Chapter Ten

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I tackled the mountain to the ground. I was pretty sure in the process I had broken something upon impact because pain radiated from my shoulder and down my arm. I had fought plenty of times with broken bones, but never a shattered arm. Even still, I bound to my feet clutching my limp arm to my chest. A growl vibrated the air around us, everyone whimpering under the power within it. All except me. Elijah’s rage washed over me in waves but my own matched his at the moment. This man had just tried to kill Elijah without even so much as a warning in advance. Wasn’t an alpha challenge supposed to be announced? A heavy hand landed on my shoulder, though it was gentle when it touched me. I looked up to Elijah whose eyes were on the man in front of me. I side stepped giving Elijah a clear path to the traitor before me. Elijah’s face was contorted with anger, his angry aura only growing stronger the closer he got to the mountain man. I wish I could say I was frightened or that I even pitied the man. But I didn’t. He brought it on himself with his dishonorable attempt on Elijah’s life. “You dare try and attack me without the proper challenge?” Elijah asked dangerously low. The tone sent shivers of dread down my spine. The mountain man spat blood onto the ground, casting me a hardened glare. He moved his eyes from me back to Elijah. “You’re pathetic and weak.” The man hissed. A growl vibrated my chest at his words. Even Ruby had rose to the surface, I’m sure her sapphire blue eyes showing her presence. Both Elijah’s and the other mans head snapped to me, but my eyes were solely on the man still all but sprawled on the ground before me. From the corner of my eye I noticed an emotion pass through Elijah’s eyes but it was gone before I could fully analyze it. I however did keep my feet firmly planted, still clutching my shattered arm in my hand. “Pathetic and weak are the actions you have shown today.” Elijah continued. “Your actions, per law of the werewolf race sentences you to death.” “It would be you who would it be dead had it not been for that female.” The man sneered, thrusting his chin in my direction. There was something about the whole situation though that just didn’t make sense to me. “How long has this man served the pack?” I asked one of the warriors behind me. My eyes never leaving the two in front of me. “He was born here.” The warrior answered with a wavering voice. “So around thirty years.” He finished, his eyes on my feet when I turned and glanced at him. Thirty years? And he had probably been training for five maybe ten years depending on his skill levels. So why now? Why all of a sudden would he attack Elijah unannounced? It just didn’t seem logical. And why attack in front of so many witnesses? Maybe he thought the untrained warriors would be able to stop him? Even then though again I kept wondering why now? I stepped closer to Elijah so I was better able to look the man in the eye. It was there I saw his fear. When his eyes looked to me again, I saw the gratitude shining there even if his face told another story. His features were a mask of envy and rage. While his eyes were pleading. “Elijah.” I leaned over and whispered. “Something isn’t right here.” I kept my eyes on Felix. I decided to all him by his name. Relief washed over him, his tense shoulders seeming to slump. “What do you mean?” Elijah’s tone was sharp, cold. It took me by surprise. “Look at his eyes.” I motioned towards Felix, trying to shake off how the tone Elijah used on me affected me. “His eyes are at odds with his features.” Elijah turned and looked at me, his eyes glowing an odd gold color, a growl vibrating his chest. Though he terrified me right now, I didn’t back down. How could I? Something was wrong with Felix. At least it looked like it to me. “You defend him?” Elijah roared. I barely kept myself from flinching away from him. I did however take a careful step away from him, keeping his gaze the entire time. “No.” I shook my head. “What he did was uncalled for and deserves punishment despite the reasons behind them. I just ask that you look at him.” “The punishment for his actions is death. So it is death he shall receive.” Without warning Elijah turned from me and swiped his claws across Felix’s neck effectively severing his head from his shoulders. My unbroken hand flew to my mouth, a startled gasp escaping me. This time I took several steps from Elijah. Not from fear but disbelief. This wasn’t the level headed man I had met. This was someone else entirely. Now I knew where Blaze had gotten his quick temper. “Everyone leave. Get ready for the ceremony this evening.” Elijah’s voice was cold. “Not you Seraphina.” His voice making me stop in my tracks. I steadied my heart beat and evened my breathing before turning to him. “Yes