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( COLTON'S POV) I stood like a statue, looking at the most perfect woman I had ever seen. She was truly my mate. Could it be that the Witch of the Crescent Moon pack lied to me? Or was I dreaming? Could this be happening for real? I pinched myself to confirm if it was reality or just a dream. I felt pain from the pinch, meaning all this was reality. "I want her, Colton. I need my mate," Asher said to me. "I want her too, Asher." "In a few minutes from now, the Auction will begin, so anyone interested in them should come closer," the man Auctioning them out announced. Both the Auctioneer and the ladies were standing on a structure that looked like a stage, where shows were being held in the black market, while the crowd of men were standing at the spot where the audience was meant to stand. I wasn't at the main spot where the audience was meant to stand, so I turned and walked into the crowd, to the spot where the audience was to stand. I covered my face properly with my large black hood so as not to be noticed by the crowd. "Help me get our mate, Colton," Asher said to me. "You don't have to ask about that, Asher. She is my mate too, and I need her as well," I replied to Asher through my mind. I remained in the crowd, waiting for the Auction to begin. "That lady with red hair is so hot. Take a look at her f*****g curves and her boobs. Can't wait to lay her on my bed and f**k her," a man beside me said out loud, enough for me to hear him clearly. He wasn't telling me, though; he was just talking to himself. Asher growled at him angrily. I felt like punching off his whole teeth from his mouth. "Now, we shall begin with the main purpose of our gathering. But first, I must share something with you all. I know you may be wondering why the Maidens appear so weak. Well, apart from the beating they received during the attack on their pack, which resulted in the death of the entire Royal Family of the Moonlight Pack, they have also been drugged with this portion," he said, raising a small glass container containing a red mixture. "This drug was used to weaken their wolves and induce a strong craving for s*x. If administered again, they would beg you for s****l contact, as the drug leaves them helpless. Essentially, with the help of this drug, they would lie helplessly on your bed, pleading for you to engage with them," the man auctioning the Ladies announced, and the crowd began to laugh. "The good news is this," the auctioneer continued. "I would be willing to give out this portion to anyone who goes home with any of these ladies." The crowd was still laughing. I was literally the only one not laughing in the crowd. To me, it wasn't funny at all. How could he drug my mate? The man who was Auctioning them dragged my mate out of the row softly. He crossed his right hand over her neck, resting it on her shoulder. I felt the urge to rip his right hand off. My mate, though still weak, removed his hand from her shoulder, looking at him with a lot of anger and hatred. "Are you ready to bid for these beautiful maidens?" he asked, and the crowd replied, "Yes," in unison. "Good! We shall start with the one with red hair, and we shall start the bidding at five hundred bucks. Who will take her for that price?" "Five hundred bucks! I would take her!" a man shouted from the crowd. I felt like breaking his neck. "Six hundred bucks!" I shouted. I was ready to give all I had to get my mate. "We have six hundred bucks. Do I hear one thousand bucks?" "One thousand bucks," another man from the crowd shouted. "One thousand five hundred bucks," I shouted. That was all the money I had with me at the moment. At this moment, I wished no one would bid higher than that. "Are you serious? One thousand five hundred bucks for an ordinary lady?" a bastard at my left-hand side asked me with an accent, but I ignored him. "One thousand five hundred bucks! We are getting closer to the final bids. Anyone else? Going once... Going twice..." "Three thousand bucks!" another man in the crowd shouted. My heart stopped beating. "Over my dead body would I allow anyone to take my mate away from me," Asher said angrily. "Three thousand bucks! We have serious contenders. Will there be any more bids?" the Auctioneer asked. "Three thousand five hundred bucks! " a man shouted. "Four thousand bucks!" another man shouted. "Four thousand bucks! This is truly a heated Auction. Can anyone surpass this final bid?" the Auctioneer asked. "Ten grand!" a familiar voice shouted from behind. Shit! I turned and saw Christopher standing at the back, a famous Gangster in this pack. He had his own small gang. "Ten grand! Going once... Going twice... Sold to the gentleman in the back for ten grand. Congratulations, sir, the maiden is now yours," the Auctioneer said. Christopher signaled to one of his men to go and get my mate for him. He turned his back and proceeded to his car. His men moved to the stage, took the red portion from the Auctioneer, and took my mate too. He dragged her softly by the hand to follow him to the car. I noticed tears in my mate's eyes. I can't let this happen. I had spent my whole life so far without any mate, but now, surprisingly, I have discovered who my mate was. I would never allow anyone to have her. No one can take her from me, not even the Moon Goddess herself. I watched his men drag my mate to the back seat of his black car, and after they entered, they shut the door and zoomed off. The Auctioning of the other ladies began, but I wasn't interested in those ones. I left the crowd and proceeded to the main road with great speed. I needed to follow the Gangster to his house. I needed a car. Standing at the side of the main road, I hailed a Taxi. I entered the back and pulled down my hood so that the Taxi driver could clearly see my face. As he saw my face, he screamed out loud and forcefully pushed the car door open and ran off. I came down from where I was sitting at the back and moved to the driver's side of the car and sat. "Asher, I need your help now. I need your strength to get our mate. So, please cooperate with me," I said to Asher. "I have an idea, Colton, but you are going to have to allow me to take control," Asher said. I could swear that Asher had a devilish smile on him now. "Do it!"
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