Chapter Thirteen

3072 Words
Alexander kept his arm around me as we followed Elijah to his office. I wasn’t sure why this was such a big deal. So, I was mated to a dragon. I sure as hell wasn’t complaining. I was drawn to Alexander since the moment I met him. He called to me in a way no one else did. His scent was overwhelming. I still had his shirt and I was embarrassed to say I slept in it most nights. Max of course had noticed but never said anything to me about it. Wait, what about Hope and Patrick? I couldn’t leave them. I didn’t want to leave them, especially Hope. I would have to ask once we got back to the office. I also needed to figure out what Alexander would think about it. He seemed a bit possessive. Which didn’t bother me at all, but still. “So, what is this all about?” I asked once the door was closed behind us and we were safely inside Elijah’s office. I had to admit I would miss Elijah. “Our pack has never had a member mate outside the pack.” Elijah told me, leaning against the edge of his desk. “We all need to talk about where er go from here and how we manage it.” “I’m not sure what you mean.” I said honestly, leaning my back against Alexander’s front. His arms wrapped around me protectively and he rested his chin on top of my head. I moved my head and glared up at him playfully. “Don’t use my shortness against me.” I said with a playfully stern voice. “It’s too easy.” Alexander smiled down at me. “Your shortness is cute.” “I’m not cute.” I huffed. “I’m a fierce alpha female.” I stuck my tongue out at him playfully. “Sera.” My father said sternly. “We do have things to talk about.” I glared over at him, still not happy with the way he acted downstairs. “I am very well aware of what needs to be done father.” I retorted angrily. “Seraphina please.” My mother said gently. “Your father didn’t mean anything by what he said.” “Yeah, sure he didn’t.” I turned to Elijah who was looking at me with sad eyes. “Don’t be sad Elijah. I’ll come visit.” “About that.” His eyes turned to Alexander who stood a good head taller than Elijah. “How do you suggest we transfer her from pack to clan?” “She is my mate. She will automatically connect to the clan when she steps onto our territory. She can still keep her link to this pack if she would like and if you would permit her to.” He informed us. “Really?” I asked excitedly turning to Alexander. “I can still keep my pack link?” “Yes.” Alexander laughed kissing my forehead. “If your alpha will allow it.” His eyes turned to Elijah. “Yes of course Seraphina. I would love for you to still be apart of the pack.” His eyes softened as he spoke to me. “You have become like a daughter to me, and I wouldn’t want it any other way.” “Yay!” I squealed jumping into Elijah and hugging him tightly. “Thank you, thank you, thank you.” I said excitedly. I moved back to Alexander smiling broadly. Alexander’s arms were open before I even made it to him and I jumped into them happily. I reached up and kissed his collarbone since I couldn’t reach anything else, then turned and pressed my back against him facing everyone else. “Elijah, I have a request if you wouldn’t mind.” I said, a bit more hesitant my smile falling away. “What’s that Sera?” he asked gently. “I would like Hope, Patrick and Max to come with me. If they would like to and if Alexander would allow it. They haven’t found their mates yet, and they are the only friends I have made in my weeks here. I don’t want to lose them.” “Max of course may go. He is your delta after all and will protect you like he is supposed to. Hope has come so far since you’ve come. She is much stronger and outgoing than she was. She was mistreated and I never knew, you’ve protected her and kept her safe. So yes, she may go if she would like to.” “Yes, yes, yes.” Hope screeched jumping into me. I hugged her happily before letting her go and letting her step to the side. “I would like to go with Hope and Sera.” Patrick stepped forward. His eyes glazed over as he spoke through the pack link. “I see.” Elijah bowed his head. “I will allow all three to accompany you if your mate allows it.” “Alexander?” I looked up to him hopefully. “You may have whatever your heart desires my dear Seraphina.” He whispered, cupping the side of my face in his very large hand. “Yes!” I exclaimed, jumping to kiss him before I knew what I was doing. It was just a peck since I had to jump. But it still surprised the both of us. I am sure my face turned beet red, but Alexander only smiled down at me. “When would you be leaving?” Elijah asked pulling our attention back to him. “We can leave whenever Seraphina and the others get their things in order. I will send my second in command to go ahead and get rooms ready for the others inside the main home.” “We all need to go back to the party. It’s time for the pack run. It is tradition that when an alpha heir has their first shift the pack goes on a pack run.” Elijah straightened himself out as he looked over us. “Is that such a good idea for them?” Alexander motioned towards all of us. “I couldn’t say. But