Chapter 20

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Feared one POV Empty and lonely, that’s all I feel, it’s all I can feel. I smile and do whatever it is I need to do, but if I’m being honest I’m so miserable I can’t think straight anymore. Gunther took Katya and her mother, he named Rose, to visit his children so I’m alone mostly. Taking over the Moltke’s territory went smoothly with the help of the King, they have been nothing but helpful and friendly toward us and I appreciate it a lot, but walking alone in the dark castle at night with only my thoughts keeping me company has become almost more than I can bear. I miss her, the beast has become solemn and reserved, we know we had to let her go back. She needed her family, much more than I needed her. I have been alone for centuries, what’s another one? When I woke from the coma, she was gone. Gunther told me what the prince said and he has kept his word, I am grateful but it hurts more knowing I’ll never hold her, never get to tell her I love her, which I realized too late I did. To make matters worse, we never found the nightingale, she must’ve perished and that upset me even more. “Still can’t sleep?” his voice speaks from the darkness and I sigh “Etienne” I say and he steps into the light “Why don’t you just go to her?” he asks and I turn away “No, it’s not that easy son” I say and he places his hand on my shoulder “It is, she’s your mate. What can possibly keep you from her?” he asks and I look back at him “You know what Stefan did to her, how he betrayed her” I state and he nods stepping back “I know” he says and I rub my face, turning away from him “She’ll never trust another man again. He broke her heart, maybe even her spirit. He took her Lycan, tortured her, he tried to kill her. If not for her father and uncle she’d be dead” I say and he hums “But you’re her mate, you can fix her” he says making me chuckle “Two wrongs don’t make a right son, I’m no better than he was” I say “That’s a lie and you know it” he argues and I turn to face him “What has he done that I haven’t done?” I ask “You’ve never captured innocent people and tortured them for being who they are” he says “Might be, but I have lots of innocent blood on my hands. People I have killed for no good reason” I say “No, every war has casualties” he says “I thought so too. But after what I witnessed there, what all of you have told me I realized that I am just as atrocious as he was. I plundered kingdoms, killed innocents, burned down cities” I say and he sighs “No, you made sure there were less bad people in the world” “At the expense of others” I say and walk away, leaving him in the hallway. I walk outside and make my way to the edge of the forest “You want to run?” I ask but he doesn’t respond “We can’t keep going on like this” I say looking at the stars, the cool breeze blows and I smile closing my eyes remembering the first night I heard her voice. That wonderful sad voice, the one I managed to get to laugh. I only imaged what she must look like, I would imagine she has scars, like I do, that she might be broken a little, like I am, like my mate is now. I can still feel her pain faintly, it’s horrible but I refuse to reject her. If she decides to have another mate, then and only then will I reject her. Although I feel her pain, and sometimes her longing for me, I can feel her, it helps a little knowing she’s there, not mine but there. These have been the longest six months of my life, being almost 400 years old, that’s saying something.   Leo POV “She still in her room?” I ask Callan as I sit down on the couch “Yes, it’s been three days now. She barely eats, hasn’t spoken to me or Lennox since yesterday and she keeps playing those stupid sad songs” she says and I wrap my arm around her shoulders “Doctor Green said this will happen, we just need to be there when the time comes” I say reassuringly and she nods, laying her head on my shoulder “I have to speak to you about something” she says and I lean back looking down at her “Okay, that doesn’t sound ominous at all” I joke and she chuckles sitting up “I am going to open my own flight school, there isn’t one around here” she says and I smile “That’s great Spitfire” I say and she smiles “So you won’t mind me not being home that often?” she asks and I laugh “Hey, I didn’t marry you knowing you’d make a great housewife, I’m happy that you found something you can do that you love and that gives you purpose” I say and she lets out a relieved sigh “You thought I was going to be angry?” I ask seriously and she looks at her hands “No, just not as enthusiastic” she says and I lift her into my lap, locking eyes with her “You are the best pilot I know” I say and she giggles “I’m the only pilot you know” she says and I smile “You are the best wife in the whole world” I kiss her neck lightly “The best mother” she shivers as I trail kisses slowly down her neck “The most beautiful and alluring woman ever to walk this earth” she moans lightly when my lips roam over her mark “Great