Chapter Eleven

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A week then two passed and a new trainer still had not been appointed. Not permanently at least. Elijah taught some lessons, and let me teach a few. Then Blaze led a training session or two, but Elijah finally put a stop to that. Blaze would always target me during his trainings. Making things harder, adding things that the others didn’t have to do. I really didn’t mind it. But it did get tiresome after so long. I noticed during his last training session which was a few days ago he was getting antsy. I knew that it was almost his birthday so his wolf would be emerging soon. Actually, tomorrow was his big birthday celebration. Everyone had to go. Yay me! Not. I wanted nothing to do with the cocky alpha heir. He has still yet to prove himself a worthy alpha. He also blamed me for his father sending him away to do this whole alpha training thing. I mean yeah, it sucked for him. But it was his own fault not mine. He is the one that took things too far. His father even heard him and what he had planned. I guess I did set that while thing up but then what else was I supposed to do to get Elijah to believe me? I had no doubt he would have defended his son and I couldn’t blame him. I would have done the same. Defend my child I mean. I didn’t know if I would have the heart or will strong enough to send him away. But Elijah did, and I knew it hurt him to do so. But he had to think about his pack and what hands they would be in when he stepped down. Right now? Blaze was not going to make a good alpha. I saw the potential in Blaze. I saw it that night when the rouges attacked. I saw it when I woke up in the med wing of the pack house. But that was the only times he has shown the alpha he could be. If he would just let go of this while jealousy thing and stop trying to scare his people into accepting him, he would be a good alpha. Alphas are supposed to be respected, looked up to, depended on. How could you freely depend on someone who scares you? Oh, I found out something new about pack hierarchy. You had the alpha, the male leader of the pack. Then the luna, the female leader. The beta, the alpha’s right-hand man. Then the gamma, meant to help the betas when he needed it or help the alpha. Last was the delt, the one appointed to keeping the luna safe. They are bound by pack law to be loyal to her, and be by her side at all times. But that’s not all. When the alpha and luna of a pack have a son, a delta is found the very same day so the alpha and delta can be raised together. Because when that alpha heir grew up and found his luna, he would trust this delta to protect her. Normally it would be the existing delta’s son, but could be chosen outside the existing delta’s family. Ironically, the delta who would defend and protect the woman meant to be Blaze’s luna was Max. I honestly felt bad for him. Not because of the luna thing, but because he had to work for Blaze. He didn’t like Blaze very much. Max, Patrick, Hope and I had become good friends. If we weren’t training, or Max wasn’t sleeping from guarding me all night, then we were together. We have all been giving Hope training lessons on the side since Omegas couldn’t train. We all thought she would need to know how to defend herself should the need arise. We had also hoped that she could defend all the young in the process. It wouldn’t be an easy task but she was willing to do it regardless. Max and I went on a date in the last two weeks, but it just didn’t feel right to me. As much as I liked him, I didn’t like him more than I would a friend. He was sad of that fact but accepted it. He understood I would need time to find my mate before I settled on a chosen mate. Which happens by the way. A mate could reject the other for a chosen. I think they said it’s only happened like once or twice, but it was possible. I didn’t like the thought of being rejected. I was told it was painful. That’s because where the moon goddess had connected the two souls, when one rejects the other it was like the souls were split in half. Both taking the other side of their soul back. Or in some cases, allowing for a second chance mate to be given. Though by what I’ve heard second chance mates were like one in a million. Almost never done. That didn’t give me much hope. I hoped to find my mate at Blaze’s party. Elijah had invited neighboring packs so all unmated wolves could have a chance to meet other unmated wolves in hope of finding their mates. Oddly enough he didn’t just invite wolves though. I was never one to admit I was scared, but I was scared to go to Blaze’s party. Elijah had invited neighboring vampire covens and dragon clans to the party. Mostly in hopes of gaining an alliance, but partly because it wasn’t unheard of for a wolf to mate outside the werewolf community. I secretly hoped to see Alexander again. Call me weird but I still had