alpha?” I just couldn’t bring myself to call him Elijah right now. It seemed though that me calling him alpha tore him from whatever trance he had been in. His eyes shooting from me to Felix, then back again. “Seraphina that wasn’t me.” He tried to reason. “It was my wolf shadow.” “Then your wolf just might have very well killed an innocent man.” I murmured, my eyes falling to the headless body of the trainer. I couldn’t hide the flinch this time. I stepped further away from the body, unnerved about the sight. “You need medical attention.” Elijah sighed, his eyes seeming to glaze over briefly before returning to normal. “How’s your arm?” I furrowed my brow for a minute before remembering. Oh yeah. I had shattered my arm protecting Elijah. Without really thinking about it I lifted my arm high into the air, stretching it over my head and wiggling my fingers. “Seems fine.” I replied. “But I’ve always healed fast.” I shrugged. “That’s very fast. Even for an alpha.” Elijah noted, a hint of uncertainty in his voice. “I don’t know.” I answered. “Where is Patrick?” I had completely forgotten about the supposed body guard I was supposed to have. I didn’t want him getting into trouble. “I let him off the hook while I was training. Since I would be here with everyone else it didn’t seem to be necessary. It was then Patrick was running up to us, his eyes frantic. “Alpha I apologize.” Patrick said sullenly. “Not to worry. Seraphina was just telling me she let you have free time since she was training this morning.” His eyes snapped to mine briefly. “Right. Yes.” Patrick replied, relief in his voice. “Just make sure you remain with her for the rest of the day.” The warning in Elijah’s voice clear. “Of course not. I will not leave her side.” Patrick bowed. Elijah huffed in agreement before walking away, one last uncertain glance over his shoulder to me. When he was completely out of sight Patrick sighed, sinking to the ground and running a hand through his hair. I could hear his heart beating rapidly and his breathing was hard. Not from exertion but relieved fear. “Thank you.” He breathed, his eyes reaching mine. “But why?” I shrugged dropping in front of him and pulling blades of grass from the ground and dropping them down again, letting them slip through my fingers. “I forgot that I was supposed to meet you. I didn’t want you to get into trouble because of me.” “I should have been more responsible.” He murmured rubbing the back of his neck nervously. “I forgot you were not raised here and don’t know pout customs.” I grimaced. “Yeah, I’m still learning.” “It’s alright.” He smiled jumping to his feet and giving me his hand. I took it shyly, allowing him to pull me to my feet. “We need to get you back so you can get ready for tonight. It is your big night after all.” “Don’t remind me I groaned.” I followed Patrick back to the house, honestly not looking forward to getting ready. I really did hate getting dressed formally and that’s not even mentioning the makeup and hair. I was so not looking forward to whatever lay ahead of me. And not knowing what was supposed to happen during this ceremony only nagged at me more. I guess we would find out soon enough. “Oh thank God.” I breathed when we reached my room and Hope was standing there. She was giddy with excitement bouncing from side to side and up and down. A high-pitched squeal left her echoing through the halls, right before barreling towards me at full speed. I caught her easily enough hugging her back. Patrick arched a brow at me, a smile tugging the corners of his lips. I just shook my head and smiled. “A little excited are we?” I pulled away from Hope laughing. “You have no idea.” She shrieked. “I have never been able to go to one of the ceremonies. Omegas would usually cook and clean before during and after. But since I am your personal omega, I finally get to go.” She told me jumping up and down and clapping exuberantly. “Well I hope you know what your doing because I don’t. Hair, makeup all of that crap I’ve never done it.” I frowned. Maybe I should have taken Kara up on her offer to teach me. I reached up and grabbed a piece of my black hair, scowling at it. “Don’t worry Sera. I got you.” Hope promised. “Now come on, lets go.” She laughed all but shoving me towards the room. I cast a pleading glance back at Patrick but he just laughed holing his hands in the hair telling me he was going to be neutral in all of this. I stuck my tongue out at him right before the door closed. I could hear him laughing even from here. “Now. Go shower, you stink.” Hope told me pinching her nose dramatically. “Okay, okay.” I sighed, grabbing some clothes and heading for my bathroom. I made quick work of it. Shampooing twice and conditioning twice. Once with my usual conditioner and another time with that leave in conditioner. I normally didn’t use the