Chapter 19

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Callan POV This is the worst two months of my life, Fallon and Leo keep fighting, both too stubborn to listen to the other. Lennox and I just keep out of their way mostly. I tried to mediate it, no luck. Even Amala  stepped in, but they are adamant at going at each other. It started with the boyfriend issue, which for me was a shock, sure, but I know how she feels. “Callan, she lied” he says pacing his office “Leo, you must understand where she’s coming from” I plead and he turns to me “I didn’t raise her like this” he says “You’re being stubborn” I say and he growls “I am not, look at what happened because of it!” he yells “She knew you’d react like this, that’s why she hid it!” I yell back “I had good reason to!” “You are not being fair” I say and he turns his back to me “I saw when he drove that sword into her, don’t you see?” he says “All I see is a man that’s being unfair. If she had known her father wouldn’t react like this she might’ve brought him home, we would’ve been given a chance to warn her” I say and he spins around “No-one is good enough for her!” he yells and I step back “Yes Admiral, we understand” I state and walk out the door, slamming it as I make my way to the house. When I reach the door he calls out “Cal wait!” he calls but I ignore him “Callan please” he says and I spin around “What?” “That’s not the same and you know it” he says but I just shrug “I know how this feels Leo, my dad was the same. Or did you forget how bad it was the first day we went there?” I hiss out “No I didn’t forget” he says “Well? Why do you think I dated secretly?” I ask and he looks at me “I know, it’s just… she made such a huge mistake” he says and I step back again “We all have made mistakes, what is her mistake worse than the one your mother made with her first boyfriend?” I ask and he looks up “I… Cal, this… it’s why I’m feeling like this. My mom was killed by that i***t, if not for Cayden…” he trails off turning to the kitchen “Leo, we can’t push her away. She needs us” I say and he stops “I know, but she won’t listen” he says and walks out the back door. I sit down at the kitchen island with my hands in my hair “Honey” her soft voice makes me look up “Hey mom” I say, my voice sounding more tired than what I’m actually am “You look tired” she says sitting down “Yeah, maybe I am” I say looking at my hands. Her hand covers mine and I glance up “I’ll talk to her, maybe she’ll talk to me” she says and I nod, looking away, the tears pooling in my eyes “I have no idea what I’m doing. This is out of control, they both are just so stubborn” I say and she pulls me to her chest. “Hey, it’s okay to feel like this” she says and I let out a sobbing laugh “You remind me so much of my mom, she wasn’t a warrior, but she always knew what to say. I suck at this don’t I?” I say but she pulls back looking at me “You think we’ve never felt like this? Like we’ve never felt like failures?” she asks and I shrug “It comes naturally to you, like it did to her” I say, a soft motherly smile spreads on her face and she takes my hands “When I had Cayden, I had three months with him, three short months before he was taken. I had no choice but to hide him. His father was a horrible man, as you know, and I was scared out of my mind, that he would find him or me and finish what he started” she says, her eyes locked on mine “I didn’t know where they took him, out of fear that if he did find me he won’t be able to find him. I later found out, when he came back that he was living with relatives of Devon’s husband. They cared for him, gave him all he needed but I was alone, afraid and isolated” she wipes a tear “But I had phone calls and they sent me pictures of him, they raised him, they were there when he took his first steps, when he spoke his first words, they taught him to ride a bicycle, climb a tree, kick a ball. I lost all that, out of fear” she says, her tears slowly running down her face “I would’ve given anything to be there, to experience that with him. To hear his first word, get up at night when he cried, comfort him when he was scared, but his father took that from me, from us. He punished me until the day he died, made sure I was kept in line, within his grasp of tyranny. It took many years for me to realize that I could never have that, time is one thing we could never get back. You my darling missed that too, I understand your heart my dear, I don’t know how you feel, but I can relate. You have her now, you want that now, but my lovely daughter, you can’t let present issues overrule your better judgment because of past digressions. We need to stay fair, no matter how difficult it might be” she says and I nod “See, always know what to say” I say and she hugs me again “She is hurting, but he’s scared. So we need to be patient, kind and understanding. Forcing either of them into forgiveness will defeat the purpose” she says and I nod, wrapping my arms around her. My fingers graze over some of the scars and I squeeze my eyes shut “I don’t know what to do, we can’t keep going on like this mom, our house is a war zone” I sob out