Chapter 5

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Rosie's POV The drive to my aunts pack was long. The whole car ride, I was just in my own head. I just kept over thinking what my dad, Beta Kurt, and Jordan all said to me. As angry as I am at my dad right now, he's right. I don't know who I am without Jordan. I just don't know who I am at all anymore. My wolf, willow, barely speaks to me. I hardly shift. At least, that's what everyone thinks. Truth is, I've only shifted once. In a way, I blame her for not coming to me when she was supposed to. If I had her on my sixteenth birthday, my mother might still be alive. I can't keep going on like this. At some point, I need to deal with all of this straight on. I'll know when I'm ready, right? We finally made it the packs entrance. A gaurd gave my dad a bow and opened the gates for us. At least they were expecting us. It took about fifteen minutes from the entrance to get to the pack house. It was strange that I've never once visited. Their pack house was very ordinary. Not exactly what i was expecting, and was nothing like ours. To a human, ours would resemble a castle. Don't get me wrong, this is nice. I guess there's is more like a large farmhouse. The house was white and had a wrap around the porch with countless amount of chairs and porch swings. Our whole packhouse is made out of stone and has a rustic look. I saw my aunt waiting outside on one of the swings. She jumped excitingly. I went to grab the door handle when my dad reached to put his hand on my knee. "Sweet heart, I can't get out of this car. You didn't want anyone to know who's daughter you are, and that's fine. If I step out, everyone will know." Crap, I did ask him to do that. "Your aunt has already told everyone that her niece is visiting her, and we set it up so that you're using your mother's maiden name. The only people that know are the ranked members and your aunt and uncle, okay?" "So I'm Rosie Sinclair here?" "Yes, Rosie Sinclair. Be good to your aunt, please. She doesn't have any other family left besides you and her brother, and he's off the grid or ignoring her again." Rosie Sinclair sounds way better than Rosie Timberland. I actually had a rush of excitement run through me for the first trime since my dad told me i would be staying here. "I will, Daddy. " I kissed him on the cheek and stepped out of our SUV. It surprisingly wasn't as warm as i thought it would be. My aunt and uncle rushed towards me. My aunt Tinley wrapped me up in her arms. "Awe, sweetie, I've missed you, and you look just like your mother did when we were kids." "I've missed you too." "Let's grab your luggage. I told the Alpha to keep everyone inside while we grabbed your stuff so there wouldn't be any chances of anyone seeing your dad." We opened the trunk. Aunt Tinley waved at my dad. "It's good to see you, Sam." "You to Tin. The gaurd knows to keep quiet, right? " "That was our Delta John. We didn't want to take any chances. He will see you out, too." "Thank you, Tin. For everything. " "We're family. You can always count on me, Sam. You just needed to ask." It was weird for someone to call my dad by his first name with no formalities. But they grew up together. Their parents were best friends growing up. Well, I guess technically, my grandparents, but I never met them. They were attacked, traveling to another pack for the mating ball. Every Alpha attends, bringing along a few pack members who haven't found their mates. My uncle shut the truck, and we all stood waving at my dad. My aunt Tinley wrapped her arm me. "Everything will be fine. Luckily, no one knows much about my old pack here. They know I have siblings and that my parents are dead. But that's as much as they know." "What if they ask about what pack I'm from?" "You can say the truth, or you can use mine and your moms old pack name. Whatever you prefer." "I'll just use yours and mom's. I don't want to take any chances." "Okay, I'll leave your uncle Lex a message. That is if he ever decides to get back with me." Uncle Lex took over as Alpha at my mom's and Tinleys old pack after their parents died. I gave a small nod, not knowing what to say. "So it's Rosie Sinclair from the Red River Pack?" I nodded. My Uncle Mitch looked worried. "Rosie, the Red River Pack may not be as powerful as yours. But there is still a powerful pack. Your name will still mean something. Whether you hide who you are or not. Both of your parents came from the best of the best packs. This pack will still be intimidated by you. We're not small, but we're not exactly big either. You know? You can't exactly hide your alpha aura either. People may ask about your parents, about your mom dying. The truth will get out eventually." "I understand, Uncle Mitch. It's not the pack name that is the issue, and I plan on saying the truth when I'm ready. It's me. I don't want anyone to know..." He finished my sentence for me. "That you had a melt down." My aunt Tinley smacked his arm. "It's not a meltdown. It's a, a, well..." This time, I finished her sentence. " A meltdown? A psychotic break?" She put her head down and stared at her feet, looking sad. I could tell she was unsure if she should say what she was thinking. "No, a broken heart. Everything you felt and did was because of a broken heart." All three of us stood outside quietly for a moment when my uncle Mitch cleared his throat. "Let's get you inside, Rosie, and show you to your room. You're staying on the Alphas floor in their guest room. We didn't have any more rooms available on our floor." I was more nervous now. Aunt Tinley looped her arm into mine. "Don't worry, you look great. A total babe. You're going to be breaking hearts rose. You're something else." I felt a blush creeping up on my cheeks. My uncle looked irratated. "Yeah, I know. I'm starting to get worried. I promised your dad I would treat you like my daughter. Keeping these boys away has just become extremely difficult. Your aunt is right. You've turned into a beautiful woman." "I'm pretty sure she said babe." Aunt Tinley and I laughed. Uncle Mitch, on the other hand, didn't find it funny. "Yeah, I'm not saying that." We dragged my luggage up to the front door, and my aunt Tinley opened it. I had no words to describe how nervous I was over what waited for me behind it. Luckily for me, it was just an older man with blonish hair that was starting to turn gray standing behind it. I'm assuming by the aura he gave off, he was the Alpha here. He greeted me with a big smile. The problem is that I wasn't sure if it was fake. I was well aware that my dad promised him a treaty for taking me in. "Rosie, it's so good to finally meet you. You are truly beautiful. Just like your dad described you." I started to blush. "Thank you, Alpha Peter. You're too kind." "I can't wait for you to meet my son and his friends after you get settled. The boys are going to be fighting over who gets to ask you out on a date first." I looked over at my aunt and uncle, and my uncle looked like he was on the verge of flipping out. "Alpha, I already told you I made a promise to her father." I decided I should probably try to save him. "It's okay, Uncle Mitch. I mean, no disrespect, Alpha, but I have no intention of dating while I'm here. I want to focus on school, make some friends, and learn from my aunt. Plus, I'm really excited to learn about your pack." He seemed beyond thrilled with my last comment. "I understand, deary, but my boy can be quite the charmer. We have a beautiful field of wild flowers. I'll have him show you around them this week." I think I'm starting to figure out Alpha Peter's real reason for letting me stay. He wants his son to be mated to me, and I'm guessing by how he's acting he's probably not going to stop pushing us together. My aunt gave me an apologetic look. I turned my attention back to Alpha Peter. I told my dad I was going to try, so I guess that's what I'll do. He could end up being a really great friend. "That sounds really nice, Alpha Peter, Thank you."
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