Chapter 8

1663 Words
Rosie's POV After Liam left, i got lost in the t.v. show Friends. I didn't realize how late it had gotten when I heard my phone buzz and saw the time. I felt a wave of guilt when I saw I had ten text messages from Jordan. I forgot to text him after I got settled. I looked at my ankle and saw that the swelling was almost completely gone. I got up to grab some pajamas deciding to just shower when I got up in the morning. I picked out some stretchy shorts and Jordan's sweatshirt. I grabbed his pillow and slid under my covers. I grabbed my phone and texted him. Are you still up? Oh yeah, I'm just waiting on you. Sorry. I tripped in these stupid heels and twisted my ankle. Leave it to me to do something stupid in less than twenty-four hours. Can I call? Sure A moment later, Jordan's name popped up on my screen, showing that he was calling. I answered it immediately. "Hey!" "Hey yourself. Sorry, I called and texted so much. i got worried when you didn't check in like you said you would." "Yeah, I got busy. The gammas have a daughter our age, and she helped me unpack, and then we had dinner with her brother and the deltas sons." "I see. So all the ranked members only had sons." "No, I just mentioned Mia, the gammas daughter." "But the rest were males that you were hanging out with?" "Yes, I just said that." He was really starting to frustrate me. His voice became stern. I felt like i was being talked to like a child. "Just dont forget the promise you made me." "I didn't promise not to make friends. Which is what I'm doing. " His tone changed. "You're right. I'm sorry. I just miss you." "I miss you too. I really like it here so far. Eveyrone has been really nice, and im enjoying making friends more than i thought i would." "We have nice people here." He just wasn't getting it. "I know. I didn't say that we didn't. " There was an awkward silence. Something that felt so weird between us. "Well, it's been a long day of travel. I'm going to head to bed." "I understand. Night Rosie. I miss you." "I miss you too." I hung up the phone. What the hell was that? Why did he get so strange. He's never gotten like that with me before about other males. After that, I had the most restless sleep of my life. I got up pretty early, mostly because I couldn't sleep. I showered and settled on something more simple to wear today. Mia mentioned going on a tour of the pack, so I wanted to wear something comfortable. I pulled on some baggy jeans with holes, a white cropped top, and my Converse shoes. I grabbed a zip-up sweater just in case I got cold. Hey, at least it's better than my sweats. I headed out, remembering the way Mia showed me to get down to the dining hall. I knew it was pretty early, and I was half expecting for hardly anyone to be down yet. What I wasn't expecting was it to be completely full of practically only men. Where the hell was all the women? I couldn't help but feel like I was missing something. Dean, James, and Noah met me at the bottom of the stairs. They were all dressed in there work out gear. "You boys want to tell me what I'm missing? James flexed his muscles. "We all came from lifting. Alpha Peter makes us every Saturday and Sunday instead of training. It got let out early today, so we're all at breakfast now." "Well, it doesn't look like Mia is up yet. She's planning on giving me a tour today. Do you guys mind if I join you for breakfast?" Dean gave me a million dollar smile. "Not at all. Right this way." He led me to the table we all sat at yesterday. This time, I sat between James and Dean. "Please tell me the coffee is good." James got closer to me. "How upset would you be if i said we don't have coffee here." "There's a good chance I would be leaving today." They all laughed, and Dean shook his head. "Don't listen to him. We have coffee. We have no problem feeding the addiction you clearly have." "That's what I like to hear. I need two cups, please." Noah laughed. "Only two?" "Yeah, to start with." They all shook their heads at me. "Would you guys believe me if I said I had a coffee maker in my room at my packhouse ." Dean put his arm on the back of my chair and looked me in the eye. "Rosie Sinclair, you keep surprising me." I couldn't tell if it was a bad thing or not, and I suddenly felt very nervous. I heard James speak. "Hey Liam, you joining us today or sitting with Heidi?" I felt my eyes drift directly to those baby blues. I hated how they sucked me in. Liam's POV I watched her enter the dining hall wearing something different than what most girls would wear around here. I don't even think she realized that she was standing out, but in a good way. I watched all the younger pack members' eyes drift to her. Just one glimpse of her made it hard to look away. She was dangerous. Mostly because she didn't know how beautiful she really was. I didn't get a good take on her personality last night when we talked. My guess is she's like every other female wolf, looking for a ranked member to take care of her. I think my dad had her come so he could play matchmaker with her and i. He kept pushing last night and this morning for me to offer to take her to do things and to show her around because she's new. But yet he's never pushed anyone else who's visited before on me like this. I watched Dean, James, and Noah meet her at the bottom of the stairs. They were joking around and smiling like they were best friends. I'm pretty sure I saw James flex his muscles at her. Like, what the hell is with that? She hasn't even been here a day and already has the ranked members falling at her feet. See what I mean about her being dangerous? I swear I felt my blood start to boil when I watched Dean put his arm around her chair. They were literally staring into eachothers eyes. How is she doing this? I stormed over there ready to tell her to quit flirting with everyone in my pack, but when I got there I got lost in those damn green eyes again and forgot why I came over to there table in the first place. I heard James ask me something, and when I didn't answer right away, he asked again. Never once did I take my eyes off of her. I couldn't. I felt the whole table look at me when I answered the question. "Oh, uh, no. Heidi's not up yet. I just actually came to check on Rosie." Dean's voice grew protective. "Why does she need to be checked on? what happened?" I knew he was insinuating that I did something. It's not exactly pack secret that I've made my way around with the ladies. It was just so easy not to get sucked in when you're constantly having beautiful women throw themselves at you. They always look and smell amazing. I've had a hard time saying no. Dean over there is practically a Saint. He's only been with one, and they were in a relationship for a long time before she found her fated mate. I do know they were talking about marking each other. But all that changed when she met Ryker. Dean would honestly be the better option out of us two. Rosie answered before I could. But I think it's mostly because I was lost in my own thoughts. "I tripped on the rug in the hallway and sprained my ankle. But it's all healed, and I'm good as ever now." She looked into my eyes. "Thank you for helping me last night." "It's not a problem. Mom just wanted to make sure you didn't need to see the pack doctor ." "No, like I'm said, I'm all healed up." I took a seat at their table and watched her consume four cups of coffee, all while holding conversations with the other guys. I couldn't even get her to look at me again, let alone say another word. I think she may be the first girl that wasn't trying to get her nails into me, well besides Mia. But Mia knows how I am and honestly can't stand me for it. This girl didn't seem to give a damn if I gave her attention or not. I couldn't stand it any longer. "Rosie, my dad wanted me to give you a tour of our pack if you're up for it?" She bit her lower lip. "Actually, Mia already offered. I'm actually waiting on her now to go." I couldn't hide the disappointment on my face if I tried, and trust me, I was trying to play it cool. "Yeah, no problem." "Your dad suggested to me yesterday that you would show me the wildflowers you guys have. Besides coffee, flowers may be my other weakness." My voice came out a little too excited. "Yeah, I can do that." She took her phone out of her pocket and handed it to me. "Just put your number in, and I'll text you when I'm done with Mia." I could feel the disappointment glares coming from the other guys. I wasn't trying to gloat, but I totally was.
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