and she kisses my head, soothing me “Let us help then, I told you won’t interfere unless you asked” she says and I nod “Okay” I whisper, her arms tighten around me and I bury my face in her shoulder, letting the painful cry go, I’ve been holding it back for weeks. She holds me, soothing me until I hear the door open and close, the sparks running up my back when his hand rests there “Cal… I’m sorry baby” he says softly and I nod, but I don’t let go. I need a mother now “I know” I say between tears and he kneels down “I’ll try again, maybe she’ll listen” he says but I shake my head “No, it’s time you step away. As difficult as it may be, please let her be” I say and he looks down “Okay, I will” he says and his mother places her one hand on his head stroking his hair “Parenting is a lifetime commitment, this will pass. Not now, but it will. Let us help” she says and he nods, kissing her palm “Okay mom” he says and I pull away looking into her kind eyes “You are amazing mom” I say and she chuckles “Oh please, I lost two kids for years in one lifetime, I have 6 other children, not one the same and in-laws, I do what I can. Besides, I’ve been around long enough to know that you can’t will someone to see your point of view” she says wiping my tears and kissing my forehead gently “Let me think a while, then we can handle this better” she says and we nod “You” she turns to Leo and his breath hitches “Never in your life slam a door in her face again young man, are we understood?” she says sternly and he nods “Yes ma’am” he answers and she smiles “Good boy, call me if you need anything. Oh and I’ll send dinner over later” she says walking out the door. He takes my hand and I turn to him “This is a f**k-up” he says and I nod “Oh yes. But it’s not impossible” I say and he pulls me to him, holding me close to his chest “Nothing is impossible” he says and kisses my head. Later that night I get up to get a drink of water, checking on the kids but find her room empty. Her bed not slept in “Leo” I say frantically and he groans “Leo wake-up” I shake him and he lifts his head with one eye closed “Callan, what’s wrong?” he asks and I sit back “Fallon is gone” I say and he jumps up rushing to her room “Mahli!” he yells out the window and they appear out of the shadows “Find her now!” he commands and they’re off. I see lights going on, people running in different directions, then I see the recruits running into the woods in their PJ’s. “Majesty, we’re looking in the city” Mahli says and I nod, standing on the porch “Thank you Mahli” I say and she runs off “Callan!” I hear her voice and turn to the direction she’s running from “Mom” I breathe out and she hugs me tightly “We’ll find her” she says and I nod. My whole being is numb with fear “Her car is here” I hear one of the guards say and I sink to my knees “Find her!” he commands again and they disappear into the dark of night. An hour passes, then two and I look up when I hear heavy footsteps. Duke and Ryker immerge from the darkness and I stand. They shift but they only shake their heads “Oh god” I sigh out and bend over with my head in my hands “Sir!” I hear someone call and look up. A disheveled and poorly dressed Fallon is helped out of a car and I run toward them. Her eyes are red, her face flushed and she’s struggling to stand “Fallon!” I call out and she looks up “Hey! Itsh the shexy mama” she says, her words slurring as I take her “Are you drunk?” I ask and she tips her fingers to me “Shure why not?” she says leaning on me with all her weight “Fallon Isa Reyes” his voice booms, everyone cowering “Daddio!” she say but his eyes a blazing with anger. He’s walking in long angry strides toward us and I place her behind me “Leo please” I beg and he stops “Move Callan” he says but I stay firm “She’s drunk, let’s settle this tomorrow okay?” I plead with him, he steps closer but his dad intervenes “Leo, come” he says in his Alpha voice and he glares at his father “Not now dad” he says through clenched teeth. His mom wedging between us “Honey, let’s calm down a bit” she says “Yeah daddy, calm dooown” my daughter chimes and I spin around “Ssshhh. You need to get to bed” I say sternly and she just nods. I take her hand and lead her away while they try and calm him down. I struggle with her up the stairs and fall against the wall half way up “Dammit Fallon” I whisper under my breath as she sways holding onto the wall “I got thish” she says and lifts her foot high, aiming for the next step but missing it falling backward and tumbles down the steps, taking me with her. We fall hitting the floor with a loud THUD as the air rushes out of my lungs “Oh god” I breathe out turning on my side to catch my breath, she’s rolling on the floor laughing her ass off “Your face” she squeals as she laughs. I growl moving to get up “If he kills you I won’t interfere” I growl out but she just laughs harder “He loves me too much” she says sitting up “Don’t bet on it” I say, again trying my best to get her up. The next moment she’s lifted out of my grasp and I look up into Kaiju’s kind eyes “Let me majesty” he says and heads up the stairs. She’s talking nonsense