Chapter 6

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Rosie's POV My aunt and uncle brought me up to the third floor. I was kind of shocked that this place has an elevator. Our pack has double, maybe even triple the amount of space, and we don't have one. They opened the door to my room and handed me the key. I was stunned to see suttle floral wallpaper on one wall and cream colored paint on the others and matching light pink bedding. I gave my aunt a questioning look. For a guest room on the Alpha floor, this seemed really odd. It's definitely more like a teenagers room. She put her hands up in defense. "It wasn't me. Alpha Peter had the gammas daughter Mia decorate it for you." "This really wasn't necessary. I'm only here for a year. I'll admit it's nice to have decorated walls. It's better than the stone or brick in nearly every room at my pack." I heard a loud pitch squeal that nearly gave me a heart attack. A bubbly black haired girl came running up to me and pulled me into a tight hug. I looked at my aunt for help, and she giggled. "This is Mia Long, the gammas daughter. She's the girl responsible for your room." Mia pulled away and held onto my hand. "I hope you like it. Your aunt said you liked pink and flowers, so I just went with it." Man, this girl can talk fast. I'm kind of jealous over the amount of energy she has. " I love it. You did a great job." She clapped her hands together."I just knew you would. I figured I could help you unpack, and then we could go down to dinner together?" I repeated to myself that I was really going to try here. "That would be great, Mia, thanks." We unpacked my clothes and shoes pretty quickly. Mia even managed to organize them like her closet. "You have great clothes and a great style. I may have to borrow a few things." Part of me wanted to laugh. Most of this stuff hasn't been worn in over a year, and I'm pretty sure the super nice stuff still has tags on it. "What's mine is yours." "Awesome! I can already tell we're going to be great friends." She held up Jordan's sweatshirt. "Belong to anyone special?" I politely took the sweatshirt out of her hand. "Yeah. It belongs to my best friend." "Oh, I was thinking maybe a boyfriend. That's usually a boyfriend thing to do." Do I open up to her? She's being kind to me, and she doesn't know who I really am. The only person I really ever have opened to is Jordan. I took a deep breath. "I'm not sure what we are. There was never a label. He was there for me when my mom died and we were best friends before that." She sat down on the edge of my bed. "I'm sorry about your mom. You must really care about him to have his sweatshirt and pillow." I blushed slightly. I guess she would be able to scent him on that as well. "I do." " I'm assuming you're here because of your mom, right?" I nodded. She squeezed my hand. "Don't worry, that can stay between us. I don't really have a lot of friends here. Most girls use me for my rank or to get close to my older brother and his friends. You'll meet him at dinner. It's just nice to have someone to talk to." She has no idea how much I understand what she's saying. "Well, is what I'm wearing okay for dinner, or am I over dressed?" I won't mention I practically live in my sweat pants and jeans. "Oh yeah, you look perfect. All the girls dress super nice. Just warning you most are fake or completely nasty if they think you're a threat." "I think that's every pack. That I'm used to." She intertwined our arms together. "Come on, I'll show you down to the dining hall. I'll give you the proper tour tomorrow. At least this way you know where the food is at." We took the elevator down to the main floor. Mia started pointing things out. "The dining hall is just located to the right of the entrance down a long hallway.The omegas rooms are down to the left. Anything important is down this way. Including the ballroom, game room, and theater, I'll show you all that tomorrow. " We entered the dining hall, and i was honestly surprised. Like our pack, the omegas served us each dish. It was becoming more common to do buffet style. There were tablecloths and candles and each table and everything was done in forest green and different shades of brown. The ceilings were high, and the furtherest wall was one big window letting in the natural light. When I got done admiring the dining hall, I noticed that everyone was looking in our direction as we stepped down the stairs. "Is everyone staring at us, Mia?" "No, I'm pretty sure they're staring at you." I put my head down. "Great." "Can you blame them. Your leather skirt is killer. Sorry to tell ya, but even I checked you out. Just let them look and get it out of their system." She's right. They are obviously trying to figure out who this strange person is in their pack. They might not even be checking me out, as Mia claims. We reached the bottom of the stairs, and a black haired boy walked up to meet us at the bottom. I'm guessing by the familiar similarities that this was Mia's brother."Hey, im Dean. Mia's brother." "I kinda figured." "Right, our looks. So, are you still in high school?" "Um, yeah, I'm a senior." "I graduated last year. Are you eighteen yet?" "No, I don't turn eighteen till towards the end of summer." He seemed way too excited about that. "That's great." "It is?" Mia rolled her eyes. "Dean is nineteen and hasn't found his mate yet. I think that was his awkward way of checking to see if you were old enough to find yours. I think he's hoping he might have a chance with you or that you might be his mate." Dean's face turns three shades of red. "Thanks for that, Mia." I had to cover my mouth with my hand to cover up the smile I had on my face. I have a feeling this place is going to get very interesting. Alpha Peter made his way towards me. "There you are, Rosie. I was wondering when you would make your way down here. I wanted to introduce you to my mate and our sons." Right. Why do I have a feeling that I'm going to be advertised around this pack. I was really kind of hoping just to kind of hide in the background. I really didn't want so much attention. "Alpha Peter, I hope you don't mind, but I haven't eaten since this morning. Would it be okay if I grabbed a bite to eat first?" "Oh, yes, dear, of course. I'm sure you're completely famished. I'll meet up with you later." Mia grabbed onto my hand. "Come on, the ranked members usually eat over here." Mia sat down to my right, and Dean sat on the other side of me. There were two other boys at our table, and Mia introduced them. "These are our deltas boys James and Noah. Noah is a senior like us, and James graduated with my brother." They both raised their hands to wave at me. "It's nice to meet you both." I could tell James and Dean were linking each other, and to be honest, I'm pretty sure it was about me. It was kind of making me uncomfortable. James cleared his throat. "So you must come from Alpha blood if your Tinleys niece." "Yes, I am." Gosh, I hope these people don't ask too many questions. Maybe lying wasn't the best idea. James and Dean went back to linking again. Now I know it was definitely about me. Mia reached around the back of me and slapped her bother on the back of the head. "Damn it, Mia, what?" "It's completely obvious that the two of you are linking about Rosie. It's making her uncomfortable. " James and Dean both look surprised. Dean put his hand on my arm. "Sorry, Rosie, we didn't mean anything by it. We just don't have any other ranked members here who are females. Mia is the only one. You're just a nice surprise. " I'm so glad they don't know I'm the future Luna of the most powerful pack in the States. They are already acting funny, knowing I have Alpha blood in me. "It's okay." Truth is, I was feeling very overwhelmed. I haven't socialized this much in a long time. I just felt very awkward. I think I'm just awkward. I took a deep breath, and I tucked a strand of hair behind my ear. I can do this. I need to try. "So what's for dinner tonight?' Noah rubbed his fingers together excitedly. "Barbaque ribs, cheese potatoes, Cole slaw, and dinner roles." "So apparently, the cook wanted me to embarrass myself on the first day. That stuff is so messy. " Everyone at the table laughed . James waved a little square white packet in the air. "We have wipes, don't worry, and Noah can lend you his bib if you want." Noah looked annoyed and slightly pouted from his brother, embarrassing him. "I don't have a bib jackass." Now I was laughing. It was a real genuine laugh, and it felt good. Maybe this could be easier than I thought.
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