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( COLTON'S POV) Life never goes as planned. If it did, I should be seated on my royal throne as the Alpha King, instead of living this f*****g life of a rogue that I've been living for 29 years. My name is Colton Reyes, the first son of The Reyes, the royal family of the Crescent Moon Pack. The monster everyone knows. Yes, you heard me right. Everyone knows me as a monster. I feed on my fellow werewolves as food, which is an abomination in our world because werewolves never eat other werewolves. I spit fire just like a dragon when I'm in my wolf form, and worst of all, in my wolf form, I possess large black wings. The scent I emit while in my wolf form is enough to make even a dead man rise and run far away from me. Rumors have it that my wolf is the ugliest ever seen in our world. Just the sight of it would make a pregnant woman give birth, even if her pregnancy was not due. Rumors also have it that I was cursed by the Moon Goddess and that I possess demons within me. Are the rumors true? Yes, they are! But not all of them. According to a witch, only the Dajbog's Stone would break my f*****g curse. Do I believe in that stone? No, I don't! That stone is nothing but a f*****g myth. I'm f*****g okay with the life I'm living now. I would gladly accept my fate and keep feeding on werewolves until none are left to feed on. Then, I would locate where the f*****g Moon Goddess is and feed on her too. Why was I cursed? That, I still don't know! Was I born that way? I wasn't born that way! Don't dare to ask me what caused that because I don't have answers to that. All I know is that it all started one night while I was still in the Royal pack, Crescent Moon Pack. Am I still living in the Crescent Pack? No, I'm not! I had to run away from the Crescent Moon Pack to safeguard my life because there were so many attempts made to kill me. These attempts were all related to the fact that I kill and feed on fellow werewolves. They believed that I was a threat to their lives. I had to run into this pack, the Black Moon Pack, popularly known as the Rogue's Pack. It's a pack where all rogues from different packs who have committed different crimes live. Just like any normal day, I went to the black market to buy some stuff. And just like any normal day, the black market was filled with lots of people. Sellers were calling out to buyers to buy their goods, gamblers were busy gambling on the side, buyers were purchasing their goods, and passersby were just passing through. It was always a busy market. Most annoying, noisy, rowdy, and crowded. I was wearing a black hoodie, covering my face so as not to be noticed by the crowd. My human part was normal, still a handsome man. But if my presence were to be noticed, the fear of my wolf form would make this market empty in just seconds if they noticed my arrival. I walked slowly, like a car in a traffic jam, due to the crowd of people. The scent of the crowd entered my nose like a sweet smell from food. Asher, my inner wolf, growled softly inside me. He wanted to have a f*****g taste of the blood and flesh of the people in the crowd. I can't lose control. Not now! "Not today, Asher. Compose yourself," I said to him, trying to push him to the back of my mind. But he resisted, trying to take over. He surely needed a taste of blood. Finally, I fought him off from taking control, pushing him to the back of my mind. "You f*cking αsshole, get out of the way!" a bαstard riding a horse-drawn wagon shouted, prompting me to jump out of the way for him to pass. That's when I realized I was already on the main road, though still in the market and still not close to where I was going. As the f*cking horse-drawn wagon passed, a scent hit my nose, making my wolf stir from within. It was a sweet smell of roses. But there are no roses in this pack, not even a single one. So how come? "Mate! Mate! Mate!" Asher growled loudly inside me. Mate? That can't be possible. Could it? The old witch of the Royal Pack, Crescent Moon Pack, Aradia, said I would never have a mate until the curse is broken. Could it be that the curse was already broken? No way, because I could still feel it within my blood. Just a few minutes ago, my wolf wanted to taste the blood of the people in the market. Besides, I haven't even found the stone, and I don't even intend to find it. Something was strange. There was absolutely no way I could have a mate. "Our mate is close by, I can feel her presence, Colton," my inner Wolf growled again. "There must be a mistake somewhere, Asher. We do not have a mate." "A$shole, can't you feel it!? If you can't feel it, I can! We have a mate, and it seems she is in trouble. I can feel her," he growled again. "Great feeler, keep feeling," I mocked him. "All I know