his shirt. His scent of autumn leaves and smoke still called to me. Not to mention the guy was gorgeous. Tall, standing at least seven foot and three inches tall. He towered over me. He had almond shaped emerald green eyes that blazed with fire. He had deeply bronze skin and jet-black hair. His jaw was squared and he had high sharp cheekbones and upturned lips. That’s not including the yummy looking muscles he showed me the day he tossed me his shirt. The man was devastatingly handsome. The vampires were another story. I had no interest in meeting any of them after what happened. And I was honestly surprised Elijah even invited them in the first place. But it was his pack and he could do whatever he wanted. I just didn’t agree. How could he just invite them and hope they didn’t cause trouble? I understand wanting alliances, but they already attacked once. Who’s to say they won’t do it again during Blaze’s birthday ball? Yes. Blaze’s birthday was a ball. Which means Hope and I went shopping earlier in the week. Again. I hated shopping. But Hope wanted to go and I couldn’t say no. the girl was just too enthusiastic. She had so much positive energy about her and she had come so far out of her shell since I got here, I couldn’t stand the thought of her clamming up again. This time Hope had picked out an aquamarine-colored strapless mermaid dress. Blue gems adorned the bottom making it shimmer as she walked and the top was covered in glitter. If anything, she would be the most sparkly one at the ball. I on the other hand picked an off the shoulder dress. Again, it was simple, It started black before fading into a deep red. It was form fitting, and had a slit on one of the sides that reached my upper thigh. It flowed down to my ankles and showed off my legs. I loved it, but Hope said I kept getting dresses that were too simple. Too bad I loved simple. I didn’t want to go all out on anything. Especially not for Blaze and his stupid birthday ball. And if I met my mate then who cares? If he didn’t like me for me, then he could go shove it. I wasn’t the girly type and I never will be. This time however, Hope informed me she had set us spa appointments for that afternoon. She said I needed to pamper myself. So she booked us appointments to get our nails, hair and makeup done. I wasn’t sure how I felt about that. It was hard enough letting her do it last time. But letting a stranger do it this time? Well the thought was frankly uncomfortable. Yet again, I couldn’t bring myself to tell her no. I knew she hadn’t really had a chance to do much since she was an omega and I wanted her to have everything now that she had been deprived of. It was like adopting a little sister. You just had to loved her and her bubbly shy personality. Even if the two was totally at odds with the other. I liked her weirdness though, it was refreshing. “Seraphina you need to sleep.” Max told me as he walked into my room that evening. “The ball is tomorrow and you’ll want to look good if you find your mate.” I arched a brow. “So you’re telling me I don’t look good if I haven’t slept well?” I challenged. I was teasing him of course. It was just too fun riling him up sometimes. “That’s not….No I just….” He stopped and took a deep breath making me burst out laughing. “That was not funny.” He glared at me playfully. “it was funny and you know it.” I stuck my tongue out at him. “You’re just too easy to rile up.” As I looked at Max longer a sadness settled in me. If Blaze found his mate tomorrow, I would lose Max. He was duty bound to protect his future luna. He would have to stand at her side from now on. “What was that? What’s wrong?” he asked coming to sir beside me and pull me into a side hug. I burrowed into his arm and sighed heavily. “I just…I was thinking about tomorrow.” I said, tracing the lines on his palm. “Tomorrow I could very well lose you. If Blaze finds his mate you will have to stand beside her from now on. You would be duty bound to protect her and be her guardian and I’m sure her friend. I wouldn’t have you anymore.” My sadness deepened when I said the words out loud. I had three friends here and I was possibly hours away from losing one of them. “You won’t lose me Nia.” He assured me, kissing the top of my head. “I just won’t be around as much.” He sounded like he was trying to convince himself of this more than he was trying to convince me. “You know that’s not true.” I murmured. “You would have to move to the alpha floor to the room beside Blaze and his luna. You would guard her day and night always being her shadow.” I sighed heavily. “And if this luna doesn’t like me. Well, she can just order you to stay away from me.” “I’m sorry Nia.” He whispered, tightening his grip on me. “I never thought I would have attachments that made me not want the position I’ve been given. You’ve grown on me in such a short amount of time, quickly becoming my friend, my