We have a lot to talk about

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Ever since Flora and Damien became Nora’s friends, life has surprisingly been easier for Nora, she couldn’t help but be thankful to the both of them. Though her relationship with Damien isn’t that great yet, it was much more better than it was before, and her relationship with Flora on the other hand was going so well. She was always accompanying her everywhere she went and never left her side not even for a second and sometimes, she would sneak in to her room in the morning to have a little chat and whit for Damien to pick us up for breakfast. And for the first time in years, Nora the witch had breakfast with all the kids around. She couldn’t lie, in the beginning she was so uncomfortable because most of them kept whispering and pointing at her and some even had the courage to come up to their table and try to scare her off but thankfully, both Flora and Damien were there to protect her and she couldn’t help but be emotional. With teary eyes she held Flora’s hands and looked at Damien warmly. “You guys don’t have to do all this honestly am used to having my breakfast after they all have and now look, am not even letting either of you have eat peacefully. You guys have your breakfast, am gonna go out for some fresh air.” I said grabbing a piece of bread and getting up to leave when I saw Damien from the corner of my eyes staring at me with the I know where your going type of look and l couldn’t help but stare back at him with the don’t you dare follow me type of look. “No Nora if your leaving then l will too besides am not hungry either let’s eat when they are all gone hmm?” I looked at Flora holding my hands with a worried expression on her face and l couldn’t help but warm up to her. “Don’t worry about her Flora, I too was about to leave so you just stay and enjoy your breakfast and l will accompany this little friend of mine so don’t worry and just enjoy.” I don’t know why but every time Damien tries to take care of me, I start having this ticklish feeling in my tummy. And my heart starts beating so fast. “The last time l felt this way was when Leo was around”. I thought sadly. Flora looked at Damien smiling and nodding at him. Ever since that time in the dinning hall, the three of us got close, Damien and Flora’s relationship got better and sometimes I caught them talking and joking around. I can’t help but sigh in relief because in the beginning Damien was so harsh towards Flora, we even had an argument about that until he decided to be nice, at least try. “Okay then take care of her Damien don’t disturb her do you hear me.” She smiled looking at me. “Hey she’s my friend too of course I will take care of her.” He held my hand without looking back at Flora and walked out. I didn’t say anything the whole time we got out. I was trying very heart to calm done my racing heart. I saw him leading me towards the trees and l couldn’t help but smile in my heart. “He knew where l wanted to go.” I felt butterflies in my tummy, at that exact moment, Damien turned around and looked at me. He didn’t say a word, instead he lowered his head and kissed our connected hands and smile at me sweetly. My heart started pounding like it’s gonna explode. My legs felt like jelly, l couldn’t walk and just stopped on my tracks looking at him while trying to hide my blushing face. Damien smiled looking at her reaction. “Hmm Nora? Never been held gently and kissed before?” He said while caressing their joined hands. Damien has changed a lot. Now his more gently and easy to approach, he has become patient with Nora and caring too. Will it be his fault or hers if she ends up falling for him. “I know your trying to get used to this version of me but trust me Nora, I can’t promise you that I would stop frustrating you sometimes but l can’t promise you that I will treat you better. And one more thing, I want to be close to you too.” He said holding my hand tight and staring at me intimately. “I mean I really was curious about you the very first time l saw you, and wanted to know what was so special about you but l guess my approach was inappropriate and I was frustrating and stubborn but all that was because I weirdly wanted you to stay close to me.” “You rose this urge in me to want to tame you down.” He smiled pulling me while we continued walking. “But later on I realized you can’t be tamed. So I chose an easier approach .” I blushed when he kissed my hands. “We have a lot to talk about Nora.”
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