Chapter 21

3932 Words
Fallon POV I hate this place, I can’t believe they did this to me. I thought they loved me, I thought they cared. But this is no better than what Kyle did, he also locked me up, betrayed me. Screw them, I’ll get out of here, somehow. I think as I walk toward the dining hall. No one speaks to me here, I made sure they know I’m not the chatty type. Only the counselors talk to me, but I keep quiet. At night the worst part starts, the withdrawals are terrible, I haven’t slept well in days, I can’t hold down any food and the night sweats irritate me. It was okay for the first week or so then it started, three weeks and I am still living with it. Group session, physical activities and a sauna, yes we have sauna treatment here. We have some free time, like for two hours a day, and today I found the perfect spot. It’s under a massive pine tree, at the edge of the property away from everyone and everything. We’re not allowed visits, but that suits me perfectly, I don’t want to see the f*****g traitors anyway. There’s a big boulder near the tree serving as a great barrier between me and the facility. I sit down on the ground leaning my head back just enjoying the sunshine streaming through the treetop “This is awesome” I say but jump when a voice suddenly speaks above me “Isn’t it just?” she says and I stand looking at the owner “Hi” she says and I nod. She has short hair, faux hawk style, dark blond, with light blue eyes. She’s not drop dead gorgeous but she’s beautiful, she’s short like Nana, and a little plump, but not fat or anything, like muscular with a little fat. She sits on the boulder like she owns it; digging in her pocket she produces a packet of smokes and a lighter “Want one?” she asks holding it out to me “No thanks” I say and she shrugs, takes one and drags as she lights it and I watch as she blows out a thick cloud “So what you in for?” she asks laying back enjoying her smoke “None of your business” I state “Oh wow, b***h much?” she asks and I glare at her but she doesn’t care “Fine, I just come here to smoke anyway” she says closing her eyes while she takes another drag, I turn to leave when she speaks “So you think you’re special and you don’t belong here” she states and I huff “Leave me alone” I groan “Hey just having a smoke break” she says her eyes still closed “Whatever” I say and she chuckles “Oh the big bad girl not up for conversation?” she asks and I sigh “Listen, just leave me alone okay?” I say and she nods “Not holding you down precious, you can leave if you want” I take a few steps “But you’ll miss it” she says and I turn back “What?” I ask and she looks up “That” she says pointing to the sky, two airplanes cross each other’s path their contrails creating a cross right above us “You know planes create their mesmerizing contrails as they soar high in the thin, cold air. Water vapor quickly condenses around soot from the plane's exhaust and freezes to form cirrus clouds, which can last for minutes or even hours” she says and I look at her “Great” I say and she chuckles again, bashing her cigarette out and sits up “You sure are one angry cookie precious” she says and I growl “My name is not precious” I say stepping forward, she scoots closer to the edge of the boulder letting her feet dangle off the side “So what is it then?” she asks and I sigh “Fallon” I say and she smiles, her eyes crinkling at the edges, her smile wrinkles much more prominent “Maya” she says holding out her hand to me. Oh for crying out loud, leave me alone. I step forward and shake her hand “Nice to meet you Fallon. That sure is a very unusual but beautiful name” she says still smiling “Thanks, Maya is nice too” I say retracting my hand “So, you gonna tell me or should I guess?” she asks and I frown “What you in for?” she asks and I look away “I was forced to come here” I state and she hums “Family, friends or boyfriend make you?” she asks and I laugh “I don’t have a boyfriend” “So family then” she says and I look back at her “Why not friends?” I ask and she laughs “With an attitude like that you don’t have friends” she says and I feel my face flush with anger “Listen you-“she cuts me off “Don’t worry, you still have time. Enjoy your day precious Fallon” she says jumping off the boulder and walking away without looking back. Oh hell no. I stomp up to her and block her path, towering over her “Listen b***h I don’t know who you think you are but just stay away from me okay?!” I threaten her but she just laughs again, to my face “Oh really? Hit a nerve did I?” she mocks and I ball my fists. Her eyes casually glide over me, taking me in “Hhmm, interesting. Well good luck with that. Have a nice day” she says stepping around me “Hey I was talking to you” I groan and she looks over her shoulder “Yeah, finally. See ya” she says and I stand there watching her leave without a care in the world, disappearing through the trees. What the hell? She wasn’t even scared, she