised you I’d fight wars for you, now you need to fight for us, just one more time please baby” I plead, my head resting on my hand clutching hers. Another week passes, we’re still sitting in the same room, she got a little better before she had a relapse. My family has returned, well most of them. My mom and Etienne stayed behind with us. He’s becoming worse by the day “Shouldn’t we get them?” my mom asks for the hundredth time and I sigh “Fine, it won’t help, not even Cayden can fix this” I say rubbing my face “Please just take a little nap” she pleads and I lean against the wall “I can’t sleep, I’m worried about her” I say looking at Fallon “Let’s see if I can’t help your highness” her soft voice speaks up behind us and we turn to her “Elder Crystal, good to see you” I say kissing her knuckles “You look terrible, oh goddess” she says looking at Fallon “Yeah, it’s not good” I say and she places a gentle hand on my shoulder “Let me” she says and walks into the room. She places her bag down and touch Fallon’s head, closing her eyes. When she opens them again, she smiles down at Fallon, whispering something before joining us “She is very ill indeed, we’ll need Airmid” she says and I slump, sinking to my knees with my hands in my hair “This is not happening!” I growl loudly and the whole place goes silent, everyone looking at me with wide eyes. I curl over my face between my arms “Dammit Fallon! Why didn’t you wait? You should’ve waited!” I yell out, my arms muffling the scream but they all heard me “I’ll contact Airmid” I hear Crystal say and walks away “I want to bring him back, I want to kill him again” I say, the anger and frustration boiling in my veins “Wait… he’s there, he must be” I say sitting up and my mom steps back “What? Where?” she asks and I stand, fixing my heated gaze on her “The underworld” I say and her eyes go wide “No Leo, wait honey we-“I silence her stepping back “He’s going to suffer, tell Callan I’ll be back… keep them safe” I say and run. Ryker doesn’t say anything, I just shift and run into the forest. I shift back when I reach the foot of the mountain and yell out “HADES!” his name echoing off the mountains “Maybe phone him” Ryker says softly and I pluck my phone out. Cracking the screen as I push the dial button “Monster! What a pleasant-“I cut him off “He’s there?” I growl out “Who are we referring to?” he asks and I growl loudly “Stefan, he’s there?” I ask again “I believe so, let me check, hold on a moment” he says and I hear papers shuffling “Yes, he’s here. What is this about brother?” he asks and I try to be as calm as possible “He hurt her, he tried to kill her. We’re here trying to keep the faith, but not even Crystal could help her. She’s dying Hades, I want him to suffer!” I bellow and the next moment I’m swallowed up in a dark cloud of smoke, when it fades I’m in his office, his eyes pitch black “This way my dear brother” he says leading me to the dungeons. We pass a cell and I hear him mutter “What?” I ask and he points back at the cell “Adrik” he says and another wave of fury hits me. My body is vibrating with anger, my muscles burning with restraint when he stops at a door, turning to me smiling “Will you need assistance?” he asks smiling “I’ll call if I need help” I say through gritted teeth and he nods “Have fun, I will visit Adrik for a while” he says and leaves. I push the door open and my smile grows when I see both brother and sister are there “Oh look dear sister, the royal runt is paying us a visit” he says his cocky grin plastered on his face. I walk up to them, not bothering to grab a weapon, I have my fists. I pull back, his eyes going wide as I ram my fist right through his head, I pull back and look at her “It was his idea” she pleads “Not what I heard” I growl and grab her throat, squeezing until her eyes roll back, but then I release her and she gasps “You were the one that had her lie to us” I say and grab a butcher’s knife, cutting off her hand, her pitiful screams filling the room, feeding my rage “You had her lashed” I growl and stab her in the stomach “You kept her from me” I yell and drive another knife into her chest. Her screams and pleads fueling the darkness rising in me “She’s dying!” I yell, slicing her over and over. Her body and face carved up, her blood covering my torso, dripping off my hair. He stirs and I turn to him “You tried to kill my daughter!” I growl, my insides burning and I shift. Ryker attacks him, tearing him limb from limb. His strong jaws snapping, biting and tearing, his claws ripping their skin the sound of it makes me angrier “I am not my father, I will not show mercy!” I growl loudly before attacking them again. When the whole room is drenched in their blood, myself included I breathe heavily stepping back. Multiple mangled corpses laying on the floor they appear again. I stumble backward to the door, exhausted I look at them “I was supposed to have forever” I say and place my hand on the latch, they don’t move or speak “I was supposed to be her father, happily ever after… but you took that from me” the tears burn my eyes and the door gives way, I fall backward too tired to even try and break my fall, my back hits the floor and Abby’s caring eyes find mine “She’s dying Abby… my baby girl is dying” I start sobbing turning on my side, clutching my chest “Please” I hear her and then I hear his fingers snap. The next moment