in bed, sleeping and otherwise” I growl lowly and her fingers curl into my shoulders “The only woman I have ever loved” I say nipping the soft skin of her breast and she grinds her hips into me, rolling her core over my rising erection “Leo” she breathes out and my grip tightens on her hips “Yes Cal” I say, the tip of my tongue trailing up her neck making her moan louder “f**k me” she says her eyes hot with desire. I stand and practically sprint up the stairs holding her close, three steps at a time. Kicking the door closed behind us I growl when she grinds into me again before kissing me with a hunger I haven’t felt in months “Oh like that huh? Hold on baby” I say and strip her bare within seconds, my own clothes following shortly after. She crawls backward on the bed with a wicked smile “Come on daddy, show me what you got” she says and I groan as she grabs my shaft tugging me closer to her core “f**k Callan, let me feel you” I say dipping a finger into her molten core and her back bows as she moans. I position myself and thrust inside her, hard and wanting “Oh god!” she screams and I close my mouth over hers as I pound into her, our bodies entwining as the pleasure and heat builds around us. She lifts her hips, and I thrust deeper and harder each time. Her moans and cries of pleasure fueling the animalistic s*x. I flip her over, gripping her hips and drive into her hard and sure “YES! f**k Leo!” she screams, her perfect braid ruined as strands fall out one by one as I pound her. I reach around and my fingers find her nub, stimulating her while I thrust “Oh god! Leo!” she breaks, spilling over me as her walls clench around me. I growl out her name, wrapping my arms around her and holding her close as I pulse inside her, two more thrusts and I fall to the side breathing hard, she collapses onto my chest catching her breath “Oh my god… baby that was…” she takes a few deep breaths and I smile brushing the hair off her face “Amazing” I say and she nods smiling “Oh yeah, mind-blowing” she says “I aim to please” I say chuckling. She yawns and I guide her up, lifting her and putting her down in the bathroom, opening the shower and stepping back “I’ll get your PJ’s” I say but she steps in front of me “No, we’re not done” she says and glances down, my member getting hard again “Damn Spitfire, what has gotten into you?” I ask but she just pulls me down for a searing kiss stepping into the sower “Do you remember the first time I saw you naked?” she asks and I smile “It’s a fond memory of mine actually” I say and her eyes flash with want “You said a lot of things there, and I’m still waiting for you to show me” she says and I growl “Well, let me assist her majesty” I say and an hour later we’re laying in bed, she’s snoring softly and I smile just relaxing and enjoying the moment. We don’t get many moments like this often, I used to love this so much. Just us against the world. I fall asleep, holding her as close as possible to me, but it's not long before my phone rings and I sit up rubbing my eyes “Colonel Reyes” I answer “Leo?” his voice seem unsure “Myles?” “Yes, hey listen can you come to the club?” he asks and I groan “Myles it’s almost three in the morning” I groan “Yeah I know, but uhm you might want to get here, it’s Fallon” he says and I jump out of bed “I’m on my way” I ring off and rush to get dressed. Driving like a bat out of hell I skid to as stop with smoking tyres and rush inside “Myles!” I call out and he waves me over to his office. I step inside and look at her, sprawled out on the floor, vomit covering her dress in the front, the side of her face and some of her hair. “For f**k’s sake Fallon” I growl lifting her up, her body limp in my arms “We found her in the bathroom like this, sorry Leo” he says and I nod “Thanks Myles, I’d say I’ll pay for the damages but I already am” I joke and he laughs “Sure thing boss” he says and I walk out, placing her in the car I drive home. I’m furious, boiling with anger but I’m worried at the same time. She’s been doing so well the past few months with therapy and all, sure she’s been quiet and a little isolated but that’s to be expected. I also did that when I was hurting, just wanted to be alone. I place her in her bed and look at her “What are you doing to yourself?” I ask whispering loudly, but she’s not even twitching “Do you have any idea how dangerous this is?” I ask her but she just lets out a snore and turns on her side “Dammit Fallon, speak to me please. We can fix this” I plead to her sleeping figure. I sit there until the sun starts to rise, then I finish for work and leave the house. On the training grounds I drill the recruits hard, until Zia steps up “Sir” she says and I turn to her “Yes Sergeant?” “Permission to speak freely sir” “Go ahead” “Uncle Leo, I love you but you look like s**t. Everything okay?” she asks and then I see her mother in her, kind and caring “Yes thanks honey” I say and she nods “You’re lying, but I get it. Maybe take a nap or something, I’ll handle this” she says and I