I can assure you I will keep a close eye on my son during the run.” Elijah assured us, his eyes mostly focused on me. “Fine.” I huffed. “But I am shifting in my room. No way in hell am I stripping in front of the entire pack. You all may be comfortable with nudity around each other but I wasn’t raised in pack life.” “I understand.” Elijah laughed. “We will meet you out front.” “Ok.” I turned around and looked up to Alexander. I didn’t like this height difference. It wasn’t fair. Seriously out of options I grabbed the collar of Alexander’s shirt and pulled him down to me pressing my lips to his. Screw the others in the room. I’ve wanted to kiss this man since I saw him. And damn was it worth the wait. The man tasted like roasted marshmallows. It was freaking addictive as hell and I just wanted more. “Eh hem.” Someone cleared their throat behind me. I pulled away from Alexander and buried my face in his chest my cheeks blazing. Alexander’s chest rumbled with laughter at my response. “So not funny.” I told him, whacking his chest with my hand. “Hope come on.” I grabbed her hand and pulled her with me. “What? I can’t shift.” She shouted as I pulled her to me. “I know. But my wolf is big enough you can ride on my back.” “Oh, this will be fun.” Ruby said excitedly. “Ha, even Ruby agrees. Now come on.” I pulled her from the room. “I’m not so sure about this.” Hope said still allowing me to drag her along with me. “It’ll be fun.” I said gleefully. “Fine.” Hope finally laughed. When we reached my room, I darted to the bathroom and stripped out of my dress and shoes. I smiled to myself in the mirror before Ruby started out shift. It didn’t hurt it was as easy was breathing, and in the blink of an eye I stood in my wolf form staring into the mirror, Ruby’s sapphire eyes staring back at me. “Let’s go get Hope.” I smiled. Ruby burst from the bathroom door excitedly darting for Hope. Hope screeched as we approached but Ruby was fully in control and stopped just a few inches shy of her. Ruby lowered her large body to the floor so Hope could climb on. Hope hesitated for a moment as she thought about something. Before shrugging and going to grab a chair and drag it over to us. She climbed up on the chair before clambering onto my wolf’s large body. Ruby was laughing the entire time. Even on our belly We reached up to her hip. But her having to use a chair to get on was hilarious. If only I could have taken a picture of her as she, did it. I would tease her mercilessly over it. Not to be mean but to be funny. “Hold on tight.” I told her, amusement in my tone. She did, her grasp in my fur tightening as she lowered herself flat onto my back. Ruby took off out the door, yipping her excitement at being able to run with Hope. Ruby has grown very protective of the omega. To Ruby, Hope was her sister and Ruby loved her. Since Hope hadn’t turned eighteen yet we weren’t sure if she would be able to shift. Ruby was more than excited to find out though, she wanted to know her wolf and run with her. Right now though Ruby was content with Hope riding on her back. As we got outside eyes turned to us. Smirks and laughs surrounded us. I guess it would be a funny sight. Watching as an omega rode on an alpha. I didn’t care. Ruby and I both wanted Hope to join in on our run. It was a pack run after all, and Hope was a part of the pack. I knew there were others that could not join us due to them not being able to shift and I felt bad. But Hope was one of my best friends and I could do this for her. A whine caught my attention. My head snapping to where Blaze’s wolf stood. The sadness in his eyes hurt me to see. His wolf was innocent in all of this. It was all Blaze’s fault. He rejected me and hurt his wolf in the process. I didn’t like it, and neither did Ruby. “What’s your name?” Ruby asked him gently, her voice remorseful. “Ash. My name is Dominic.” There was so much pain in his voice it made my chest ache. “I am sorry him rejecting us hurt you.” Ruby whispered. “My human is vile.” Dominic’s words turned harsh. “All he thinks about is power and causing pain. He is not a worthy alpha.” “But you are.” Ruby countered. “Try and influence him. Get him to understand somehow.” “What do you suggest?” Dominic sounded almost eager as he asked. “The only way for a wolf to learn is the hard way. Let’s run, but after do not allow him to shift. Leave him to his own devices. Allow him to reap what he sows.” “It will be done.” The wolf tilted his head towards me before turning and facing his pack. He howled to the night sky and I could feel his pain in his howl. No one else seemed to though as they all responded with a howl of their own, taking off into the woods like the hounds of hell were on their heels. I was quickly flanked by a sandy colored wolf and a wolf as black as night. I could only assume it was Patrick and Max. I wondered which was which though. That didn’t matter the second I smelt Alexander approach. I turned to look at him curiously, my head tilted to the side. “I will be running with you.” He informed me, as he slowly