leave in stuff because it took so much of it to get all of my hair. My hair was black and thick. Falling straight down to the curve of my back. “Are you done yet?” Hope called. I just laughed. “Yes Hope.” She burst through the door in a frenzy grabbing me and sitting me down in a chair my back towards the mirror. A smile lit up her features as she sat a bunch of make up down and got to work on my face. The entire time I sat there I prayed it was over. It was all just too much. Makeup, a nice hair style, a formal dress. It made no sense to be going through all of this. I indulged them all anyway. What else could I do? It took Hope two hours on me before she was done. Her eyes were shinning by the time she was done. But she still wouldn’t let me see it. Not until I had my dress on and she was dressed and ready as well. I just sighed heavily, going to my room careful not to look in the mirror and grab the dress she had stashed in my closet. I had chosen a shimmering silver silk gown. It clung to my body perfectly, flowing all the way to my ankles. A slit was on each side, both reaching up to my midthigh. The dress had a V neck line showing my cleavage, but not too much. The back of the dress fell in a U shape going all the way down to my lower back showing the skin there. It was a simple gown really, but stunning all the same. I had grabbed a pair of silver heels to match giving me an extra four inches of height. Like I already wasn’t tall enough. When Hope emerged from the bath room, hair makeup and dress on she froze. Her eyes bulged and her jaw on the floor. “You look stunning.” Hope gushed rushing over to me. “You look beautiful as well Hope.” I complimented. Her pale pink gown much like mine but showed almost no skin. It had a queen Anne neck line, the shoulders made of a lace that wrapped around her neck. The back of the dress was a V but only fell to her shoulder blades. Unlike mine the front of her dress reached her knees while the back flowed out to her ankles. While mine was all one length. Together we walked into the bathroom and looked at ourselves. I was rendered speechless. I didn’t recognize myself. My black hair had been curled to perfection, while the top was braided and wrapped around my head like a crown. She put what looked to be some kind of jewels in my hair making it shine when the light hit them just right. My make up made me look older, but in a good way. My cheeks looked more pronounced, cat like eyeliner and a smoky silver eye shadow made my green eyes stand out. She painted my lips a neutral shade of pink. I had to admit I looked beautiful. Us standing side by side I would bet we would both be stared at a lot tonight. “We’re perfect.” Hope smiled, her eyes turning to look at me through the mirror. “Are you ready?” “Not even a little bit. But lets go.” I sighed. A light knock on the door pulled me from Hope. I was surprised to see Max standing there. He looked gorgeous. He wore a black ironically paired with a silver tie. His blonde hair was sleeked back in a superman type style. Much like mine his eyes stood out. He however was looking at me weird. His eyes were wide and he seemed frozen. “Max?” I waved a hand in front of his face with no response. I turned to Patrick concerned. “Is he alright?” I asked. “You look beautiful Seraphina.” Patrick whispered, making me blush. “I’m sure he is just shocked.” Patrick told me shaking his head before slapping Max on the back of his head. “Hey, wake up man.” Patrick told Max sternly. “Wow.” Was all Max said as his eyes trailed over me. “Nia you look….wow.” “You don’t look so bad yourself Maxy.” I teased. “Maxy? Really?” He groaned. “Anyway, I was wondering if I could escort you to the ceremony tonight.” “I would love that.” I smiled, taking his out stretched arm. “Hope! You coming?” I called over my shoulder. “Yeah I was ju….” She was cut short by the two men well dressed men in front of me. Her eyes all but popped from their sockets when she looked at them. “Could I escort you to the ceremony?” Patrick asked Hope, offering his arm to her. “I…..I….you…What?” She stammered. We all just chuckled at her. “Could I escort you?” Patrick asked again smiling at her. “Yes. Yes definitely.” She beamed up at him taking his arm. Arm in arm we all walked through the halls, down the stair to where the ceremony was being held. Patrick led us to what I could only describe as a ball room. Windows were all over the room letting natural light flood the room. Several patio doors were open along the walls. Gold and white decorated the room making it look like something from Cinderella. It was amazing. “This is beautiful.” I breathed, my eyes scanning the room around us. “It is. It’s not used often but when it is they go all out.” Max told me. I could feel his eyes boring into the side of my head making me look up at him. “What?” “Nothing.” He