crush and now my sister. I don’t know what I’d do if she commanded that of me.” “What would happen if Blaze rejects his mate? Would you be duty bound to protect the real luna or the chosen one?” I looked up to him curiously. “I’m not sure. Deltas are meant to be guardians of the luna the moon goddess chose. So I would assume I would be duty bound to protect the moon goddess given luna. So should he reject her. Which would be the worst mistake he would ever make. My duty would be to stay at her side.” “Why would that be such a big mistake?” I asked, deciding not to dwell on the fact that he could very well be around some random girl for the rest of his life. Yeah, he would probably become close to her over time, but still. And no I wasn’t jealous. “When the moon goddess blesses an alpha with a mate, that mate is meant to make the alpha stronger. Should he reject her, it will weaken him. Even if he chooses a mate, it would not help him become stronger. If anything, it would weaken him further since he rejected the gifted mate meant for him. I’m sure the moon goddess wouldn’t take well to such disrespect.” “Well, let’s hope he isn’t so stupid then. We don’t need a weaker alpha heir; we need a stronger one. Blaze has enough faults as it is.” “That he does.” Max growled. He still wasn’t very happy with Blaze. Especially when he leads the trainings. Max’s wolf was always at the surface when he saw what Blaze puts me through in training. I have had to physically hold him back before. If he attacked the alpha heir, it would end one of three ways. He could be banished from the pack, killed for treason, or receive ten lashes. None I was going to let happen. Max’s protective instincts were fierce when it came to me for some reason and I couldn’t allow him to get into so much trouble on my account. “Now get some rest Nia.” He told me gently, getting up off the bed. I nodded at him, laying down and snuggling into my pillow. I lifted the blanket to him, offering for him to lay down with me. This wouldn’t be the first time, and there was nothing romantic involved with the action. Other than Hope he was my best friend and I liked having him close. He was comfortable, safe. He laughed at me and my pouty face before slipping his shoes off and climbing in the bed beside me. I curled into his side and rested my head on his chest as he wrapped his arm around me. “Sleep now Nia. I’m not going anywhere.” He promised, kissing the crown of my head. “Good.” I yawned, making the word almost unintelligible making him laugh. His laugh was the last thing I heard before sleep consumed me. “What’s going on here?” A voice bellowed scaring me awake, making an awful squeal leave me as I all but jumped off the bed. It was too bad the blanket got twisted around my ankles because instead of jumping off the bed and to my feet like I had planned I ended up face first on the floor. “What the hell?” I groaned irritably awkwardly climbing to my feet. I rubbed the sleep from my eyes only to find Elijah holding Max up by his throat over my bed. Max flailed in his grasp his feet dangling in the air. “Elijah stop. Please” I shouted, rushing to Max’s side. “I was having a bad night, is presence helped that’s all. Please let him go.” I begged. “He should have been guarding you, not sleeping.” Elijah growled. “He was Elijah, I swear. Please.” I grabbed his arm and pulled gently, trying to take his eyes from Max and look at me. It worked, and when he saw my wide terrified eyes, he dropped Max. Max crumpled to the floor gasping for air and clutching his throat. I bent down to Max and rubbed his back soothingly. “Elijah, Max is one of my best friends. I was sad last night and he helped. That’s all. I asked him to lay down with me.” “Why were you sad?” Elijah’s tone softened as he knelt in front of me. “I was sad because I know I will more than likely lose him tonight. Like I said he is one of my best friends. And I know Blaze will probably find his mate, which means Max will no longer be free to be my friend anymore. He would be too busy guarding the future luna. There was nothing romantic about him sleeping with me.” “I apologize Max. I should have waited and got the full story before I reacted. It’s just, Seraphina has become like a daughter to me in a very short amount of time. I thought you were taking advantage of her.” Elijah explained. “It’s okay alpha.” Max rasped. “I understand.” Well, I sure as hell didn’t. What Elijah did was uncalled for. Even Ruby was in the back of my mind growling and fuming a Elijah. How could he think so little of one of his warriors? One he entrusted with keeping me safe. Surly he couldn’t possibly think Max was capable of such an act. “Max would never do that Elijah.” I sighed. “He is a good man and will make an amazing delta when the time comes for him to take his place at the future luna’s side. I just wanted to spend my last night with him closer, that’s