all the way there but he pays her no mind. He places her in front of the door and steps aside “Good night your majesties” he says as I take her and leaves without looking back. Getting her into the shower is like trying to baptize a cat “NO!” she yells clinging to the sides like a crazy person “Fallon, it’s just a shower” I argue, her bloodshot eyes find mine and all I see is fear “Not the water room!” she yells and I step back “It’s a shower honey” I say softly but she steps away sinking to the floor, cowering “I can’t” she says her head buried in her hands. I turn the shower off and sit down next to her “Fallon, honey look at me” I soothe and she looks up, tears running down her face “You’re home” I say but she shakes her head “No. This is not real” she says and I place my arm around her “Okay, calm down. Sshhh, I got you baby” I soothe as she cries into my shoulder. After a long while her sobs calm, her breathing becomes relaxed and I sigh getting up, supporting her as I struggle to get her to bed. I get her dressed, pull the covers over her and sit next her, watching her sleep “What’s happening to you baby?” I whisper, stroking her hair “I think it’s time she sees a therapist” his voice speaks softly and I nod “She never wanted to, but it’ll help, I hope” I say and he places a strong but gentle hand on my shoulder “Me too, this is getting worse. I don’t know how to help her, and she keeps pushing me away” he says and I hear the pain in his voice. I place my hand over his, squeezing it “We’ll help her, together” I say standing “Yeah” he says and bends down kissing her head “I love you princess” he whispers, a sharp surge of pain settling in my chest and I know his heart is breaking “Good night sweety” I whisper kissing her cheek and slipping out the door with Leo in tow. I crawl back into bed, exhausted, confused and sad. But I manage to fall asleep. The next afternoon she emerges from her room, shuffling down to the kitchen, but stops when she finds me sitting at the kitchen island, paging through a magazine “Oh morning” she groans and I glance up “Afternoon, sleep well?” I ask and she sighs “Yeah, my head is kicking my ass” she groans again, taking some painkillers and plumping down “Your food is in the microwave, enjoy” I say getting up and walking to the living room. A few minutes later she saunters in after me and plops down on the couch “Hey mom” she says and I hum in response, my eyes still on the article I’m reading “I’m sorry about yesterday” she says and I look up “It’s fine” I say in a plain tone, continuing reading the article “I didn’t mean to upset you” she says again and I close the magazine, placing it on the coffee table, before meeting her eyes. Something between shame and fear flashes in her eyes as my gaze sets on her “I’m not upset Fallon” I state, leaning forward interlacing my fingers “Angry?” she says, looking shyer by the minute “No” “Okay, pissed?” she says taking another bite “No, not that either” I say and she sighs “Okay, you’re disappointed” she says “No Fallon, I am scared” I say and her eyes widen “Of what?” she asks and I shake my head “For you, I’m scared that what you are doing is dangerous. That sneaking out and getting drunk is a dangerous way of coping” I say and her eyes leave mine, looking at her barely touched food “I just wanted to get out and have a good time” she says and I sigh again “Then why not just tell us?” I ask but she just shrugs “Instead you sneak out in the middle of the night to wherever you were, setting the whole place on alert and then embarrass yourself coming home, drunk as a pirate” I say but she shrugs again “I’ll never do it again” she says but I scoff and she looks up “I have seen this before. We have found a good therapist; her number is on the fridge. Call her please, or don’t, it’s your choice. Your father and I would love for you to get some help, but we won’t force you” I say and walk out the living room. When I return from fetching Lennox from school he bolts up the stairs and knocks on her door “Hey sis!” he says happily and a few seconds pass before she opens the door “I made you this” he says, shoving a card toward her, she smiles and crouches down taking the card. I glance at it in passing and my heart breaks “You’re the best sister ever! I love my sister because she’s strong and funny She tells good stories and can draw anything! Love, Lennox (your little brother) XXX”               “Wow Lennox, this is awesome! Thanks buddy” she says hugging him tightly “I made one for you too mom!” he says excitedly and I smile taking the card “Oh Lennox, it’s beautiful” I say taking the card with a huge heart drawn on it “For my mom The best mom in the world I love my mom because she is kind and makes awesome food She is a pilot with her own plane and that’s so cool! Love you mom! XXX” “Oh baby thank you” I say hugging him “I just wanted to make you feel better” he says and we glance at each other “I know it’s hard now, but my teacher said if we give cards to people who are feeling bad or sick, they’ll feel better. Carl made a card for his dad too, so I made two for you guys. My best girls” he says proudly, and