shook his head, smiling as his eyes scanned the crowd. Finding people was fairly easy. Elijah and Elanor walked around the gathered wolves. Elanor talking excitedly while Elijah just stood by her side. Blaze wasn’t far behind them, his features stoic. My parents were sitting at a table near one of the patio doors talking animatedly to other pack members. How was it so easy for them? The only people I’ve really made friends with is Hope, Max and Elijah. I didn’t know Patrick well yet, and Blaze despised me. Then again making friends was always hard for me. Either way I pulled Max along with me as I made my way to my parents. They both looked up at me with wide eyes, quickly jumping to their feet and hugging me tight. “You look so beautiful.” My mom gushed clutching my shoulders and looking me over. Pride shinning in her eyes. “You look stunning honey.” Dad told me kissing the top of my head. “And who is this?” he asked turning to Max, his eyes hardening a bit. “Mom, dad, this is Max. Max these are my parents Darius and Hazel.” I introduced them with a smile. “It’s nice to meet you alpha and luna Coleman.” Max said shaking their hands. “Likewise.” Mom smiled at him. “Now you two run along and have fun.” She shooed us away, making me laugh. My dad just grumbled under his breath about hurting him if he did something. But I ignored him. “You want to dance?” I asked Max when a slower song started playing. Other couples were already on the floor swaying in each other’s arms. Max smiled, bowing at the waist and offering me his hand. “My lady.” He said smiling, a teasing look in his eyes. I played along curtsying as I took his hand. We both just laughed, walking hand in hand to the dance floor. Max wrapped his arms around my waist while I wrapped mine around his neck. And that’s how we stayed. Dancing together though every song. Something just felt right about Max. Like he was safe. I’d never had a male friend before and I was glad I had met Max. “Could I have everyone’s attention please?” Elijah’s voice rose above the crowd and echoing through the room. “It is time for the induction ceremony. If I could have the Coleman family join me please.” His eyes scanned the crowd landing on my mom and dad. I quickly made my way over to them and we all walked up to Elijah together. Blaze looked angry when we faced Elijah, but said nothing. “Tonight, under the new moon we welcome alpha Darius, luna Hazel and their daughter Seraphina to our pack. “ A young man approached Elijah. A pillow cradled in his hand, a athame settled on top. The handle was made from what looked to be opal, gold twining through in a swirled design. The blade itself was not silver though. It was made of diamond. Meticulously carved and sharpened into a very sharp looking blade. Unease coiled in my stomach at the sight of it, but I followed my parents lead, trusting them that this was normal. My father stepped before Elijah first. “Blood to blood we bind alpha Darius Coleman to our pack.” Elijah shouted, slicing the palm of his hand before handing the knife to my father who sliced his. Their hands clasped together, their blood mingling. My father smiled. Next was my mom, and he did the same for her. Announcing her title and name, before mixing their blood. When it came my turn, I was less nervous. Elijah smiled down at me kindly. “I am honored to announce we have Seraphina Coleman joining our pack. The first pure blood female alpha who has been able to shift.” Gasps and whispered came from the crowd as they looked at me. “Blood to blood we bind alpha female Seraphina Coleman to our pack. Elijah cut his hand again, blood flowing from the wound. I hesitantly did the same, clasping our hands together. I felt a wave wash over me as voices entered my mind. I clenched my teeth against the onslaught. I knew it was the pack link, but why was I hearing everyone? My attention was pulled back to Elijah as he removed his hand from mine. “Everyone, welcome our new members.” Elijah shouted, a smile on his face. Everyone shouted their welcome at his words. I didn’t know what to do or think so I just smiled and inclined my head to them all. “Come of Seraphine, lets go eat.” Max murmured offering me his hand once again. I hastily took it, ready to eat and just go to bed. This was all just so weird and overwhelming. I was grateful for Max just then, getting me away from everyone. We sat at a table outside on one of the patio tables. The cool autumn breeze settling a little of my nerves. Patrick and Hope sat with us, all of us eating at talking like we’ve known each other forever. I didn’t know what happens from here, but I did know I finally belong. I finally felt like I was apart of something. Despite the overwhelming thoughts, I knew deep down this world was where I belonged.
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