unbuttoned his black dress shirt and tossing it to the side. I completely and utterly froze. Again, this man was freaking perfect. His chest was broad, at least as broad as my arm is long. His muscles rippled under his skin as he walked towards me. All perfect hardened muscle. I was such a goner. I yelped, a small sting in my ear making me swipe my ear with my paw. I turned to see what I now knew was Max’s wolf Xander. His upper body was lowered to the ground and his butt was in the air with his tail wagging. He wanted to play. Hope made some kind of eep, sound as I mimicked Max’s pose. Both Ruby and I wanted to play. I growled playfully before lurching at him. My body hit his and he stumbled to the ground. Hope was holding on dear life as I turned to face Max again. The equivalent of a laugh leaving Ruby. Without warning she nipped both his and Patrick’s ear before taking off into the forest. We ducked branches and weaved around trees. We ran in a wide zig zag trying to keep them guessing on where we were and where we were going. I didn’t even know where we were going, letting Ruby take the lead here. But I was still there, laughing at what she was doing in order to evade the three men. Hope was on our back whooping quietly, urging me on the run and hide from them. She was having an amazing time. Just hearing her laughter lifted my spirits more than they already were. Other than Blaze’s rejection. (Which didn’t bother me at all) This was the best night of my life. I have Max, Patrick, Hope and my mate Alexander. Alexander. The man, the dragon I have been dreaming about since I met him. The men whose scent always sent a wave of calm through me. The man who so openly and accepted me. Smiled at me, touched me. The man though I just met him, felt as if I’d known him forever. I felt as if I loved him already. He was suddenly the single most precious thing in my life. He was everything I could ever have hoped for and more. “Sera, look out.” Hope’s distressed scream pulled me from my thoughts of Alexander. Just in time to see a golden wolf barreling towards us. “Hope. Hang on tight. Bury your head in my fur, wrap your arms around my neck and squeeze your legs around me. Just hold on as tight as you can, this could get messy.” Hope did as I asked, squeezing me with everything her small frame could muster. I lowered myself defensively growling out a warning. It worked briefly, before the wolf shook its head and charged again. I easily side stepped him, sending him tumbling into a nearby tree. This only seemed to anger him as he growled menacingly at me. I knew I could take him, just not with Hope’s life in danger too. “Max, Patrick. Blaze is attacking. I can’t fight with Hope on my back. I won’t risk her life.” “Run Seraphina. We’re coming, we’ll meet you by the river.” The river yes. I just passed the river not too long ago. I took off darting around trees and over downed branches. I could hear the wildlife scurrying out of the way. Hope was panicking on my back; I could feel her hyperventilating. I couldn’t soothe her right now though. We needed to get away from Blaze so she didn’t get hurt. I upped my pace, running faster. I could hear the river not far from me. “SERAPHINA!” Hope shouted. My eyes snapped to the side just as a gold blur barreled into my side knocking me to the ground a few feet away. Hope skidded across the dirt, pained groans coming from her. I was on my feet in an instant standing defensively in front of her. Blaze was in control now, Dominic would never attack us. Blaze somehow pushed Dominic back allowing him to take control. I really didn’t want to hurt Dominic. He was innocent in all of this. But if Blaze attacked me or Hope I wouldn’t have a choice. I snarled as Blaze took a similar position as me, Ruby was growling in my mind. Her aggression adding to mine. We released our alpha aura in its full capacity. It made Blaze submit before. I didn’t know if it would now that he has his wolf, but it sure as hell wouldn’t be comfortable for him either way. I was right. Blaze whined shaking his head and pawing at his snout a few times before reorienting himself. I saw the pain he was in but he was fighting it. He surged forward, aiming for Hope. I quickly jumped, knocking him away from her and taking a good chunk from his flank. Blood flowed from him freely as he whimpered. He couldn’t walk without a limp, but he was surging back towards me at full speed. I dodged, but he ended up raking his claw down my shoulder. I howled at the pain, turning on him with renewed anger. I attacked this time surprising him. I bit down into the nape of his neck making him howl. He shook his head fiercely; he lifted his back leg and clawed my underbelly. The pain making me let go of him. He twisted as soon as my grip loosened turning and aiming for my throat. I barely dodged him jaws as they clamped down on air. I was about to lunge for him again when an earth-shattering roar shook the forest. Blaze froze, but I smiled. Alexander had found us first.
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