sigh rubbing my face “Thanks sweetheart” I say kissing her cheek and leaving for my office. When I enter Amala is waiting for me. Oh what now? “Leo, is Fallon okay?” she asks with her big electric blue eyes shining with concern. I plop down in my chair, resting my head on my arms “I don’t know, I honestly don’t know sis” I say and she rubs my shoulder “Oh Leo, I thought she was getting better” she says and I nod “Me too, but then last night…” I trail off “She went drinking again” she says and I sit back “Yeah, luckily Myles found her in the bathroom and phoned me. s**t Amala I’m at a loss, I don’t know what to do anymore. She’s heading down a very dangerous path” I say and she leans against the desk “I tried talking to her, but she kept telling me she was fine. Maybe Cayden should try, he was there, sort of” she says and I nod “I’m desperate, I’ll try anything. Callan is worn out, Lennox misses her and doesn’t understand why she is like this.  We all know what happens when I speak to her, we just end up fighting” I say and she pats my shoulder “Go home Leo, you can’t function like this. I’ll talk to Cayden, go and rest” she says and leaves after kissing my cheek. I make a few phone calls and return home, finding my house in disarray, my wife in tears, alone on the living room floor “Callan, what happened?” I ask worriedly picking her up off the floor “She was so angry Leo, I found her all dirty and reeking of alcohol this morning and we had a fight. It went from small to catastrophic in a matter of minutes” she sobs out and I hold her as she sobs “Are you hurt?” I ask but she shakes her head “Is she here?” I ask and she nods pointing to her room “Brother, I need help” I link him “On my way” he says and I lead her to the couch. She’s barely seated when he comes in and his eyes go wide “Please, speak to her or so help me I will do something I’m going to regret for the rest of my life” I growl out. He doesn’t say anything he just nods and heads upstairs while I console my hysteric wife “Why didn’t you call me?” I ask her and she looks up “It happened so quickly. Oh Leo what’s happening to her?” she sobs out and the next moment my mother comes in, scans the room but heads upstairs, followed by my dad but he sits down next to Callan “It’s okay honey, we’re here” he soothes “Leo, would you make us a cup of tea please son” he says calmly and I stand, stepping over broken furniture and debris, I gasp when I see the kitchen. “She’s in deep trouble Leo, she needs serious help” Ryker says and I nod “I know bud, I know” I rummage through the mess and manage to find two cups that are not broken, I make them tea and take it back “Thanks” they say and I start cleaning up the mess. Just as I pick up the overturned couch I hear my mother’s voice boom “Fallon! CALM DOWN!” she commands and we all still “Should I-“ “No son, let them handle this” my dad says and I continue cleaning. After an hour or so they come down, looking drained and angry “She needs serious help Leo” Cayden says and I nod, resting my head in my hands “How did I let this happen? I should’ve known this was going to happen” I say more to myself but my mom sits next to me “No, you can’t take the blame” she says and I look at her “He put her through hell, he took her mom. He destroyed my baby girl” I say fighting the tears “What do we do?” my dad asks and I lean back, a deafening silence filling the room “Call Doctor Green, she’ll help” Callan says and I nod taking out my phone. I call her and explain what happened and she told me that we should let her come to us, stay calm and let her know that we are there for her and I end the call. “We tried that” Callan says frustration in her voice “Maybe she should stay with us for a few days, let her have a little space” my mom says and I nod “Okay, I’ll try anything” I say. They head to her room, after a massive argument she leaves with my parents glaring at Callan and I like she wants to kill us. I head to town soon after to buy new cutlery since we have nothing left and to fetch Lennox from school, upon return I find Callan on the sofa, sleeping. I unpack everything and start dinner. He sits and does his homework at the island, blissfully unaware that his sister nearly destroyed the house a few hours earlier. Later that night I get a call “Colonel Reyes” “Hello your highness” “Feared one, to what do I owe the pleasure?” I ask trying my best to sound positive “I uh, was wondering how the princess is doing?” he asks and I sit back “She’s recovering, it’s a slow process” which is not working “Oh that’s good news” he says and I lean back “How are things there?” I ask and he clears his throat “We’re rebuilding, the devastation Stefan left behind is much worse than we thought” tell me about it “I can imagine. Do you need more resources?” “No your highness, we’ll manage” “Is Gunther doing okay?” “Oh yes, he is visiting his children with Katya and Rose” “Rose?” “Yes Katya’s mother, they seem to have fallen in love. She’s a very kind woman, much like little Katya” he