Chapter Twelve

1935 Words
Gasps and growls were echoed across the room. I stood and waited for the pain that would follow but none came. Relieved I looked Blaze in his amber eyes. “I Seraphina Coleman accept your rejection, Blaze Creed.” Blaze gasped as he stumbled back clutching his chest. His eyes went wide and he panted like he was short of breath. Ruby was in my mind growling like she was feral. “Are you out of your mind?” Elijah roared, grabbing Blaze up by the collar of his shirt. “The goddess gifted you with a pure blood female alpha that is able to shift, and you reject her?” He bellowed. “She is no alpha.” Blaze sneered. “And she is not worthy of the position of luna of my pack.” Elijah dropped his son with a sneer. “This is not your pack yet son.” He said coldly, before turning to me. Sadness was in his eyes. “I am sorry Sera.” He apologized. “It’s alright Elijah. It wasn’t your fault.” I patted his arm gently. Elijah sighed as he turned from me and faced Max. “Your job as a delta is to protect the true luna. You are to stay with her wherever she goes and through whatever she does. Do you understand me?” Elijah’s tone was hard and unwavering as his eyes bore into Max’s. Max dropped his gaze instantly. “Yes alpha.” “What?” Blaze growled. “He is supposed to defend the luna whether she is the true luna or the chosen.” “No son. A delta protects the goddess given luna. Not a watered-down version of one.” Elijah growled at his son. “I am disappointed in you son.” Elanor said sadly as tears fell from her eyes. She walked past him and hugged me tightly. “I am sorry Seraphina.” She whispered. “It’s okay Elanor.” I smiled sadly, patting her on the back. “It’s not your fault.” When I turned from her and hugged Max a growl deeper than any wolf could make echoed around the room and rattling the windows. Startled my head snapped up looking for the source of the sound. It was then a familiar scent hit me. One I have spent the last few weeks thinking about. My heart thundered as I searched for him. It didn’t take long. The crowd parted easily for him, his hulking frame and height making him easy to spot. “Take your paws off of my mate.” He spoke. His tone deadly, filled with power and authority. “Wait. What?” I asked startled. The closer he got the heavier his scent hit me. Surrounded me and encompassed me more than Blaze’s scent ever had. It was stronger than I remembered. Mouthwatering and enticing. His scent alone made me shiver. And when he was in front of me, I couldn’t help but smile as I looked into his emerald eyes. “You little wolf, are my mate.” Alexander’s voice and eyes softened as he caressed the side of my face. I sighed, closing my eyes and leaning into his touch. “But…how?” I asked, covering his hand with mine and looking back up to him. “Who are you?” Elijah asked, uncertainty blazing within his eyes. “Are you, her father?” Alexander asked him with a raised brow. “No. I am her alpha. These are her parents.” He said motioning towards my mom and dad who had finally joined us. “I am alpha Darius, and this is my mate and luna Hazel.” My dad gestured to my mom. “Who are you?” My dad asked, standing to his full height and facing Alexander. “I am the leader of the Fire Mountain clan. We are your neighboring dragons.” He informed them, reaching his hand towards my father. My dad shook his hand before turning to me. “Seraphine. If you go with him, your pups will not be pure blooded anymore.” He warned me. I was flabbergasted. “Is that really that important?” I asked. “My wolf mate rejected me, remember? Not to mention he hates me, and I am not a fan of his either.” “Our bloodline is pure Sera.” He told me softly. Anger rose inside me. “Bloodline?!” I demanded. “That’s all that matters to you? I just got rejected in front of everyone. If that’s not enough the goddess blessed me with a second chance mate, and you what? Want me to reject him?” I demanded. “No…that’s…that’s not what I meant.” He defended quickly. “I was just telling you. Our pure bloodline would end with you.” I growled at him. For the first time I growled and stood up to my father in anger. I felt Ruby rise to the surface, my eyes I know changing to her sapphire blue. Whatever alpha aura we had, she released it upon the room. Many whimpered and slunk away with their heads bowed. Even vampires and dragons backed away from me with their heads bowed in submission. We were seething. He was trying to guilt trip us into rejecting Alexander. “Nia, stop.” Max said softly, grabbing my arm gently. I turned on him now, growling low in my throat until he let me go with a sigh. “Seraphina.” It was Alexander this time, his voice calm as he gripped me from behind and pulled me against his chest. Somehow his touch and voice calmed me. Warm tingles radiating from where he touched me spreading throughout my body. I growled a last time before settling back into Alexander. “Sera. I’m sorry. I didn’t… “Darius, enough.” Elijah