Chapter 4

1354 Words
Rosie's POV I lay in my bed next to the most stunning naked man there is. I have to leave in one hour and I don't have the heart to wake him. Not yet anyway. Jordan had one arm raised under his head. The sheet barely covered over his manhood, and his abs were on full display just how I liked. This is what I wanted to picture when I thought of him. He looked so peaceful, so perfect, and so mine. I guess technically not mine. But do I want him to be? I shook those feelings away as fast as they came. I slowly pried myself from my bed. It took an incredible amount of force to leave a man looking like that alone, naked and in my bed. I grabbed the clothes I left out for today off the chair, and i tiptoed my way towards the bathroom, so I could wash away last night's festivities. I knew I reeked of s*x and I wasn't about to show up at my aunts pack smelling. I'm pretty sure that would defeat the purpose of me looking nice for the first impression that my dad is insisting on. I turned the shower warm enough to the point that it was almost burning my skin. But boy, oh boy, did it feel amazing against my sore tender muscles. I knew I didn't have long, so I made it quick. I wrapped a big warm fluffy towel around my body and started packing up my shower stuff into a large case. I blowed dried my hair, putting it in long, thick waves. It's probably the nicest my hair has looked in a while. I took the time to properly do my make-up. Eyeliner, mascara, eyeshadow, the works. Hopefully, if my dad sees I put in the effort, he won't give me as much hell on the way down there. I paired a leather brown skirt that rested a few inches above my knee with a tight fitted black blouse with knee-high black boots. I looked myself over in the mirror, and I have to admit I looked damn good. I peaked out to see Jordan still sleeping soundly. I knew I needed to wake him soon if I wanted a proper goodbye. I finished packing up my bathroom supplies and grabbed my reading glasses and phone to put in my purse. I looked around. Well, I guess this is it. I sat down on the edge of the bed and rubbed my fingers through his hair. I leaned down so I could whisper in his ear. "I only have a few minutes before I have to go, Jordan." He shot up, nearly knocking his head with mine. "Why didn't you wake me?" He rubbed his eyes, trying to adjust to the light. He looked me once over. His eyes were practically bulging out of his head. "Rose, you look so good. So, so good. Do you have to go looking like this. You look good enough to eat." He rubbed his head into my neck, inhaling my scent. "Don't you dare get any ideas. You heard my dad. He asked me to look nice for my aunt." "Well, you out did yourself. You are seriously the most beautiful woman in the world. You don't need all that make-up." "I know. Trust me, I don't plan on getting all dolled up like this while I'm there." "Rosie, if it makes you feel good, then do it. Do whatever it takes so you can see yourself the way I do." Okay, that was seriously so sweet. I pressed my perfect lipstick lips against his. The kissing was getting intense when I heard a knock at my door. "s**t, my dad." Jordan quickly tossed on some sweat pants and a t-shirt, and I fixed my lipstick in the mirror. I rushed towards the door frantically and opened it. "I'm ready, I'm ready." He looked at me, completely shocked. " Rosie, you look stunning, sweetheart. I honestly thought you either wouldn't be ready or I would have to bribe you out of sweatpants." "Well, you didn't. I didn't want to embarrass Aunt Tinley." My dad stepped in to see Jordan standing awkwardly in the middle of the room. My dad gave him a questioning look. "Are you just up here saying goodbye to Rose?" "Yeah... I wanted to say goodbye." "I'm sure. That's a nice shade of lipstick, Jordan. Didn't realize you owned any." Oh my goddess. I didn't think to check Jordan over for lipstick smudges. I had to cover my mouth from laughing when i saw Jordan's shocked expression. It was seriously priceless. Three omegas came in and grabbed my luggage for me. I was never more grateful in my life for the interruption. We all headed down towards the car. This was it. I am leaving the only place I've ever lived. I've never even stayed the night anywhere outside of this pack. We got down to our SUV, and I felt the tears forming in my eyes. Jordan turned me towards him. " You can do this, Rosie. It's less than a year. You won't be gone long, and you can come back to me, I mean here." I know my dad heard every word he said. I just didn't care. He hugged me tightly, and i inhaled his scent, trying to soak up as much of it as I could. He kissed my forehead and the side of my head. "I'll miss you. Text me when you get settled." "I will." I went to walk away, and he pulled me into another tight hug. "My pillow is in the larger suitcase. " I smiled up at his lipstick smudged lips. "Thank you." "Just don't be mad if your blanket is missing from your bed when you get back." The tears were flowing freely now. "I wouldn't have it any other way." My dad cleared his throat. "Rosie, we really have to go." Jordan gave me a light peck on the lips. "See you soon." "See you soon." I climbed in the back of my dad's SUV, and we were off. Jordan stayed outside, and I watched him get smaller and smaller as we drove further and further away. It felt like my heart was shattering all over again. I stared out my window, lost in my own thoughts. My dad's voice was calm and low. "You and Jordan. I'm not as oblivious as you think I am. Do you love him?" His question startled me. "I don't know. There was nothing official between us." I know as my father he probably didn't want to hear as much, but he is the one that asked. "Rosie, you and Jordan have been trapped in your room since your mother died. That's actually the main reason I'm sending you to live with your aunt." "Why?" "Because you need to find yourself. You need to figure out who you are outside of Jordan. Your feelings may change when you learn to move on." "Dad, Jordan understands me, and he was there for me when I needed someone." "I know that, and I owe him so much. He was there for you when I couldn't be. When I was grieving myself. But somewhere down the road, he became your everything and your seventeen sweetie, and you have no idea if he's your fated mate. He can't be your everything right now. " I was actually kind of pissed. Part of me knew he was right. i just didn't expect to feel so offended and defensive by him saying it. "What if Jordan and I want to be together?" "We can talk about it when you're both eighteen." I knew there was no point in arguing. When I returned home, it would be close to my eighteenth birthday. I can just worry about it then. "Rosie, I know you're upset with me, but please try to make the most out of this. Make some friends and try new things. It will be good for you. "I'll try." "Thank you, sweetie."
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