My name is Nora

712 Words
If l said l wasn’t surprised l would be lying to myself. Him…. From all the people l could meet in this world, it had to be this i***t. Mr.Smith’s only son, and on top of that we didn’t start off well and it’s not like l was even interested in him, he is just simply annoying. Not my cup of tea. “Mr.Smith with all due respect, am not interested in knowing or getting to know you.” I said to him with a bored expression trying very hard not to show him any hint of nervousness. Am not going to give him that satisfaction. But all of a sudden he started leaning closer to me, sliding his hand around my waist and pulling me closer to his body. “Mr.Smith ….. ehhh what are you doing, take your hands off of me.” I was desperately trying to free myself from him but he was simply stronger than me, I couldn’t even move an inch, he had a tight grip on my waist. He started leaning closer to my face and our lips were inches away from each other. At this point l was panicking my ass out. “Is he going to kiss me?” I thought. And just when l thought he was going to kiss me, he leaned close to my ears and whispered. “Do tell witch. Are you always that an approachable hmm? Always pushing people away, always being aggressive and disrespectful.” I froze when his breath brushed my earlobes. He looked me in the eyes and said. “Be careful who you offend witch, cause you may end up finding yourself homeless in the streets.” I glared at him angrily. “What do you mean l would find myself homeless Mr.Smith. Are you threatening me?” He grinned evilly and whispered in my ears again. “You never know, just try me witch, try me.” And he suddenly freed my waist from his tight grip and l came crashing down with a loud thud. Ahhhhh I shrieked in pain. “You i***t you have no manners why did you just throw me on the ground like that huh? What if l broke my spine you shamelessly man.” Damien calmly looked at her with a cold glare. “Careful there witch. I think l made myself clear,mind your tone.” “Why should l mind my tone when you don’t even mind your manners.” I stood up dusting off my jeans glaring at him getting ready to leave him behind. When he caught my wrist and asked me where am l going. “First of all never ever touch me like that again. Secondly l want to get far away from you so don’t follow me and enjoy the view MR.SMITH.” “But I don’t know my way back witch.” He tightened his grip on my wrist not letting me go. “How about we go back together, I have already seen what l wanted to see so let’s go back together.” I sneered annoyed by his behavior. “Aren’t you ashamed asking for help in such a manner? , Mr.Smith if you need help on getting your way back act like it and cut off that pride of yours cause l can simply leave you here to spend a night with the wild ducks.” I pulled my already painful wrist from his grip and started walking towards the forest. “And my name is not witch Mr.Smith it’s Nora. You have no right to call me that because you do not know me.” l turned around walking my way towards the trees when l suddenly didn’t hear and footsteps behind me. I stopped and glanced over my shoulder. He was still standing at the same spot calmly staring at me with a smile. “Do you realize you just told me your name?” I didn’t respond immediately taking my sweet time. “Yes l do realize it Mr.Smith and that doesn’t mean anything, just stay away from me and l will do the same. Let’s act like we never met, now hurry up and follow me before you lose your way back.”
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