just brushed me off. I stomp back to my room, slumping down on my bed, screaming into my pillow “I hate this!” I yell until my throat hurts. The next day I am at the same place, waiting for her. Today she won’t get away. I sit there, waiting and again like yesterday she just shows up “Hello Fallon” her chirpy voice making me groan “Maya” I say and she lights her smoke, blowing rings “So, you having a better day yet?” she asks and I stand facing her “Listen, I don’t know where you get off but this is not acceptable” I state and she smiles sitting up “Oh? Do enlighten me” she says casually smoking “You can’t just come here and be all like… like…” I gesture profusely toward her “Like what? Use your words Fallon” she says “This, like the way you are” I state and she throws her head back laughing “Oh so it’s okay for you to come here and be all high and mighty even bitchy, but I can’t be friendly? Just so we’re clear.” She says and I stand there looking at her incredulously “No. I mean yes” I say and she frowns “Which is it then?” she asks and I turn around “Urgh fine. Can you just smoke in silence?” I ask but she taps my shoulder. Jeez this girl has serious stealth mode “What?” I ask spinning around, looking down at her. But the look on her face stills my anger “You are very angry, you seriously need to do something about it. Being like this will kill you eventually. Have a nice day Fallon” she says turning away and walking off, leaving me alone. And for the first time in weeks I don’t want to be alone “Maya wait!” I call out and she stops looking back as I jog up to her “Yup” she says as I fall into step next to her “How did you know that?” I ask and she shrugs “It’s in your eyes” she says nonchalantly “Really?” “I mean yeah, the eyes are the windows to the soul” she says and I stop “You just saw that and pinned it like this?” I ask snapping my fingers and she nods “Yup, it’s a blessing and a curse” she says looking at her feet “It’s amazing” I say and she looks up, her eyes searching mine “You’re a good person Fallon, time to get back to that” she says and leaves without another word. That is the weirdest, most honest person I’ve ever met. The next day I’m standing around, waiting for her when she suddenly appears from behind the boulder “Now this is becoming one of my favorite past times Fallon” she says climbing onto the boulder, taking out a smoke and lying down “I want to understand you” I say sitting down next to her and she glances at me “What’s there to understand?” she asks and I lay down beside her looking at the sky “You show up out of nowhere, get under my skin, tell me off and just leave. I don’t see you around the facility, and no one seem to know you. You’re a mystery” I say and she nods “Good, let’s not worry about things we can’t control and focus on that we can. So let’s do this, it’s almost like 20 questions” she says and I nod “So what are you in for?” she asks and I sigh “Benzo addiction” I say and she hums “You?” I ask “Oh I’m like a counselor, but I don’t partake in the group stuff” she says “You still angry at your family?” she asks and I nod “You always wanted to do this?” I ask “Well, no. I had a steady job, good income and all that but I always felt like there’s something missing” she says and I nod “You wanna tell me what brought on the addiction?” she asks but I turn my face away “Oh okay, I get it. No pressure” she says and hops down “Have a great day Fallon” she says waving and walking away “You too Maya!” I call out and she gives me her kind smile before disappearing into the trees. I walk to my room and stop looking at my pillow. I slowly make my way to the bed, picking up the blood red orchid I take a whiff. The sweet scent filling my nose and I smile, I glance around for anything else but there’s nothing, just this amazingly beautiful flower. I place it on my desk and lay down on the bed just looking at it. I wonder if it was Maya? She’s the only one here that actually likes me, I made sure no one else does. The next day I sit in the group counseling staring out the window when a hand on my arm startles me “Sorry Fallon, I called you like three times” the counselor says and I give her a small smile “Sorry, what were you saying?” she continues the session and everyone is surprised that I actually replied to the questions they asked, not all of them but it’s a start. Rushing to our place I find Maya already sitting there, her cigarette just lit “Hey! There you are!” she says cheerfully as I walk up “Yeah sorry, group session lasted longer today” I say taking my place next to her “Oh, you enjoy it?” she asks and I shrug “Wasn’t bad” I say and she nods “I was thinking, we should talk about movies today, I love movies do you?” she asks and I nod “What’s your favorite one?” she asks and I sit back “Oh there are so many, but if I have to pick one, don’t laugh, it’ll be Beauty and the Beast” I say and she nods approvingly “Oh I love that