we’re in a room “Leo” she says softly, but I shut my eyes, curling into a ball bawling my eyes out “She’s not dead yet honey” she soothes “I can’t be there Abbs, not again” I choke out “Oh honey” she says and puts my head in her lap “Look at you… goddess Leo” she whispers. She just sits there, consoling me as I cry feeling very sorry for myself. Eventually I sit up, wiping my face “Better?” she asks and I lean back “No, no I’m not” I answer honestly and she smiles “Finally” she says and I frown “You’re happy because I’m not better? Damn Hades screwed you up” I joke but she slaps my arm “No, you’re admitting that you’re not okay” she says sternly “You want me to be honest?” I ask and she nods “I’m totally, completely and utterly f****d Abbs. When people show me pity I’m angry. When I want to cry or scream I have to be strong, I’m tired Abbs. I’m just tired of being strong” I say and she nods “Good, that’s great actually. Because we’re tired of you being the one helping the rest of us. Breakdown, cry, scream, go back and kill them another hundred times, but don’t you ever think you’re alone monster” she says and I smile. She gave me that nickname “They need me” I say and she nods “We all do, but not like this. Not when you can’t keep it together yourself” she says and I lie down “They need me to be strong” I say rubbing my tired, blood soaked face, but sit up when she speaks “No Leo, we need you to be you. Not strong, not weak, not angry or sad, not happy or strict. Just you, how and whatever you’re feeling, just to be there like you need us” Callan says scanning my face “Cal I-“she shakes her head “I get it, now stop underestimating your daughter and me, we’re strong enough when you can’t be. We need you to know that no matter what happens, just like you have our backs, just like you love us enough to die for us, we would do the same for you. We’re stronger together, even if we all feel weak” she says and I look into the eyes of the love of my life “You are perfect” I whisper and reach out but she jumps away “Nah-uh, get the bad guy off you first” she says and I chuckle. I look at Abby but she scoots away too “Nope, I’m with her” she says and I stand glancing around “I’ll need something to wear” I say and jump at Hades’s voice “Wonderful! I’ve been waiting ages for this moment, I will make sure you have attire. Now follow me brother” he says smiling. I notice he’s wearing a different suit “You enjoy your time?” he asks as we step into the guest room “Yes, I enjoyed killing them” I say and he nods happily “Marvelous, now take your time, everything you will require is in there” he says pointing to the bathroom, he turns but I call to him “Hades” he turns around “Yes brother?” “Thank you, for everything. I owe you a lot. Not just for today, for all of it” I say and he steps closer placing his hands on my shoulders “It is my pleasure brother, and you owe me nothing. We’re family” he says and I nod “That we are bro” I say and his eyes glint with excitement, his smile wide and sincere “Excellent, see you later” he says patting my shoulders before he leaves. I pull off my blood soaked clothing, disposing of it and step into the shower. Scrubbing myself thoroughly before I step out and dry off. My boots are ruined, great. I walk into the room and sigh as I see the clothes laid out on the bed. Typical. I get dressed, leaving the tie, I hate ties, but I must say this suit looks good, really good, it feels amazing too. I step outside fixing the sleeves and then I hear a low growl and look up. My wife is standing there, her lustful gaze raking up my body, until it meets my eyes “Oh baby” I smile and step closer to her “Oh really Mrs Reyes” I say in a sultry voice, wrapping my arm around her waist, pulling her to me “Oh yes, mama likes” she says biting my neck making me shiver “Well, I must ask Hades to dress me more often then” I whisper and kiss her mark “This feels amazing” she says her hands running up my arms “You clean up pretty well Mr Reyes, you should ask Hades if you can keep it” she says and we jolt when he speaks “Oh that’s his, I’ll have more sent over within a day or two” he says and I chuckle “Can’t work in a suit” I say and he scoffs “Please, you can do everything else in a suit. Just look at what it does to your wife” he says, a mischievous smile on his lips making Callan blush “Yo, my wife, get your own” I growl playfully, Abby laughs wrapping her arms around his waist “Oh I understand that feeling completely sis, this man has impeccable taste” she says looking at Hades with love “Especially in women” he says and kisses her sweetly. Callan rests her head against my chest “I would say the goddess has immaculate taste in pairing her children” I say and they smile “Oh, my dear sister does. She puts great care into pairing them, I was the exception to the rule. She’s never done this for anyone of our kind, and I cannot thank her enough” he says still looking at Abby. I’m so happy that she found someone again, Alex was great and all but Hades is her perfect match “Yeah, well we must leave, mom is alone with Fallon” I say and their faces fall “Indeed it is time, we will keep in touch” Hades says and we smile “Thank you for everything bro” I say and he nods “My utmost pleasure dear brother” he says and snaps his fingers. Callan clings to me as the smoke engulfs us, soon we’re back at the hospital. I hear her growl