is that it can never be possible for us to have a mate, not when we are still cursed by that f*cking Moon goddess, dude. Even if we were to have a mate, it wouldn't be here, jerk. Not in a Rogue's Pack! So shut the f*ck up." "See who is talking? Which Rogue is worse than you are!" He mocked me. "You know you are the cause of why I'm here. If you could control yourself and fight the urge to kill and eat werewolves, I don't think I would be here," I gritted my teeth. "Right now, I don't give a f**k about all that. What I need now is my mate, Colton! She needs our help, can't you understand that, bαstard?" "Shut up, Asher!" I growled, trying to continue in the direction I was heading. But Asher partially took over my body, making my eyes glow red and making me walk in the direction he wanted, the one where he claimed would lead us to our mate. I immediately regained control of my body, pushing him off and turning to the direction I was personally heading to. "If anything bad should happen to my mate, I swear I would make you suffer, dumbαss," he threatened. "I said shut the f*ck up!" I shouted. Some passersby turned to look in my direction. I composed myself. I tried to push him to the back of my mind again, but he resisted. My breathing increased. I was on the verge of losing control. This character of Asher wasn't strange to me. What was strange to me was the fact that he never acted like this because of any woman, even the most beautiful woman I have seen. Instead, he would want me to kill and eat the woman. He only behaved like this when he wanted to taste blood and eat flesh, not because of a woman, let alone a woman we haven't even set eyes on. "I don't think I even need your f*****g help to go save my mate, knucklehead!" He cursed. "How are you going to do..." I couldn't finish my words before Asher took over my body. Still in our human form, but I wasn't the one controlling the body anymore. It felt as though I was now his inner wolf or something like that. Don't ask me how that was possible because I still do not know. All I know was that all this was due to the curse. It made me have special abilities than a normal werewolf. I pushed Asher off again, taking over the control of my body. I tried to turn to the direction I was heading, but again he took over my body and continued in his own direction. I fought him from within, taking over again, tried to turn to my own direction, but he took over again. That was how I kept fighting with my wolf form, who would take control of my body for as long as I don't even know. Finally, I took control of my body, pushing Asher off. I could hear my heart beating. My breathing was heavy, and I was full of sweat. But thanks to me, I have regained control. I turned to walk off from the place it got to before I took control, but ended up hitting my head on something. "Ouch!" I pressed against my head to reduce the pain. I raised my face to see what I had collided with. It was the same horse-drawn wagon that had initially passed me, except the rider was no longer in it. "Hello, ladies and gentlemen of the Black Moon Pack, the pack of the Almighty Rogues. I present to you eight ladies from the Moonlight Pack. They were initially a gift to Lord Viper by Prince Anthony Reyes, the second son of the late Alpha King Nathan Reyes, to strengthen the alliance bond between our pack, the Crescent Moon Pack, and the Royal pack. But the Lord picked two out of the initially ten ladies and ordered to auction off the rest to the highest bidder. The highest bidders will take them home and enjoy themselves. Don't pity them while f*****g them; they are just slavesand that's what they are. Their pack, the Moonlight Pack, betrayed the Crescent Moon Pack, so Anthony Reyes killed them all and kept only a few ladies, which he sent to us to treat their v*****s like food!" a voice announced. He looked like the same man who was riding the horse-drawn wagon. Anthony killed the whole werewolves of the Moonlight Pack? He must be stupid to do that. A lot of men had already gathered, and some were still coming to bid on the ladies who were in a row. I looked at the ladies one by one, each of them looking weak with swollen faces. Suddenly, my eyes met one. Her face wasn't swollen, but just like the others, she was weak. She was the most beautiful woman I had ever set eyes on. Her red hair, though messy, was still incredibly attractive to me. Her curves made me crave for her. Her black eyes reminded me of the word 'beauty.' Her height was perfect. She was perfect! The exact type of woman I had always wished for. Once again, the intoxicating scent of roses filled the air, making me inhale deeply with my eyes closed. "Mate!" Asher, my inner wolf, stirred from inside.
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