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(AMELIA'S POV) I jolted my eyes open, facing the dark ceiling of whatever room I was in. The room was strange to me. Still laying on the bed, I turned my head to look around. The walls of the room were black in color, and the floor was also black and rough, like a rocky ground. Wooden fire torches were placed on the walls for lighting the room. There were also candles on a table. "Where am I?" I wondered. This was not the room I was first taken to after I was auctioned off to a man. That room had been modern, decorated with white marble floors and walls, and bright lighting that made the room sparkle. I couldn't remember what had happened after I was placed on the bed and forced to swallow a potion given to me by the auction winner who had purchased me. Could this be the place where I would stay as his slave? Or was I locked up somewhere? Fear washed over me, making me tremble. I sat up, inhaling heavily with fear. I removed my black hoodie due to the heat in the room. Suddenly, I heard the jingling of keys from outside the door. The door knob twisted, and the door slowly creaked open, revealing a handsome, fair-skinned man with forest green eyes. He was very muscular, with a chiseled chest and six-pack abs that made him incredibly attractive. His tall stature was exactly my type. His physical appearance was perfect - any woman would be lucky to have him. But something was strange - he wasn't the auction winner who had bought me. Who could he be? He walked into the room and approached me. "Thank the Moon Goddess, you are awake," he said in a deep voice as he sat down next to me. His closeness only intensified the fear within me, making me shake more. Though he was handsome, the fact remained that I did not know who he was, and whoever he was, I doubted he would be a kind person. He kept staring at me, as if expecting me to say or do something. "Where am I?" I stammered, trembling with fear. "You are in my house, isn't that obvious?" he replied in a deep voice with an accent I recognized as that of the Crescent Moon pack, the royal pack. Was he from the Crescent Moon pack? And what did he mean by saying I was in his house? Did that mean I was in the Crescent Moon pack? "Who are you?" I tried to ask boldly, but my fear made me stammer again. Instead of answering my question, he fixed his gaze on me with an expression that suggested he expected me to know him or recognize him. I didn't know how to explain his facial expression. He kept staring at me, as if lost in thought. I waved my hand in front of his face slowly, due to my fear, and he snapped back to attention. "Oh, um... about that question... I'm Colton Rey..." he hesitated, and I noticed his eyes on my shoulder, where I had a royal mark. I adjusted my white sleeveless underwear to cover the part of my shoulder where the royal mark was. "Colton Rey?" I asked. "No, Colton Rolland," he corrected, the last name different from what he had previously tried to say. I noticed his gaze returning to my shoulder again. I looked at my shoulder and found the mark was visible again, so I covered it with my hand. I hoped he hadn't realized who I was. I wouldn't want him to find out, as it could jeopardize my plans for revenge against the Reyes. "I rescued you from the man who won you at the auction," he said, as if expecting me to view him as my hero. "Which pack is this?" I asked. "You are in the Black Moon pack," he answered. So I was still in the Rogue pack. He must be a Rogue as well. Rogues were known to be dangerous, deadly, and wicked. I couldn't stay here any longer. I had to find a way out. I tried to reach out to my inner wolf, but I couldn't feel her. I tried again, but still couldn't connect with her. It felt like she was dead or something. The words of the auctioneer came back to me. He had said he used a potion to weaken our wolves and make us crave s*x. I stood up from the bed, feeling a sharp pain that quickly went away. "I have to go now," I said. "No, you can't," he said, still sitting on the bed. "Why?" I asked. "It's not safe out there for ladies like you," he replied. "Do I look like I give a f**k?" I asked boldly, though there was still fear in my voice. "Also... you are my... mat..." he hesitated. "Your what?" I asked. "You are... my... slave," he said, his words breaking my heart. He had rescued me from the auction winner only to make me his slave. I would have preferred to be a slave in the auction winner's mansion than to be a slave in this wretched place. I looked at the door stylishly. It was open. I needed to escape from him. I immediately took off running, but before I could reach the door, he held me by the hand, stopping me from escaping through the door. His hands felt as hard as a rock. "Who is this man?" I wondered. "Like I said before, it's not safe out..." he couldn't finish his words before I kicked him in the testicles, and he groaned in pain, bending over and holding his testicles, releasing me from his hold. I ran out of the room, to the staircase, climbing down. He began pursuing me, but he was running and seemed to be staggering due to the kick I had given him on his testicles. "Stop!" he shouted. Reaching the ground floor, I opened the exit door and ran out of his house. I looked back while running and saw him coming out of the exit door. I continued running at full speed. "Stop!! You would die!" he shouted. Why did he even care if I died or not? Was I not just a slave to him, whom he would soon turn into his s*x toy? I continued running at high speed, running more than my legs could carry me. "STOP!!" he growled, making the hard, rocky, or whatever ground it was, shake, causing me to fall. My eyes met with the shock of my life - I was close to being dead. I was on the edge of a Mountain cliff, and if I had taken one more step, I would have come crashing to the ground. I was at the top of what seemed like a mountain, very far from the ground surface. If his growl hadn't made me fall, I would not just be dead, but my broken body would be in pieces. I stood up, looked back, and saw him walking towards me, no longer running. I looked around, and there was no way to run away - it seemed I was at the end of whatever he lived on. But how could he live this high up? How could a werewolf live at the top of a mountain? I walked back a little so I wouldn't accidentally fall off. My fear remained. He came to my side, held me by my left hand, and pulled me back to his house. "I ordered you to stop. Did you want to kill yourself?" he asked, as if he cared. He took me back to the room. "Don't ever repeat what you just did again. Why did you kick me in the testicles? Do you want to hurt your mate... I mean, your master?" "I want to leave, please," I pleaded. "You are my property, I can't let you go away from me. Also, like I said earlier, it's not safe out there. Believe me," he said, his eyes going back to my shoulder, which I covered with my hands. He took his eyes off my shoulder and then to my breasts. He kept staring at me as if he wanted to tear my clothes with his eyes. I looked down to his p***s level, and I swear his p***s was erect. I was right - I will soon be turned into his s*x toy. A plan struck my mind. I believe he wants to have a taste of me, as my breasts seem to be intoxicating him. I'll pretend to love him and then plan my escape carefully. I'll deceive him into believing that I love him. But how can I escape from here without the help of my inner wolf? I need to activate my wolf once again. But how can I do that? There must be an antidote to do that. Yes, there should be. I have to pretend to love him to make him get me the antidote, if there was any. If I get the antidote and activate my inner wolf back again, then I'll escape from this wretched home and from this strange, foolish, handsome man.
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