
881 Words
“I see you’ve got company today Nora the witch.” Damien said walking towards our table with his hands in his pockets. “And l thought l would come and find you lonely here and needing my sweet company but turns out am wrong hmm?” I looked at Damien taking a seat next to me and frowning while looking at Flora. “I remember you Miss nosy, I remember you warning me about the witch the other day and to stay away from her but look at you instead, enjoying her company. Are you not afraid of being cursed anymore or are you just purely a hypocrite?” I wasn’t surprised by what Damien said, it wasn’t my first and certainly wouldn’t be my last listening to people warning others to stay away from me but what hurt and confused me is if Flora truly warned him to stay away from me, then what was she doing here beside me? “Is it true?” I asked Flora. Trying to calm my racing heart. She looked at me and sadly lowered her head and started crying. “Yes Nora am a bad person am sorry.” She continued crying. “Yes it’s true, I did warn him the other day when l saw him walking towards the dinning hall but believe me Nora I did all that with good intentions in mind am sorry.” She held my hands looking at me with a sad expression. “Nora everyone here is always warned to stay away from you and your always lonely and have no friends and l really wanted to be your friend but, I was a coward and was terrified that l would be bullied too but that doesn’t mean I didn’t care. That day l was secretly trying to sneak in the dinning hall to finally have a talk with you and maybe befriend you but on my way, I saw Damien walking towards the dinning hall and l started to panic and wanted to stop him cause I didn’t know what his intentions towards you would be if he sees you alone. So l quickly approached him and tried to drive him away and warned him from seeing the witch hoping he would believe me and go a different way.” “But no Nora.” She held me literally sobbing. He didn’t listen and told me to get lost. I just gave up and went to my room but believe me am not a hypocrite I was just tryna be friends with you what’s wrong with that?” “How have l gotten so lucky”. I thought with teary eyes. I looked at her with a warm smile. “It’s okay Flora you don’t need to explain anything, I believe you. And you Mr.Smith mind your business and stop disturbing me. As you can see l already have a friend and I never enjoy you company, so please leave me alone.” I stood up planning to dragFlora with me when suddenly Damien held me by my wrist. “It’s not fair how it’s okay for you to be friends with a random girl you never knew before and not agree to be my friend huh?” He looked at me sweetly and whispered in my ears. “I assure you my company would be much more better than hers, hmm Nora?” He secretly pecked my ears and quickly distanced himself with an innocent smile. My heart was pounding so fast l was afraid they could hear it. It was my first time hearing him call me by my name, but why did I react that way? Why did my heart race so fast? Stupid stupid Damien I scoffed inwardly glaring at him. “Who wants to be your friend huh huh? Am not interested.” “But I am.” He shamelessly said “your so interesting Nora, and am so curious about you that l can’t stop myself but want to see what’s inside that head of yours, so regardless if you want to or not, we are friends from today onwards don’t you agree Flora.” He said looking at Flora. “Hmm yes yes Nora I think you should give him a chance, we didn’t start off well either but you gave me a second chance to redeem myself and see we are friends now, so l think you should do the same with him hmm?” To think about it, Damien and l really didn’t start off well and we didn’t give each other a chance to know more about each other. And I don’t think it’s a bad idea honestly he is just too nosy and annoying but apart from that he was bearable. I thought looking at Damien. “Hmm I think l can give it a shot.” I said looking at him. He smiled moving towards me happily. “Ha now we talking.” He extended his hand for a handshake. “Friends?” I smiled awkwardly. “Yeah friends.” On the other hand, Nora and Damien had no idea what was roaming around Flora’s mind. “His mine Nora, you just wait and see HIS MINE.” Thought Flora angrily.
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