warned. “She’s made her choice; you need to respect it.” “NO!” Blaze roared, his wolf clearly rearing its ugly head in his black eyes. Blaze hadn’t shifted before, so when I heard the sound of his bones snapping, I knew he was shifting. I didn’t think I just acted, shifting in the blink of an eye, shredding my beautiful dress. I stood in front of Alexander and Max; my new height almost equal to max. It didn’t take long before a gold wolf stood where Blaze just had. He was snarling, his fangs dripping with saliva. I knew what he was planning, so did Ruby. We stood to our full height a deep growl revibrating within me, vibrating my chest. I stared Blaze’s wolf down harshly, daring him to make a move. To my surprise his wolf whined at me. His ears laying flat against his head as he dropped to his belly in submission. Ruby enjoyed this, enjoyed watching him like this. We stopped growling, waiting for him to make a move. When he started to crawl towards us we growled a warning again. He stopped, his eyes looking sad as he regarded me. “It’s his wolf Sera.” Elijah told me softly. “Not Blaze. It seems his wolf does not agree with the decision he had made.” “It’s Blaze’s fault.” I responded coolly through our pack link. “I know.” Elijah sighed. “I’m sorry.” He turned to Blaze’s wolf. “You have to let her go. Blaze made his decision. He rejected her and there is no coming back from that.” He explained to the wolf gently. The wolf whined at Elijah before looking to me with sad eyes. He chuffed and shook his head as he whimpered. Within seconds the wolf fell away leaving a very naked Blaze on the floor. I yelped, turning my back on him quickly and shaking my head. I looked down to my dress with a sad whine. I liked that dress. “I will get you a new dress.” Alexander said as he knelt in front of me with a smile. Ruby barked, jumping to her feet and prancing around Alexander proudly. When she stopped in front of him, I read her thoughts. “Ruby! Don’t you dar…” “Too late.” She laughed, licking Alexander’s face affectionately before running the length of her body along him, a weird sounding purr rumbling her chest. To my utter embarrassment people around us laughed. I wish I could hide right now. I groaned. “Sera, go get changed please.” Elijah asked me. I huffed. We didn’t want to shift back, but we listened. Trotting over to him and rubbing our head against him before darting up the stairs. I shifted back in the safety of my room, bracing myself against the door with a sigh. What was I supposed to wear now? I moved to my closet and saw a golden dress that was the same as the silver one I’d worn before. I slipped the dress on and made my way back down the stairs. Only to be stopped by Blaze. “Move.” I snarled, side stepping him to get past him. Blaze stepped with me, grabbing my wrist tightly. “You’re mine Seraphine.” He snarked, an off-putting smirk on his face. “Blaze.” I growled. “Move.” “No.” He said simply. “Elijah.” I growled. “If your son does not get his hands off me, I’ll kill him.” I warned him through the pack link. Seconds later I heard foot steps storming up the stairs. Max, Elijah, Hope, Patrick, my parents and Alexander came running down the hall. Max and Patrick reached me first, Patrick ripping Blaze’s hand off me with a growl. He and max both stood in front of me protectively, their arms crossed over their chest. Deltas were stronger than Betas because of their job as the luna’s protector, but was weaker than an alpha. I wasn’t sure if Max could handle Blaze. Patrick was just a warrior, and I was scared for his safety too. “Max, Patrick, don’t. Please.” I grabbed both their arms and pulled them closer to me so they could stand at my side. Alexander quickly took his place blocking all of us from Blaze. “You better not lay your hands on my mate again.” Alexander warned. His tone was deadly low, his body seeming to all of a sudden have steam rising off of him. I stepped up to him, laying a hand on his arm and gently pulling him to me. “Alexander, don’t. He’s not worth the war it would cause between the clan and pack. Let Elijah and Elanor handle their son.” Alexander looked down at me hesitantly while Elijah gave me a grateful look before turning to his son with glare. “You’ve gone too far son, going after another’s mate. You rejected her; she is no longer your concern. Leave.” Blaze glared at Alexander before growling and heading back down the stairs. Elijah just sighed, dropping his head into his hands. “Shall we go to my office and discuss things?” Elijah asked Alexander and I. “What is there to discuss?” Alexander asked him, his tone calm and diplomatic. “Seraphina’s transfer from the pack to your clan. Travel arrangements.” He listed things off. “Very well.” Alexander nodded. Placing his hand on the exposed skin of my lower back we followed Elijah. I just hoped things worked out from here on.
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