one too” “Yours?” I ask “Well I have a top ten, I can’t for the life of me pick one” she says and I gesture to her to continue “Okay, I’ll give you the top three” she says taking a drag “Number 1 is The lucky one, sappy I know but I adore that movie. Number 2 is The Lion King, yeah I know but it’s the best animation ever made and then number 3 is The Greatest Showman” she says “Two musicals, interesting” I say and she nods “Yeah there’s one song in The Greatest Showman that helped me when I was not feeling myself, I listened to it a million times” she says not looking at me “Which one?” “This is me, you know where they break out in song and take to the street, yeah that one” she says and I nod “I only watched it once, I’ll make a point of watching it again” I say and she smiles “So Beauty and the Beast, any song you love?” “Yeah, when uhm, when I was in a bad place, there was this guy that helped me. There were a few actually but this one was different, he made me feel safe. So when I think of him, the one song pops in my head” “You gonna tell me or should I bribe you for it?” she jokes making me giggle “How does a moment last forever, that’s the song” I say and she looks at me again, like she’s assessing me “You fell for him didn’t you?” she asks and I blush “Well my situation wasn’t ideal, and he was kind and caring. Always giving me hope, I miss him so much. You know there’s one thing I wish above anything else?” I say and she gestures for me to tell her “I wish I could see him, just once. I never got to see his face, but he described to me how he looked and I drew him, but it’s not the same” I say and she smiles “Hey, you can draw?” she asks and I nod “I uhm, I’m actually an artist. I studied fine arts, when the uh… that uhm…” I trail off and she nods “So will you show me tomorrow?” she asks and I look up into her expectant eyes “Oh okay, I guess I could find something around here” I say and she hops down “The building to the West is the creativity center, you’ll find some stuff there” she says and turns “Hey Maya” she turns around “Thanks for sticking with me” I say and she smiles running her fingers over her spiked hair “Sure thing have a good one Fallon” she says and walks off. Instead of going to my room I make my way to the creativity center. When I step inside I inhale deeply, the smell of the acrylic paints, pastels and that wonderful scent of paper mixed with cardboard filling my nose and I sigh “Can I help you?” I young man with shaggy hair and glasses walks up to me, wearing a friendly smile “Oh yeah, I am looking for some supplies” I say and he nods holding out his hand, I take it smiling “Kyle nice to meet you” he says and the blood drains from my face “Fallon” I say my voice just above a whisper “Hey you okay? You’re a little pale” he says and I nod stepping away “Yeah, I uhm, am not feeling well suddenly. Excuse me” I say walking out “Fallon wait” he calls out but I stumble out the door, my lungs tight and the blood rushing in my ears. The sunlight hits my face, I try and take deep breaths but my lungs are not working “Fallon” I hear my name again as I stumble, my vision starts to blur and I fall. Someone grabs my arm and I struggle against their grip trying my best to get away “Fallon, calm down” I hear his voice but I shake my head “N-no… please” I beg struggling to stand. Another hand grips my wrist, a pair of hands on my sides. The world is spinning, I can’t make out up or down as the voices swim in my head “She’s having a panic attack, move back” I hear a commanding voice. The hands let go and I fall on the grass “Fallon, take a deep breath for me honey” the voice says and I blink. I know this voice “I-I can’t” my heart is hammering in my chest, sweat dripping down my face “Okay, one in” I take a staggering breath in “Good, two out” I release the breath “Great, three in” I take a deeper breath “Good job, four out” my vision starts to clear “You’re doing great Fallon” I take another deep breath “It’s not the place that is scaring you, it’s the thought” she soothes and I nod. Breathe Fallon “Tell me what you need” she says calmly “M-my dad” I say and she moves closer, slowly “I’m going to help you up now okay?” she says and I nod. With slow movements she wraps her arm around my waist and helps me up to my feet. My head is still spinning, I want to puke but she guides me to bend over, placing my hands on my knees “Focus on your breathing. Atta girl” she says as I breathe deeply “What you’re feeling is scary, but it’s not dangerous” she soothes and I nod my eyes closed “Here, slow breaths” she says and I look at the phone in her hand. I take it with a shaky hold bringing it up to my ear “H-hello?” I rasp out and then I hear it, his soothing voice “Hey princess” he says and I clutch my chest “Daddy” I choke out “Hey baby, I need you to take a few deep breaths for me okay?” I nod inhaling a shuddering breath and exhaling slowly “Good girl, I’m proud