Chapter 7

1492 Words
Rosie's POV I managed not to embarrass myself too badly with these damn ribs. The guys didn't seem to care one bit. They were covered in barbaque sauce. It was a good night. All of the guys were really easy to talk to, and I found myself laughing more than I had in a long time. "I don't think I can eat another bite. I think my bed may be calling me. It's been a long day." James and Dean both spoke in unsion. "I can walk you to your room." I couldn't help the smile that crept on my face. It was really flattering to have these guys show interest like this. I got so used to Jordan being the only male who talked to me and occasionally our future gamma Kyle. "Thank you both, but I think I'll manage. I'll see you all tomorrow. " I stood up to leave, and Mia followed me out. We were waiting at the elevator when she had a concerned look on her on her face. "Don't hurt my brother. He's a really good guy. He got serious about a girl last year, and she found her fated mate, and it crushed him. I just don't want to see him get hurt again." I grabbed onto her hand. "I have no intention of hurting your brother. I don't even intend to date while I'm here." "Because of your friend?" "No, maybe, I don't know. I just need to focus on school." It came out harsher than what I intended. The elevator dinged, and the doors opened. We stepped in. I could tell I hurt her feelings by how quiet she was. "I'm sorry. It's hard for me to open up. I'm not very good at it. I came here to make friends and to help move on from my mom's death. It hit me pretty hard." I blinked a few times, trying to fight back the tears. I had a hard time looking her in the eye, so I just did a quick glance. I saw the pity in them. Something I hated more than anything. I didn't need to look long to know that look. I've seen it often, too often. "I'm sorry, Rosie. For what it's worth and as crappy as the circumstances are, I'm really glad you came here." I could tell how genuine she was being. "Me too. I'm really glad I met you." The elevator door dinged, and Mia stepped forward. "This is my floor. Do you want me to come up with you, or will you be okay?" "I'll be fine. I'm going to take a hot bath and head to bed." "Okay, goodnight, Rosie." "Goodnight, Mia." I stepped out on the Alpha floor to see a couple going at it hot and heavy in the hallway. I was hoping to sneak past them quietly so we didn't have to do the whole awkward interaction thing. No such luck. The heel of my boot got caught on the rug, and I went tumbling down in one very loud thud. I was way too embarrassed to look up. I tried to stand and felt a sudden pain to my ankle when I put pressure on it. I hissed out in pain and fell backward again. Great, I'm pretty sure I twisted my ankle. Lucky for us wolves, it should be healed in a couple of hours. I heard a deep, soft voice close to me. "Are you okay?" "Yeah, apparently just clumsy today." I felt his arms go around my waist and legs as he scooped me up into his arms. I yelped in suprise. I looked over to be met with the most beautiful blue eyes I've ever seen. They reminded me of pictures I've seen of the Caribbean. They were hypnotizing. I couldn't speak. I must look like an i***t just staring into his eyes, but I couldn't look away, and apparently, either could he. I heard a throat clear and very squeaky whiney voice. "Liam, who is she? I thought we were in the middle of something." I looked away at first, but I felt his eyes still stuck on me as he spoke. "Heidi, she's hurt." She couldn't hide the irritation in her voice if she tried. "She's a wolf. She'll be fine. What is she even doing up here? This is the Alphas floor." I made the mistake of looking into those blue eyes again. They weren't as inviting as they were a moment ago. His voice was harsh. I was kind of expecting him to drop me. "What are you doing up here? She wolves aren't allowed up here unless invited. " I bit my lower lip. "My room is up here. I'm Rosie." "Right, I'm sorry. My dad wanted me to meet you earlier. Your Beta Mitches and Beta Tinleys niece?" I nodded. "Yes. You can put me down if you want to get back to your girlfriend. My room is just right over there." Heidi got all snarky. "Thank you. It's about time." He slowly placed me back on the ground. I hissed out in pain again the moment my heel hit the ground. I used the wall for support. I didn't even take a step when I'm scooped back up into his arms again. I heard the ding of the elevator and Alphas Peter's very concerned voice. "What happened?" He let out some of his Alpha aura, and the only one trembling was Heidi. Which just seemed to piss her off more. Liam turned us to face his dad and a woman, I'm assuming, is his Luna. I gave him an apologetic look. "I tripped and twisted my ankle pretty bad. Liam was helping me." His face softened from the tightened expression. "I see. Liam, bring her to her room, and I'll have your mother bring you some ice." He gave his dad a nod and headed toward the direction of my room. I saw Heidi following when Lunas voice echoed loudly in the hall. "I don't think your assistance is needed, Heidi. I think it's time for you to go home." Great, I'm already making an enemy. I haven't even been here for twenty-four hours. Heidi didn't say anything, but I have a feeling this wasn't the end of it. We got to my door, and I awkwardly reached into my pocket to get the key. My skirt had ridded up, making it extremely difficult to reach. I honestly could have gotten myself to my room. But now that the Alpha was involved, I knew he would insist on Liam helping me still. I leaned down, placing the key into the hole and turning the nob. Liam used his foot to kick the door open. Once inside, he gently placed me on my bed. He completely shocked me by leaning down in front of me and unzipping both my boots and sliding them off one by one. His hands were soft on my skin, and I noticed he was taking his time. My right ankle was swollen and slightly purple. He scooted me up to the head of the bed and placed a pillow under my ankle. It was weird to have someone take care of me. Especially another male besides Jordan. His mom came in with a bag full of ice and a wash cloth. "Here you go, dear. Hopefully, this helps. If it's still swollen in the morning, I would like for you to go see the pack doctor. You should be fine in a few hours, hopefully. " "Thank you, Luna." I went to reach for the ice bag when Liam snatched it first and carefully placed it on my ankle. "Oh no, sweetheart, call me Rachel. Save the formalities for when we are around pack members." "Okay." She smiled at her son. "Well, I think Liams got things covered here. If you need anything dear, just let me know. Peter and my room is the last door on the left." "Thank you, Luna, I mean Rachel." I was starting to feel really uncomfortable the way he was still staring at me. "I'll be fine if you want to head out." "Oh, okay. Do you want me to turn the TV on for you?" "Actually, yeah, that would be great." He handed me the remote and wrote down all the passwords for everything. He even went to the lengths to put water on the bedside table. I couldn't believe how ridiculously kind and welcoming most of the people were at this pact. It was refreshing. It also made me feel extremely guilty for lying. "Well, night, Rosie. My room is next to yours if you need anything." Why did my name sound so good coming from him. "Night, Liam. Thank you for helping me." He gave me a wave and headed out. Why are the men here so fricken nice? I may never want to leave.
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