says and I hear the fondness in his tone “Wonderful, that’s wonderful” I say and he sighs “Yes, well I have taken enough of your time your highness. Please send my regards to your family” “I will thank you Feared one, don’t hesitate to ask if you need anything” “I won’t your highness, good night” “Good night” he ends the call and I rest my head on the back of the sofa closing my eyes. I’m so tired, emotionally and physically, I just hope she gets better. Please I beg you help her. A week passes without incident and I am becoming hopeful, until I start getting the late night phone calls, every time from a different club, but the message stays the same. After a month I decide I have had enough, this s**t needs to end and it needs to end now. So I sit and wait for her, at the main road, in my Lycan form, to pass by. She has cut her hair, it’s short, something about a pixie I didn’t pay attention, she got piercings, and a tattoo, I don’t mind it but she’s changing. She wears weird clothes, and heavy dark make-up, like she wants to hide herself, I hate that, not the clothes or the make-up the fact that I feel like we are losing her “Here she comes” he says and we get ready, he jumps into the road blocking it and she screeches to a halt “What the f**k Ryker?!” she yells getting out and slamming her door, he growls and she steps back “Okay calm down, no need for violence” she says and he steps closer growling lowly “Hey Ry it’s me, your daughter” she says but he lowers his head, her eyes widen a bit as he backs her up to the car “Okay bud” I say and I shift “The hell dad?!” she yells and I pin her with a gaze that could start a fire “I’m done with this Fallon, we’re all done. We tried helping, talking, being patient but you keep on insisting that you are fine” I say and she steps closer “I am fine” she states and I shake my head “I have to fetch you passed out drunk every night, how is that fine?” I ask and she shrugs “I’m almost 28, I can do what I like” she says and I growl “Yes, but not at the expense of your family” I say and she starts trembling with rage. Here we go “Oh daddy you jealous? Because I have a life” she taunts “No, Fallon I’m not. I’m worried, your mother is literally sick, didn’t you notice?” I ask and she is silent for a moment “Maybe she’s pregnant again, f**k knows you two can’t keep it in your pants” she bites back “Don’t Fallon, stop this” I say calmly, this throws her off “You keep pushing us away, always alone in your room, and then there’s this” I take the empty pill container out of my pocket and she pales a bit “You went through my stuff?!” she yells but I step back “Your mother found this, and not just one Fallon, a whole bag full of empty containers. You can’t remember which day it is, you isolate yourself, you barely eat, worst of all you have these outbursts. You almost destroyed the house a few weeks ago” I say and she folds her arms looking away “So, everybody is always up in my business” she says “No we want to help you” “Then leave me the hell alone!” she yells but I don’t step back “We intend to” I say and lift my hand, the guards emerge from the surrounding area and she looks like a caged animal “What are you doing?” she asks reading her fighting stance “You are going to choose Fallon” I state and she looks at me bewildered “What? Choose what?” she demands “The dungeons or rehab” I state her jaw slacks “You wouldn’t” she says “I am” I say and she glances at the guards “There are more, you stand no chance” Kaiju speaks from behind me “Please Fallon, just let us help” Mahli pleads from opposite the road “Choose” I command and she cowers a little “Fine, rehab” she says but instantly regret her decision. The guards grab her and she looks at me, pleading with her eyes “Daddy please” she says but I turn away “Take her please” I say and she screams pleading with me as they take her in the van “Dad! Don’t do this! Please daddy I’ll be better!” she yells and I have to use all my will power not to get her, to hold her and tell her I’m sorry. I look up into Violet and Cayden’s eyes as they stand in the shadows “DAD!” she yells before they close the door and drives away. I keep my eyes on them as I fall to my knees and he’s quick to grab me “What have I done?” I say as the tears start to fall, sobbing like I did when Callan died, it hurts the same “The right thing brother” he says holding me, I hear her car start and soon we’re alone “If it’s the right thing why does it hurt so much?” I whisper and he helps me stand “Because doing the right thing sucks sometimes, come on let’s get you home” Vi says and I nod, holding on to them. When I walk into the house the whole family is there looking at me expectantly, Callan moves forward and I grab her burying my nose in her hair “She chose rehab” I sob out, there are relieved sighs and sniffles “I’m sorry” I whisper over and over to my wife “It’s better this way” she says through tears and I nod “I hope so” I say pulling her closer to me
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