Chapter 9

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Rosie's POV Mia came down a few minutes after Liam took off. She had a pop tart in one hand and a water bottle in the other. "You ready for the tour." She really cracked me up. "Did you want to sit down to eat?" "Nah, I'm good. Do you want to finish your cup of coffee?" Dean snorted. "I think she's good. She had like five." Her eyes bulged out. "Seriously? How are you not bouncy of the walls?" "I didn't sleep much last night. I needed the extra boost." She looked at me like i was nuts. Something i have to admit i didn't care for. Not after what i went through at my old pack. "I feel like that would be an extra boost three cups ago." Noah started nodding in agreement. "You would think so. But apparently not for Rosie." I rolled my eyes at them. "You ready?" Mia led us out of the dining hall. She showed me every inch of this pack house. Probably even areas that weren't completely necessary. I think my favorite thing was the indoor swimming pool and hot tubs. My pack had hot tubs, but the swimming pool was new for me. I haven't been swimming since I was little. The game room they had was probably every boys dream come true and possibly a few grown men. It had ping pong, a pool table, an air hockey table, darts, and multiple gaming systems. After a few hours of walking around and being stared at, I was behind famished. Mia was still as perky as ever. "Did you want to grab lunch? We could go over what you're going to wear on your first day at school tomorrow." "Lunch sounds perfect. I need another cup of coffee, and honestly, I haven't even thought about what I'm going to wear. I'll probably just throw on a t-shirt and some jeans." She looked at me the way you would scold a child. "Don't you want to give off a great first impression?" "I thought I did that already?" She laughed. "You did look great in that skirt. But we're going to school with two other packs on top of ours. Who knows, your mate could be part of one of those. I know I'm hoping so." "Mia, I'm really not too concerned about the whole mate thing just yet." We sat down at a more secluded table. She didn't hold back. "Is it because of that guy?" "His name is Jordan... I would be lying if part of me didn't hope that he was at one point. I just..." She grabbed onto my hand. "You can talk to me, Rosie. Everything will stay between us. How about I tell you one of my secrets." I nodded encouragingly. "There's a beta we go to school with. His name is Theo Vanderkamp, and i think I love him." I couldn't help the smile that went across my face. "Well, how does he feel about you?" She frowned. "He doesn't even know I exist. We have a few classes together, but every time I try to talk to him, his answers are short. Sometimes, I feel like he avoids me at all costs. He has girls wrapped around his arms constantly, but here lately, it's just one girl named Whitney, and she's awful. Im sure you will find out tomorrow." "Oh, Mia guys can be such Jackasses sometimes. Is she any worse than Heidi?" She looked even sadder. "Rosie, I'm not exactly popular. I'm pretty shy and keep to myself most of the time. Like I said before, I have a really hard time making friends. Most of the ranked members are males at every pack we go to school with. I'm literally the only ranked female there is. I just feel pulled to him. Which is weird because it's too early to feel any sort of mate bond." "Wouldn't that make the ranked members want you more? Mia, you are so kind and gorgeous. Don't waste time on someone who is an arrogant ass." She backed tracked. "Wait a minute when did you meet Heidi?" "Oh, you weren't at the table this morning. After I dropped you on your floor yesterday, I ran into her and Liam in the hallway practically dry humping each other, and then I tripped and twisted my ankle. Liam ended up helping me, and she wasn't too thrilled when Alpha and Luna had him carry me to my room and asked her to go home." "Oh my gosh, that didn't happen?" "Oh, but it did." "I hate how these girls throw themselves at these guys. They really should wait for their fated mates. I'm sure when they do meet them, the other half won't be too thrilled that they screwed around." I frowned and looked awfully embarrassed. Apparently, I'm one of those girls. Mia picked up on the sudden mood change. " Oh Rosie, I'm sorry. I wasn't implying that about you. I was meaning these girls would sleep with every ranked member they could. Sometimes, even in the same week. Im not a nun. Im not against s*x. Im against how they go about sleeping with anyone with any sort of rank.... So you and Jordan?" "Yeah, me and Jordan.... He's the only one." "You guys aren't dating, though?" "No, we never put a title on it. It just kind of happened a few months after my mother died. He was staying with me, I was having lots of nightnares, and i wasn't in the best state of mind, and one night, he just kissed me, and then it happened. He said he couldn't resist me any longer. " "Wait, it happened the same night he kissed you, and he couldn't resist you like that?" "Yeah, I mean, we kissed before, but I guess the first time we really kissed, you know? Like not just a peck." "Actually, I don't. I've never kissed anyone before." "Yeah, Jordan was my first. He's my only friend. I didn't exactly want to leave my room after my mom died. Jordan didn't seem to mind. He was a little weird about me making guy friends here. I ended up upsetting him on the phone last night when i forgot to check in." Mia looked upset. Her eyebrows were scrunched together, and she literally looked like she was biting her tongue. "Huh, check in?" "Yeah, he wanted to make sure I was okay." "Right, well, I'm glad he was there for you....Rosie, I don't hope I hurt your feelings by asking you this, but from what you just told me makes it seem like he took advantage of you when you were vulnerable, did he?" I was honestly shocked by her question. My voice went up a few notches, and i got really defensive. "No, he wouldn't do that. He's not like that." "Okay, I'm sorry. I wasn't trying to assume anything. It just sounds like you were grieving when you guys hooked up, and you seem to be still grieving." I looked down at my cup of coffee. "Does grieving ever really stop?" "I guess I can't answer that one. I've never lost anyone close to me before." I cleared my throat. "Well, I better go meet Liam. I told his dad and him that he could show me the wildflower fields." Mia reached for my hand. "Rosie, wait. I can tell you're upset." "I'm okay, really. We can meet up at dinner, and you can help me with my outfit tomorrow?" "Sure, okay. I'll meet you here for dinner." I frantically left the dining hall. I was completely baffled that she would say that about Jordan. She doesn't even know him. He was there for me when I had no one. When I needed someone. Maybe me opening up to someone isn't the best idea. What if Mia thinks I'm crazy too? I wouldn't be able to handle that. I quickly pulled out my phone and texted Liam. I wasn't watching where I was going and ran into the back of someone. The women shrieked out. "My shoes." I instantly apologized. "I'm so sorry I didn't see you there." Of course, when they women turned around, it just had to be Heidi. "You wrecked my shoes. I spilled my iced coffee on my three hundred dollar pair of suede shoes my dad bought me from Italy." Fucking fantastic. "Well, I said I was sorry. It was an accident. " This b***h dumped the rest of her coffee over the top of my head. "Oops, it was an accident." I couldn't fight the tears, and I ran off. I passed Liam heading up the stairs. I didn't even bother to use the elevator. I heard him call after me. "Rosie, wait."
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