all.” “I’m sorry Sera.” Elijah sighed, pulling me into a hug. “I’ve somehow grown overly protective of you. So has my wolf, Ash. He sees you as his pup for some reason.” “Well tell Ash I said to wait and ask first.” I teased Elijah with a smile. “I don’t have to tell him.” Elijah laughed. “You just did. And he is currently whining that he got reprimanded by you.” I snorted a laugh; I couldn’t help it. “Good. Now, both of you need to go.” We all stood and I shooed them out the door. “I have to take a shower then Hope and I have a spa date before the ball tonight.” “About that. Could I escort you to the ball?” Max asked with an overly dramatic bow and a big smile. “Yes, of course you may.” I said laughing as I curtsied. Very ungracefully I might add. “Do I want to know?” Elijah chuckled. “It’s just a joke. We both act stupid together.” I told him, hugging him one last time. “Now, go. Shoo. I’ve got to get ready before a tornado named Hope tears through the room.” “That girl has come into herself since you got here.” Elijah’s eyes sparkled. “I am proud to see you have such an affect on her.” “She’s definitely bubbly, I’ll give you that.” “Let Patrick know when you’re ready and he will escort you both to the spa.” Elijah told me sternly. Giddy laughter bubbled from my throat. “I wonder if I could talk him into a spa day too. Do you know how funny it would be to see that hulk of a man getting his nails done?” I laughed. “Not going to happen.” Patrick’s amused voice came from behind Elijah and Max. “Aw, why not?” I pouted when I could see him. “Because I am a man and a warrior. We don’t get our nails done.” “Hey, I’m a warrior too.” I pointed out. “Yes, and you don’t want to do it anymore than I do.” He teased me. Well he had me there. “Touché.” I waved a hand dramatically. “Now go, all of you.” I said all but shoving them from the room. Their laughter followed as I closed the door in their face. “Men.” I huffed shaking my head. It didn’t take me long before I was showered and dressed. I was just taking the towel from my hair when my bedroom door burst open and Hope ran into the room. She was bouncing up and down like a rabbit, her face lit up with a smile. “Are you ready? Are you ready? Are you ready?” She asked excitedly. Did she think I didn’t hear her the first time? “Yes Hope, I’m ready.” I laughed, grabbing my wallet and keys before leading her out the door. Patrick followed behind us laughing at Hope’s giddiness making me cast him a glare over my shoulder. This just made him laugh harder. “Keep laughing and I’ll ask Elijah to make you join in on our spa day.” I threatened. That shut him up, but I could see he was struggling not to laugh. His lips were sealed shut so tight they were turning white, but he was still smiling like a kid. Again, I’ll say. Men. Ugh. “Forget him.” Hope waved him off nonchalantly. “It’ll be torture enough having to wait for us.” “True.” I smiled, casting a smug look over my shoulder and sticking my tongue out at him. Patrick clashed his teeth together like he was biting something making me laugh at his expense this time. The rest of the afternoon we were massaged, wrapped in seaweed. Yuck! Hot stones put on our backs. Can I just say. Ow. That was not comfortable. Some kind of face mask was put on up with cucumbers on our eyes. Until finally they washed, conditioned and dried our hair. Someone did our toes and fingers, painting them to match the color of our dresses. Then finally after a few hours of all this mess they got to styling our hair and our makeup. I didn’t want my hair up this time, so they just added some leave in conditioner and curled my hair into perfect ringlet spirals that hung down my back. The put a tiara looking thing in my hair to give me a bit more sparkle. I don’t know why but they did. My make up was much the same as last time. They made my cheekbones more pronounced and made my nose look smaller. Contour was what they told me, but I have no idea what that means. They made my lips a deep burgundy color, while they did that cat eyeliner thing Hope did. This time it was sharper, and more pronounced. They did my eyes in a smoky red. I didn’t want anyone seeing me until the ball so I had thin cloaks brought in so we could hide from Patrick and not mess up our hair. “What are you wearing?” Patrick asked amused. “Something that will keep us hidden until the ball.” I retorted. “If I had to go through all of that mess, I am not letting anyone see us until the ball tonight.” I told him exasperated. That whole spa thing was just too much. “Whatever you say Sera.” He laughed, leading us out the door and to the car. Hope spent the whole ride back talking animatedly while also trying to keep her head down where Patrick couldn’t see her. He was her date again after all, so it made sense she didn’t want him to see her. I smiled when I thought about the two of them. They were an adorable couple. I