again, but this time at the hungry gazes directed at me. Ego boost, my wife is still possessive. I smile at them, wink and capture her lips in a searing kiss, backing her up against the wall, my body pressed to hers, I feel the vibrations through my chest as she moans. I pull back, kiss her again and straighten up “You see why I don’t wear this” I whisper and she smiles “At home, I need that at home” she says and I smile “Let’s go see her” I say taking her hand we walk toward her room. My mom is sitting in the hallway and I see her relax as we walk up. She gets up but stops taking in my appearance “Wow, you look handsome my love” she says kissing my cheek “Thanks, Hades had his way” I say and she pales “You didn’t” she says and I look away “I had to… someone had to suffer” I reply “Oh Leo, baby that’s not the answer” she says and I glare at her “I know, but rather them than you or Callan” I say and she looks away “They’re in there now, Airmid is doing her best” she says and turns away looking at the closed door. Callan takes her by the shoulders and they sit down, when my mom looks at me again I see the pain in her eyes “Sorry mom, it won’t happen again” I say and she nods “I know” she says and I take her hand sitting down on the other side of her. We wait there for what feels like hours, sitting standing, walking around, making idle conversation but the longer they take the more agitated I get “Come on” I whisper looking at the door “Hey want something to drink?” my mom asks and I nod “Yeah, sure mom” I say and she gets up leaving us alone “So this is us, waiting” Callan says and I glance at her “Is he still being an ass?” I hear Vi ask and chuckle “You love me” I say and she scoffs “Hey Gigantor, could you do me a favor?” she asks sweetly and I sit down “Sure sweet cheeks” I say happily “Could you please get your head out of your ass and hold your wife, who by the way is scared out of her mind right now?” she says and I place my arm around Callan, pulling her to me “Good boy, now guys listen, I get that this is scary, but she survived there for almost two years. She wants to live, her spirit is strong okay. You just keep doing that, look to each other for support” she says and I chuckle “When did you become so wise?” I ask and she puffs up her chest “Always have been, my brothers didn’t listen” she says with a smirk and I laugh “I listened plenty” I say, she smiles “Yeah, sure. No really, I know this, you are each other’s support now. We’re all here when you get back, but when you’re alone, look to the person next to you. That person knows you inside and out, don’t look for excuses, find solutions” she says and we nod “Thanks Vi” Callan says and Vi laughs “Hey, you bring those two back safely” she says and Callan salutes her “Yes ma’am” she says and Violet giggles “Your house will be done when you get back, oh wait let me just… here… Lennox!” she calls out the phone being handed over to our son and my being lights up “Hey guys!” he says and we smile “Hey buddy! You being good?” Callan asks and he nods “Yeah! Uncle Dean showed me how to-“Dean cuts him off, pulling him into a hug “Ogre” I growl and he smiles “Just helping Vi, be good guys” he says and cuts the call “He let him play with the guns” I say and Callan’s eyes go wide “He what?!” she growls “I know when he’s done something he knows he shouldn’t have. He had the same look on his face when he and Fallon pranked me with the fireworks. She told me years later” I say smiling at the memory “Guns Leo… really?” she says and I nod “He’s a weapons trainer. Don’t worry, I’ll get him when we’re back, I wasn’t known as the prince of mischief for nothing” I say my eyes glinting “Good, I’m up for a good prank” my mom says handing us our coffees “You too?” Callan asks and my mom flicks her hair off her shoulder “Please, you think they thought of all that on their own? I am the prank master” she says winking “What pranks? Who we pranking?” Etienne asks strolling up “You’ll see, when we get home he’s going down” I say and the door to her room opens “Goddess Airmid” we say bowing “She’s stable, but we need to get her home” she says “We’ll leave at once” my mom says and they all scatter. I turn to him, looking at him then I walk inside sitting down next to him “I don’t know if you can hear me, but thank you for saving us. Thank you for helping her, you don’t know how much it means to me and my family. You are a true hero Feared one, I hope and pray that you will recover soon. You will always have an ally in the Reyes family, we will honor it till the day we die. We’re taking her home now, I hope we’ll meet again, under better circumstances.  Go well” I say and pat his arm getting up “Gunther” I say and he appears out of the shadows “Your highness” he says and I turn to face him “Keep me updated please, about him and the girl” I say and he smiles “Yes your highness, and if I may?” he asks and I nod “It was an honor your highness, I will never forget what you did for him” he says and I chuckle “He did so much more for us. If he didn’t hear me, you were my witness, tell him please. Keep well my friend” I say and his eyes light up “You too your highness, we will meet again” he says and I bow “We will” I say and leave. The next morning I walk into my house, taking a deep breath “Home, finally we’re all home” I say smiling
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