we chuckle “Well my little man, I do believe your plan worked. I feel great!” she says and he beams with happiness “So you’ll tell me a story tonight?” he asks and she nods happily “Sure thing bro, now homework first” she says and he nods before heading to his room. She holds the card looking at it and as I turn to leave, she speaks “I am seeing the therapist tomorrow” she says and I turn back “Really?” I ask and she nods standing “No use ruining my family for my s**t. I am sorry for the way I acted” she says and I wrap her up in a tight hug “Thank you honey” I whisper and she nods stepping away “I’ll do dinner, you can relax or help Lennox with his homework” she says and I nod “Okay, if you’re sure” I say and she nods smiling “Of course, go I’ll call you when its ready” she says and places the card in her room before heading downstairs. I make my way to Lennox’s room and sit down helping him with his homework. I still don’t feel completely satisfied but we’ll see how this goes.   Fallon POV Dinner was quiet, my dad barely looked at me, it hurt to be honest, I could see the disappointment on his face and the hurt in his eyes but at least we were civil, we didn’t fight for the first time in two months. I didn’t tell him I’m seeing the therapist today, I am just doing this to get my mom to relax, she’s been great through all of this and I know I hurt her too. She tried so hard to get us to stop fighting and got hurt doing so, but her face yesterday when she was stoic, cold even while she told me she was scared broke my heart. “Good morning I’m here to see doctor Green” I say and the receptionist smiles and gestures for me to sit. The waiting room is quiet, soft music playing with a water feature in the corner creating a calm atmosphere “Miss Anderson?” I hear a gentle voice and look up. She’s a middle-aged woman with kind eyes, dark chocolate skin and a very inviting smile “Hi, doctor Green I presume” I say extending my hand and she greets me smiling “Please” she says and I step into her office. Not what I expected, not sure what I expected but it’s not this. Two walls have magnificent paintings on it and the two seats facing each other are not the same but it works. Artsy “You like art Fallon?” she asks and I nod “I used to study art” I answer and sit down “Oh, you didn’t finish?” she asks and I look down “No, I uhm got distracted” I say and she hums “Well, what was your major?” she asks and I look at the paintings again “Fine Art” I say and she raises and eyebrow “Impressive. So what do you do now?” she asks and I look back at her “I am uhm, taking a gap year. You know, just trying to figure things out” I say and she nods “How is that going so far?” she asks and I shrug “Like trying to navigate out of a maze of cacti blindfolded” I say and she laughs “My, that sounds painful” she says and I chuckle “Yeah” “So is it just one type of cactus or are there a few variants?” she asks and I chuckle “Oh I don’t know, maybe 5 or 6 different ones” I say and she smiles sitting back “You know I can’t help but think how painful it must be walking into a Saguaro, face first” she says and shivers “You haven’t met my dad then” I say and my eyes go wide “Well, let’s talk about the rest” she says and strangely enough when I walk out I feel a little better, she didn’t pressure me to tell her anything, she asked some more questions and we laughed a little too. She’s nothing like the people you see on TV, that’s why I didn’t want to go to a therapist, they probe you for answers, but she was more like a friend that anything else. When I get home I make my way to the kitchen, finding my dad there, sitting alone with a cup of coffee in his hands. He looked up when I walk in and gives me a small smile “Hey princess” he says softly and I smile “Hey dad” I grab a glass of juice and take a seat opposite him “Where were you?” he asks and I look out the window sipping the juice “I went to see the therapist” I see a smile tug at the corner of his mouth but he just nods “That’s great baby” he says but still he won’t look at me “Yeah” I say and he gulps down the coffee and stands washing his cup he places it in the drying rack and turns to the door “Have a good day baby” he says kissing my head but I grab his wrist before he can leave “Dad” I say and he hums, his pulse quickening under my finger tips “I am going to try okay, to get better” I say softly and then he turns, wraps me up in a warm fatherly hug. His massive frame enveloping mine, and I feel safe again “Okay baby. I’m sorry Fallon” he whispers and I nod “I know” I say and he chuckles stepping back “I’m proud of you princess” he says kissing my head before walking out the door. The next few weeks is a little better, the sessions are becoming a bit more serious, and then I get a prescription for my insomnia and anxiety. It helps, a lot actually, but nothing seems to get rid of this empty feeling I have in my heart, like something is missing and I can’t figure out what it is. And then that one session, the one question I’ve been dreading comes up, the one name I wanted to forget, Kyle.
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