of you baby girl” he says and I choke out a sob “Daddy… I’m scared” I whisper and I hear him clear his throat “Okay honey, I know this is scary okay, but I need you to tell me what you are scared about” he says, I can hear his voice cracking “He’s here… Kyle is here” I say and there’s a long silence before he speaks “Fallon, listen to me, Kyle is dead. He can’t hurt you anymore baby” he says softly “Okay” “I made sure of it. Uncle Hades won’t let him go one day without making sure he pays for what he did honey” he says soothingly, and I nod taking a few deep breaths. I slowly get up and face the people around me, my eyes find him and I nod again “This is not him” I say “No honey, that’s not him” he says and I take a deep breath “Okay, I got this” “That you do honey, we’re so very proud of you Fallon” he says and I smile a little “Thanks dad, love to mom and Lennox” I say and he chuckles “Love you too honey” he says and I cut the call. When I look to my side I find none other than Maya standing there with her goofy smile “Better?” she asks and I nod “Sorry, I uhm, scared you” I say but they all smile and wave me off “Are you okay now?” Kyle asks and I feel Maya take my hand, I squeeze it tightly but manage a small smile “Yes thanks” he smiles and turns around “So you wanna get those supplies?” she asks and I nod “You’ll come with me?” I whisper and she sighs dramatically “Oh if you insist” she says making me chuckle “Drama queen” “Hey, I aim to please, now come on” she says pulling me behind her. Kyle is helpful but maintains his distance from me, poor thing. We gather some supplies and I leave for my room with Maya chatting next to me. When I open my door I find another orchid, the same as yesterday and I smile at her “You really like orchids” I say and she frowns “I didn’t give you that” she says setting down the supplies on the desk “Haha, very funny” I say but her expression says she’s not kidding “Then who?” I ask “Let’s check the cameras” she says and hurries off toward security. I’m not allowed there so I wait out in the hallway, 20 minutes later she comes out looking even more confused “So?” I turn to her “There’s nothing, your room is empty, then there’s some static for a split second and then the flower is on your pillow” she says and I frown “Like magic” I say and she laughs “If it existed yeah, like that” “Should I be worried about this?” I whisper but she shakes her head “Nah, there’s not a soul in sight, maybe it really is magic” she says wiggling her eyebrows, I giggle following her back to my room. If she only knew “So you going to show me those epic artistic skills of yours or what?” she chants plopping down on my bed “Oh sure, what would you like me to draw?” I ask but she shrugs “Whatever you like” she says and I nod, take the drawing pad spreading out the pastels on the desk I start to draw. She chats while I’m drawing, telling me about her childhood and her dad, not much is said about her mom though. When I’m done I turn the pad toward her and she falls silent “Oh my god” she whispers taking the pad from me “Fallon, this is… I mean you said you were good but this is astonishing” she says her eyes scanning the picture “It’s yours, look I even signed it. So maybe one it’ll be worth something and you can sell it” I joke and she looks up “Never” she says, gently removing the page from the pad “You made me younger” she says but I shrug “That’s you, at heart and soul” I say and she touches the sketch “What’s this?” she asks pointing to the dark purple ‘crack’ touching her shoulder and going up off the page “That represents your ability to stay a mystery although you are open. It means you are much deeper than people perceive you to be” I say and she nods again, clearing her throat “Thanks Fallon, this means a lot” she says but doesn’t look up “My pleasure” I say and she places it beside her “So you going to do the art classes?” she suddenly asks and I blink “The what?” “Art classes. Kyle is nice and all but he’s not a pro like you. Wouldn’t it be good to help out?” she asks and I shrug “I don’t know Maya” I say and she stands taking her sketch “Think about it. See ya tomorrow, good night” she says and leaves. Before I know it I have drawn him again, my brave knight, only it’s better because it’s in color. So I captured his kindness in his eyes, his mouth a thin line set in the middle of his strong jawline. He’s still handsome, his beard is much shorter but I love it. Then my dad’s voice echoes in my head and I smile, the way he calmed me down, although I could hear he was struggling to hold back tears, reassuring me that he’ll always be there. I glance at the two flowers in the glass and sigh “I’m going to try, dad would want it and he would too” I say and get into bed. The next day I find Maya and tell her I am going to do the art classes, she’s happy for me, and so am I. I’m getting my life back

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