She would be the cause of my misfortunes

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It’s been a week since the last incident I had with Damien and it was also the last time I spoke to him. I wish I could say it was a peaceful week, but sadly it wasn’t. He kept on torturing me everyday and ordering our caretaker Miss Anna to make me do extra work than what I already have. He made me clean his room both in the morning and evening regardless if it’s clean or not. He made me clean his bathroom thrice a day and do his laundry everyday regardless if they’re clean or not. He was shameless enough to order me around everyday like l was some robot and not a human being. Just like two days ago, he told Miss Anna to inform me that from today onwards when l wake up to clean the halls, I shouldn’t turn on the hall lights because it bothers his sleep and l should rather work quietly in the dark like heck yeah am an owl and have the ability to see in the dark. And a girl named Flora approached me a few days ago and asked if we could be friends. I won’t lie and say it wasn’t weird because it was and secondly why would one of the popular kids want to be friends with me. I don’t even know why l agreed, maybe it’s the loneliness or the fact that she was really sweet. l asked her why me, why would you want to be friends with someone everyone dislikes, and she simply replies with a I always liked you but was scared of the other kids bullying me if they saw me getting close to you. But I really really like, why not give it a try huh we live once right.” Is it just me or this all feels so unreal? “Hey what are you doing standing there witch, hurry up and clean my bathroom am done taking a shower.” Damien said pulling me out of my thoughts. He got out of the bathroom with only a towel wrapped around his waist. I froze staring at him with my eyes so wide that they could fall off. “Hmm……Mr.Smith you do know am still here in the room right?” I said trying very heard not to look at him. The least you could do is wear a shirt and have some dignity.” “My room my rules, and why should I wear a shirt huh? This is my room and l want to be comfortable in my room and you should mind your business and keep your eyes and opinion to yourself do you hear me?” He responded while making himself comfortable on his bed. I could see him staring at me from the bathroom mirror’s reflection. I didn’t turn and walk right back at him and gave him a piece of my mind even though l wanted to so badly. Sigh….. “If only he knew how much I wanted to rip off that stupidly handsome face of his, he wouldn’t be sitting so comfortably.” There wasn’t much to do so it didn’t take me more than 20 minutes to get done with the cleaning and head straight to my room for a warm shower. When I got done showering, I looked at the time and it showed 10:20am, I quickly got ready and headed straight to the dinning hall for breakfast. When l arrived at the dinning hall, I saw Flora sitting next to my seat and waving excitedly at me. I smiled awkwardly and slowly moved towards her, “Flora what are you doing here?” “Can’t you see silly l was obviously waiting for you so that we could have breakfast together but your 20 minutes late Nora”. She pouted looking at me “I thought you were not coming, I was worried and was about to go and look for you but thankfully you came.” “Now come come am so hungry I didn’t eat anything cause I was waiting for you”. She said while dragging me to the table. “See l bought some sausages for you and orange juice too.” She was excitingly putting food on my plate and l couldn’t help but smile at her sweetness. “Thank you Flora, your so sweet.” We started eating our breakfast and talking about random stuff. Unknowingly to me she would be the cause of my misfortunes.
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