couldn’t wait until she turned eighteen to see if he was her mate. They would make an amazing couple. Back at the pack house we went our separate ways, both of us deciding to get ready in our own rooms this time. It was a relief to finally be able to take that damn cloak off and lift my head. Keeping my eyes on my feet for so long was hard. Harder than I thought it would be. Especially since we got back to the pack house. By the time we got back though we only had an hour before the ball started. I saw people were already arriving. By the smell of it all kinds of people were already here. Vampires, who smelt oddly like fresh water and rain. Then the dragons who smelt like campfires. And the werewolves who smelt like earth and musk. The mixture of the different smells was over whelming, and I was more than relieved when I got to my room and shut the door behind me. Five minutes was all I needed to slip on my dress and be ready. I studied myself in the mirror, still amazed how makeup could turn me into a completely different person. I didn’t look like me, but I did at the same time. I just looked more elegant, more like a young woman and less like them tomboy I was. In a way I guess I liked it. To be able to dress up and look beautiful if even for a day. “This is not me though.” I sighed, bracing myself on the bathroom sink. “You look beautiful though.” Max’s voice came from beside me. “But you are beautiful without the makeup too.” “Thank you.” I smiled at him through the mirror. “Is it that time already?” “It is. Almost everyone is already down stairs.” “Fine.” I sighed, trying not to run a hand through my hair or down my face. It was a nervous habit so stopping it was harder than I would have liked. “It’ll be alright.” Max assured me taking my hand and leading me out of the safety of my room. “What’s wrong? Why are you so nervous?” He asked pulling me to a stop. “I don’t know.” I groaned. “Maybe it’s the vampires. After what happened I’m not sure if I trust them.” “That was a different coven that attacked us. This coven is friendly.” “Are you sure?” I probed. “I’m sure.” He said kissing the back of my hand making me blush. “Now come on. We can’t keep the alpha family waiting.” “Somehow I don’t think they’ll start without me.” I huffed. We went slowly though. I was most certainly not in a hurry. Unfortunately, it wasn’t far away and we made within a minute. The room and outside was filled with people. Too many to count and too many to be comfortable. I felt claustrophobic all of a sudden, my breath getting caught in my throat. This was not me. What the hell was going on? I didn’t get nervous or scared around people. I was normally confidant and walked with my head held high. But here and now, I just wasn’t feeling it. I felt vulnerable for some reason. I swallowed my unease, making my way into the room with Max at my side. He helped ease the anxiety within me, helped calm my frayed nerves. I was thankful max knew me so well. He pulled me directly onto the dance floor and wrapping his arms around my waist protectively. He knew I was nervous and was trying to help. “Thank you.” I whispered against his neck. “No need to thank me, Nia.” He murmured. “I’ll always be here.” “I wish that were true Max.” I said shaking my head. The scent of sandalwood and cedar hit me just then making my head snap up and Ruby howl the word mate over and over again as she pranced in the back of my head like gazelle. We had ended up at the front of the room near Elijah and Elanor, my eyes scanning over them and the rest of the room looking for the cause of the scent. When my eyes landed on him, dread filled me instead of elation. Ruby agreed with me as she hunkered down, her hackles rising and a growl ripping from her throat. “This can’t be happening.” I whispered. Wanting nothing more than to back away from Max and run. “What’s wrong?” max looked down at me concerned. “I found my mate.” My voice wavered, but my eyes never left amber eyed man making his way to me. “That’s great Nia.” Max smiled. “No. No max it’s not.” I looked up to him with wide eyes. “My mate is Blaze.” “What?!” Max growled, his wolf Xander making an appearance in his eyes. All eyes were on us as Blaze approached us, a growl vibrating his chest. Hatred blazed in his eyes as he looked me up and down, his gaze making me squirm a little. Max moved to block me from him, but I grabbed his arm stopping him. Wait, he was delta. Which means he was meant to protect me from all danger, even if it was from the alpha himself. Blaze however didn’t like Max’s actions and he growled ferociously at him. Max didn’t waver though. Blaze’s eyes finally moved from max and back to me. He sneered. “I Blaze creed, future alpha of the North River pack reject you Seraphina Coleman as my mate and Luna.” He spat the words at me, venom dripping from every word.
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