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NOTE: The character Thunderclap has been changed to Christopher. This means the gangster's name is no longer Thunderclap in this novel, but Christopher. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ AUTHOR'S POV "But wait..." Colton said, stopping Asher from taking over his body. He realized he had to drive to the gangster's house before letting his wolf take over. "We have to get to his house first," he said. Colton drove to the gangster's house with great speed. He knew that taking his mate from the gangster would never be easy, not without a fight. Though he was a wolf whose name alone would scare people, the truth was that it didn't scare everyone, especially not someone like Christopher. After a few minutes of driving, he finally arrived at Christopher's abode. The compound gates were wide open, revealing a white-painted house with a large yard. The yard was beautified with flowers and green grass and was filled with many guards, each at their post, protecting Christopher. His men were known to be fierce and powerful, mostly ex-warriors from different packs who had committed significant crimes, resulting in their banishment or escape to avoid punishment. "Are you going to let me take over now?" Asher asked softly. "Not now, Asher. Be patient," Colton replied, still sitting in the taxi, thinking of ways to get in without being noticed immediately. He sat there thinking, but no plan came to mind. He knew the more time he wasted, the more dangerous it became for his mate. He got out of the car and began walking into the gangster's house. For the first two minutes of walking, he went unnoticed, even though he passed some of the guards. Perhaps they thought he was one of Christopher's visitors, as Christopher often had guests. The closer he got to the building, the faster he walked. Finally, he reached the entrance. He was about to push the door open when it opened on its own, revealing a muscular man with tattoos all over his body. The man was tall, but not much taller than Colton, and very large. Colton looked down to avoid the man's gaze. "How can I help you, sir?" the man asked with a deep voice. Colton knew that if the man he believed to be one of Christopher's guards recognized him, he would immediately alert the other guards or warriors, jeopardizing his plan to rescue his mate. Therefore, the only way he could enter the house without being noticed by the other guards was to eliminate the one in his path. He pulled down his hood, and the man gasped in shock. Colton was the last person he expected to see. He had heard of him and seen his pictures in newspapers but had never seen him in person. Before he could react, Colton swiftly twisted his neck, killing him instantly. Colton dragged the man's body inside the corridor and hid it to avoid detection. Now in the corridor, he heard voices of two men talking and walking towards him, so he hid. As the men approached, he swiftly attacked, killing one instantly. The other he pinned to the wall, hand on his neck, making him struggle to breathe. The man shivered in fear upon recognizing his attacker. "Lead me to your boss. If you try to be smart, I'll end your life immediately," Colton warned and released him. Fearfully, the man led Colton to Christopher's room. As they reached the door, Colton punched the man with his wolf strength, causing him to faint. The room door was closed. Colton wasted no time, breaking it down with a powerful kick. Inside, he saw his mate lying on the bed, facing the ceiling, with Christopher sitting at her waist, pouring some liquid potion into her mouth. "Who the fu—" Christopher began, but Colton rushed at him, pushing him off the bed with great force. As Christopher fell, he hit the red emergency alarm button beside the bed, alerting his warriors. The whole house's lights switched to flashing red, accompanied by a loud siren. Colton knew that in seconds, Christopher's guards and warriors would storm the room. He shifted into his wolf form, the sounds of bones cracking and reforming echoing in the room. Great, lengthy wings burst out of Colton's back, and his eyes glowed red. He growled angrily, flames licking at his jaws like lava. Christopher shifted into his large black wolf form too, his eyes glowing red. Colton pounced on Christopher. Claws clashed and fangs snapped as they grappled, each trying to gain the upper hand. Colton’s wolf, larger and possessing wings, used his advantage to overpower Christopher. Though Christopher managed to scratch and bite Colton, Colton inflicted more damage. Still fighting, Colton heard the footsteps of Christopher's army approaching. From the sound, he knew they were numerous. He used his fangs to bite Christopher on the neck. Christopher growled in pain and kicked him off, regaining balance. As Colton fell, Christopher pounced on him, attempting to bite his neck. Colton countered by releasing a large burst of fire from his mouth, like a dragon. Christopher growled in pain, jumping off as his fur burned. At this point, Christopher's warriors entered the room at high speed in their wolf forms. Colton released an even larger burst of fire from his mouth, setting the entire room ablaze. He grabbed his mate from the bed and flew out through the window. The touch of his mate felt like an electric shock, tingling down his spine as he flew out with her, still within the compound. Some of Christopher's warriors, who were in the compound but not the ones in the burning room, began shooting fire-tipped arrows at him. Colton dodged them, holding his mate tight so she wouldn't fall. He continued dodging until he finally flew away from the compound, heading home. His house was in an isolated area of the pack, built on top of a mountain. Upon reaching his home, he landed on the mountaintop, shifted to his human form, carried Amelia into one of his rooms, and laid her on the bed beside him. The bites and scratches from Christopher had already healed. Colton couldn't tear his eyes away from the most beautiful woman he had ever seen. He continued to gaze at her as she lay peacefully, weakened. Her large breasts rose and fell with each breath. Suddenly, Amelia opened her eyes halfway and began moaning, while touching her v****a with one hand and squeezing her breast with the other. She was feeling the effects of the potion Christopher had poured into her mouth. Colton watched her, feeling his arousal grow. He wanted to taste his mate. "Help her, Colton. She needs us. f**k her," Asher urged. Colton couldn't help the urge. He placed a kiss on her cheek, and just that kiss sent tingles through him. He felt the urge to tear her clothes off and ride her. "No, Asher, we can't do this," Colton said, fighting off the feelings. "Why not? Isn't she our mate?" Asher asked. "Yes, she is our mate, but she’s acting this way due to the potion. I want her to regain her consciousness and recognize me as her mate. Then she will gladly allow me to enjoy her sexually." "It’s the same thing, Colton. Just have her now. She is our mate anyway. Let’s have her now," Asher begged. "I'm sorry, I can't do that," Colton said firmly. Amelia kept moaning louder, touching herself desperately. She needed one thing at that moment: s*x. To fight the urge, Colton decided to leave her alone in the room. By the time he came back, she might have satisfied herself. As Colton stood up to leave, Amelia, still craving s*x and moaning loudly, rolled to one side of the bed, her buttocks facing upward and her face buried in the bed. Her backside was irresistible. Colton got hard again but controlled himself, looking away. The buttocks were his and always would be, as Amelia was his mate. There was no need to rush. He walked to the door and opened it, wanting to leave, but the urge to look back was too strong. He turned and saw Amelia had pulled up her skirt, revealing one part of her buttocks and her beautiful legs. The real shock came when he saw a mark on her lap. He immediately recognized it. He walked back inside to examine the mark. It was a mark of royalty, an Alpha’s mark. "But how is this possible? The auctioneer announced that the entire royal family of Crescent Moon Pack was killed, and all other pack members, except the maidens sent as gifts, were also killed by Anthony Reyes during the attack," Colton wondered. Asher felt a mix of shock and joy. "Our mate has an Alpha blood!" he growled in Colton's mind. Colton stared at the mark for several minutes. Amelia continued moaning for a while longer before she finally stopped and fell back asleep. Colton then left her room, his mind filled with questions.
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